< 箴言 22 >
A name is chosen rather than much wealth, Than silver and than gold—good grace.
Rich and poor have met together, YHWH [is] the Maker of them all.
3 精明人遇見災禍,即行隱避;無知者反向前走,自招損害。
The prudent has seen the evil, and is hidden, And the simple have passed on, and are punished.
4 謙卑的賞報,是敬畏上主,是享有財富、尊榮和生命。
The end of humility [is] the fear of YHWH, riches, and honor, and life.
5 邪惡者的路上,滿佈荊棘羅網;潔身自愛的人,必能遠而避之。
Thorns [and] snares [are] in the way of the perverse, Whoever is keeping his soul is far from them.
Give instruction to a youth about his way, Even when he is old he does not turn from it.
The rich rules over the poor, And a servant [is] the borrower to the lender.
8 播種邪惡的,必收穫災禍;他辛苦工作,必全屬徒然。
Whoever is sowing perverseness reaps sorrow, And the rod of his anger wears out.
9 目光慈祥的,必蒙受祝福,因他將食糧,施捨給狂人。
The good of eye—he is blessed, For he has given of his bread to the poor.
10 趕走了狂人,就除了爭執;爭訟與侮辱,亦相繼止息。
Cast out a scorner—and contention goes out, And strife and shame cease.
11 純潔的心靈,是上主所愛;優雅的唇舌,是君王所悅。
Whoever is loving cleanness of heart, His lips [are] grace, A king [is] his friend.
12 上主的眼目,常衛護知識;敗類的言論,必加以毀滅。
The eyes of YHWH have kept knowledge, And He overthrows the words of the treacherous.
13 只有懶人說:「外面有獅子,在街市之中,我會被吞噬。」
The slothful has said, “A lion [is] outside, I am slain in the midst of the broad places.”
14 淫婦們的口,實是個深坑;上主惱怒的,必墮入其中。
The mouth of strange women [is] a deep pit, The abhorred of YHWH falls there.
Folly is bound up in the heart of a youth, The rod of discipline puts it far from him.
16 欺壓窮人,是使他致富;饋贈富者,是使他貧窮。
He [who] is oppressing the poor to multiply his [riches], Is giving to the rich—only to want.
17 你應當傾聽智者的訓言,應專心致意領會我的知識。
Incline your ear, and hear words of the wise, And set your heart to my knowledge,
For they are pleasant when you keep them in your heart, They are prepared together for your lips.
19 為使你的信賴全托於上主,我今日特將道路指示給你。
That your trust may be in YHWH, I caused you to know today, even you.
Have I not written to you three times With counsels and knowledge?
To cause you to know the certainty of sayings of truth, To return sayings of truth to those sending you.
22 你不可因為人窮而剝削窮人,亦不可在城門口欺壓弱小者;
Do not rob the poor because he [is] poor, And do not bruise the afflicted in the gate.
23 因為他們的案件,上主必予以辯護;凡剝奪他們的人,上主必討其生命。
For YHWH pleads their cause, And has spoiled the soul of their spoilers.
24 易怒的人,不可與他交結,暴躁的人,不要與他往來,
Do not show yourself friendly with an angry man, And do not go in with a man of fury,
Lest you learn his paths, And have received a snare to your soul.
Do not be among those striking hands, Among sureties [for] burdens.
27 免得你沒有什麼償還時,連你的床榻也被人奪走。
If you have nothing to pay, Why does he take your bed from under you?
Do not remove a border of ancient times, That your fathers have made.
29 你曾見過辦事能幹的人嗎﹖他必侍立在君王面前,決不侍立在庸人面前。
Have you seen a man speedy in his business? He stations himself before kings, He does not station himself before obscure men!