< 民數記 3 >
1 上主在西乃山上與梅瑟交談的時候,亞郎和梅瑟的後裔如下:
This is the account concerning Aaron and Moses when the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai.
2 亞郎兒子的名字是:長子納達布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝爾和依塔瑪爾:
The names of the sons of Aaron were: Nadab (firstborn), Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
3 這是亞郎兒子的名字,他們都是受傅的司祭,受祝聖盡司祭之職。
These were the names of Aaron's sons who were anointed and ordained to serve as priests.
4 納達布和阿彼胡在西乃曠野於上主面前獻了凡火,立即死於上主面前,沒有留下兒子;只有厄肋阿匝爾和依塔瑪爾,在他們父親亞郎面前執行司祭的職務。
Nadab and Abihu died in the Lord's presence when they offered forbidden fire before the Lord in the Sinai desert. Since they didn't have any sons, Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests while their father Aaron was alive.
6 叫肋未支派前來,站在亞郎司祭面前,協助他服務。
“Gather the tribe of Levi together and present them to Aaron the priest to help him with the ministry.
7 他們應代亞郎和全會眾,在會眾前盡應盡的義務,在會幕內服役,
They are to carry out duties on his behalf and for all the Israelites at the Tent of Meeting, looking after the service of the Tabernacle.
8 管理會幕內的一切器具,代以色列子民盡應盡之職,在會幕內服役。
They are responsible for caring for all the furniture of the Tent of Meeting, serving the Israelites through what they do in the Tabernacle.
9 你應將肋未人全交給亞郎和他的兒子,代以色列子民作亞郎的侍役;
The Levites are to work exclusively for Aaron and his sons of because this is their assignment among the Israelites.
10 你要委任亞郎和他的兒子執行司祭的職務;俗人擅自走近,應處死刑。」
You are to appoint Aaron and his sons to have the responsibility of the priesthood. Anyone else who tries to act as a priest must be executed.”
12 看,我由以色列子民中揀選了肋未人,以代替以色列子民中一切頭胎的長子,所以肋未人應歸於我,
“I've taken the Levites from the Israelites in place of every one of their firstborn. The Levites belong to me
13 因為凡首生的,都是我的;自我在埃及國擊殺了一切首生之日起,凡以色列首生的,無論是人或是獸,都應祝聖歸我,屬於我:我是上主。」
because all the firstborn are mine. When I killed every firstborn in Egypt I set apart as holy to me all the firstborn of Israel, human and animal. They are mine. I am the Lord.”
The Lord spoke to Moses in the Sinai desert. He told him,
15 你應依照肋未人的宗族和家系,統計肋未的子孫,由一月以上,所有的男性都應登記。」
“Register the Levites by their father's line and family. Count every male aged one month or older.”
So Moses registered them following the Lord's instructions, just as he had been told.
These were the names of Levi's sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
These were the names of the Gershon's sons by family: Libni and Shimei.
19 按族系,刻哈特的兒子是阿默蘭和依茲哈爾,赫貝龍和烏齊耳。
Kohath's sons by family were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
20 按族系,默辣黎的兒子是瑪赫虜和慕史:這些人按他們的家族都屬肋未族系。
Merari's sons by family were Mahli and Mushi. These were the families of the Levites, according to their father's line.
21 里貝尼族和史米族出自革爾雄:這是革爾雄人的家族。
The family of Libni and the family of Shimei came from Gershon. These were the families of Gershon.
The total of all males aged one month or older was 7,500.
The camp of families of Gerson was to the west, behind the Tabernacle.
The leader of the Gershon families was Eliasaph, son of Lael.
25 革爾雄的子孫在會幕內的職務,是照管帳幕、幕蓬頂和會幕內的門簾,
Their assigned responsibility for the Tent of Meeting was to take care of the Tabernacle and tent, its covering, the curtain at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting,
26 並庭院的帷幔,圍繞帳幕與祭壇的庭院的門簾,以及庭院應用的一切繩索。
the courtyard curtains, the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard surrounding the Tabernacle and altar, the ropes, and everything connected with their use.
27 阿默蘭族、依茲哈爾族、赫貝龍族和烏齊耳族出自刻哈特:這是刻哈特人的家族。
The families of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel came from Kohath. These were the families of Kohath.
28 凡由一月以上登記的男性,共計八千六百;他們管理聖所。
The total of all males aged one month or older was 8,600. Their assigned responsibility was to take care of the sanctuary.
The camp of families of Kohath was on the south side of the Tabernacle.
30 刻哈特族的家族領袖,是烏齊耳的兒子厄里匝番。
The leader of the Kohath families was Elizaphan son of Uzziel.
31 他們的職務是管理約櫃、桌子、燈台、兩祭壇、聖所內應用的一切聖器、帷幔和為帷幔應盡的各種職務。
Their assigned responsibility was to care for the Ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars, the articles of the sanctuary used with them, the veil, and everything connected with these items.
32 亞郎大司祭的兒子厄肋阿匝爾是肋未人的最高領袖,監督在聖所服務的人。
The chief of the leaders of the Levites was Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest. He was in charge of those responsible for serving in the sanctuary.
33 瑪赫里族和慕史族出自默辣黎:這是默辣黎人的家族。
The family of Mahli and the family of Mushi came from Merari. These were the families of Merari.
The total of all males aged one month or older was 6,200.
35 默辣黎族的家族領袖,是阿彼海耳的兒子族黎耳。他們在會幕北邊紮營。
The leader of the Merari families was Zuriel, son of Abihail. Their camp was on the north side of the Tabernacle.
36 默辣黎的兒子的職務,是照管會幕的木板、橫木、柱子、卯座,一切用具,並為會幕應盡的各種職務,
Their assigned responsibility was to take care of the Tabernacle's frames, crossbars, posts, stands, all its equipment, and everything connected with their use,
as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their stands, tent pegs, and ropes.
38 在會幕前面東方,即在會幕前朝日出的一面紮營的,是梅瑟和亞郎其他的兒子;他們代替以色列民服務,管理聖所;俗人擅自走近,應處死刑。
The camp of Moses, Aaron, and Aaron's sons was to the east of the Tabernacle, in the direction of the sunrise, in front of the Tent of Meeting. They were responsible for the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Anyone else who tried to act as a priest was to be executed.
39 梅瑟和亞郎照上主的命令,統計了所有的肋未人,按家族凡一月以上的男性都統計了,共計二萬二千人。
The sum total of Levites registered by Moses and Aaron as the Lord ordered was 22,000. This included all males aged one month or older.
40 此後,上主又對梅瑟說:「以色列子民,凡一月以上首生的男性都要統計,登記他們的姓名;
The Lord told Moses, “Conduct a census of all the firstborn Israelite males aged one month or older, and register their names.
41 應將肋未人獻於我,我是上主,以代替以色列子民中所有的長子;又將肋未人的牲畜獻於我,以代替以色列子民中一切頭胎的牲畜。」
Assign the Levites to me. I am the Lord. They are in place of all of the Israelites' firstborn children. The livestock of the Levites are in place of all the Israelites' firstborn livestock.”
42 梅瑟便照上主所吩咐的,統計了以色列子民中所有的長子,
Moses conducted a census of all the firstborn of the Israelites, as the Lord had instructed him.
43 凡一月以上的頭胎男兒,依名統計了,共計二萬二千二百七十三人。
The sum total of the firstborn males a month old or more, registered by name, was 22,273.
The Lord spoke to Moses and told him,
45 你要以肋未人替代以色列子民中所有的長子,以肋未人的牲畜替代他們的頭胎牲畜;肋未人應屬於我:我是上主。
“You are to take the Levites in place of all the firstborn children of Israel, and the livestock of the Levites in place of their livestock, because the Levites belong to me. I am the Lord.
46 至於那超過肋未人數目,而應贖回的二百七十三個以色列子民的長子,
In order to buy back the 273 firstborn Israelites who are more than the number of Levites,
47 為每一個,應照聖所的「協刻耳,」徵收五個「協刻耳,」──一「協刻耳,」合二十「革辣;」──
collect five shekels for each of them, (using the sanctuary shekel standard of twenty gerahs).
48 將這錢交給亞郎和他的兒子,作為超額人數的贖價。」
He handed the money over to Aaron and his sons as the redemption price for the extra Israelites.”
49 梅瑟就為那超過肋未人數而應贖回的人,徵收了贖金。
Moses collected the redemption money for those extra Israelites that were more than the number redeemed by the Levites.
50 由以色列民的長子所徵收的銀子,依聖所的「協刻耳,」共計一千三百六十五「協刻耳。」
He collected the money given on behalf of the Israelites' firstborn children. It came to 1,365 shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
51 梅瑟依照上主的命令,將這贖金交給了亞郎和他的兒子,全照上主吩咐梅瑟的。
Moses gave this redemption money to Aaron and his sons as the Lord had told him to, following the Lord's instructions.