< 箴言 27 >
Boast not thy selfe of to morowe: for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
2 只應讓人讚美你,你不應開口自誇;讚你的該是他人,不該是你的唇舌。
Let another man prayse thee, and not thine owne mouth: a stranger, and not thine owne lips.
A stone is heauie, and the sand weightie: but a fooles wrath is heauier then them both.
4 憤怒固然殘酷,暴怒更是猛烈;可是面對妒恨,有誰能夠抵受﹖
Anger is cruell, and wrath is raging: but who can stand before enuie?
Open rebuke is better then secret loue.
The wounds of a louer are faithful, and the kisses of an enemie are pleasant.
7 人若吃飽了,蜂蜜也厭惡;若肚子饑餓,苦物也甘甜。
The person that is full, despiseth an hony combe: but vnto the hungry soule euery bitter thing is sweete.
As a bird that wandreth from her nest, so is a man that wandreth from his owne place.
9 香油和香料,能暢快人心;朋友的勸勉,能撫慰人靈。
As oyntment and perfume reioyce the heart, so doeth the sweetenes of a mans friend by hearty counsell.
10 你的知心朋友,你父親的至交,你切不可離棄;在你憂患的時日,不要進兄弟的家。靠近的鄰舍,勝於遠地的兄弟。
Thine owne friend and thy fathers friend forsake thou not: neither enter into thy brothers house in the day of thy calamitie: for better is a neighbour that is neere, then a brother farre off.
11 我兒,作個智慧人,使我心高興,好叫我回答笑罵我的人。
My sonne, be wise, and reioyce mine heart, that I may answere him that reprocheth me.
12 精明人遇見災禍,即行隱避;無知者反向前走,自招損害。
A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished.
13 誰為外方人作保,拿出他的衣服;誰為異族人作保,以他本人作質。
Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and a pledge of him for the stranger.
He that prayseth his friend with a loude voyce, rising earely in the morning, it shall be counted to him as a curse.
15 豪雨的時日,滴漏不已:好吵的女人,也是如此;
A continual dropping in the day of raine, and a contentious woman are alike.
16 誰願意攔阻她,無異攔阻狂風,又好似右手抓油。
He that hideth her, hideth the winde, and she is as ye oyle in his right hand, that vttereth it selfe.
Yron sharpeneth yron, so doeth man sharpen the face of his friend.
18 看守無花果樹的,必食其果;護守自己主人的,必受器重。
He that keepeth the fig tree, shall eate the fruite thereof: so he that waiteth vpon his master, shall come to honour.
As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.
20 陰府和冥域,總填不滿;世人的眼睛,從不滿足。 (Sheol )
The graue and destruction can neuer be full, so the eyes of man can neuer be satisfied. (Sheol )
As is the fining pot for siluer and the fornace for golde, so is euery man according to his dignitie.
22 你盡可在臼中將愚人舂碎,但他的昏愚卻永不能剷除。
Though thou shouldest bray a foole in a morter among wheate brayed with a pestell, yet will not his foolishnes depart from him.
23 對你羊群的情況,應加注意;對你的家畜,應常留心照料;
Be diligent to know ye state of thy flocke, and take heede to the heardes.
For riches remaine not alway, nor the crowne from generation to generation.
25 割去了乾草,青草又叢生;山間的野草,也收集起來;
The hey discouereth it selfe, and the grasse appeareth, and the herbes of the mountaines are gathered.
The lambes are for thy clothing, and the goates are the price of the fielde.
And let the milke of the goates be sufficient for thy foode, for the foode of thy familie, and for the sustenance of thy maydes.