< 民數記 21 >
1 客納罕人的阿辣得王,其時住在乃革布,聽說以色列人沿阿塔陵路前來,就與以色列人交戰,據去了一些人。
And the Canaanite, the king of Arad who dwelt in the South, heard that Israel had entered by the way of Atharim, —so he made war with Israel, and took some of them captive.
2 以色列人於是向上主許願說:「你若將這人民交在我手內,我必將他們的城毀滅」。
Then Israel vowed vow unto Yahweh, and said, —If thou wilt, surely deliver up, this people into my hand, then will I utterly destroy their cities.
3 上主遂聽了以色列人的請求,將客納罕人交在他們手裏,以色列人就毀滅了他們和他們的城;人遂給那地方起名叫曷爾瑪。
And Yahweh hearkened unto the voice of Israel and delivered up the Canaanite into his hand, so he utterly destroyed them, and their cities, and called the name of the place Hormah [that is, "Utter Destruction"].
4 他們由曷爾山沿紅海的路起程出發,繞過地;在路上人民已不耐煩,
Then brake they up from Mount Hor, by way of the Red Sea, to go round the land of Edom, —and the soul of the people became impatient because of the way,
5 抱怨天主和梅瑟說:「你們為什麼由埃及領我們由埃及上來死在曠野﹖這裏沒有糧食,又沒有水,我們對這輕淡的食物已感厭惡」。
So then the people spake against God and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt, to die in the desert? for there is neither bread nor water, and our soul, doth loathe this contemptible bread!
6 上主遂打發火蛇到人民中來,咬死了許多以色列人。
And Yahweh sent among the people the poisonous serpents, and they bit the people, —and much people out of Israel died.
7 人民於是來到梅瑟前說:「我們犯了罪,抱怨了上主和你;請你轉求上主,給我們趕走這些蛇」。梅瑟遂為人民轉求。
Then came the people of Israel unto Moses and said—We have sinned in that we spake against Yahweh and against thee, Pray thou unto Yahweh, that he may take from us the serpent. So Moses prayed for the people.
8 上主對梅瑟說:「你做一條火蛇,懸在木桿上;凡是被蛇咬的,一瞻仰牠,必得生存」。
Then said Yahweh unto Moses—Make thee a like serpent, and put it upon standard, —and it shall come to pass, that, any one who is bitten, as soon as he seeth it, shall live.
9 梅瑟遂做了一條銅蛇,懸在木桿上;那被蛇咬了的人,一瞻仰姛蛇,就保存了生命」。
So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon the standard, —and it came to pass—that if the serpent had bitten any man, as soon as he directed his look unto the serpent of bronze, he lived.
And the sons of Israel brake up, —and encamped in Oboth.
11 由敖波特天出發,在依耶阿巴陵,即在面朝摩阿布東邊的曠野內紮了營。
And they brake up from Oboth, —and encamped in Ije-Abarim, in the desert which is over against Moab, towards the rising of the sun.
From thence, brake they up, —and encamped in the ravine of Zered.
13 由那裏又出發,在阿爾農北岸紮了營。這條河是在曠野中,由阿摩黎人的邊境流出;阿爾農就是阿摩黎的邊界,介於摩阿布和阿摩黎之間。
From thence, brake they up, and encamped on the other side of Arnon which is in the desert, that cometh forth out of the boundary of the Amorites, —for, Arnon, is the boundary of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.
14 為此在「上主的戰書」上說:「在蘇法的瓦赫布和阿爾農山谷,
For this cause is it said, in the Book of the Wars of Yahweh, — …Waheb with a hurricane, And the ravines of Arnon;
15 以及山谷的斜坡;這斜坡伸展到阿爾地區,緊靠摩阿布的邊境」。
And the bottom of the ravines, that extendeth toward the dwelling of Ar, —And adjoineth to the boundary of Moab,
16 由那裏他們到貝爾,那裏有口井,上主曾指這井對梅瑟說:「你召集人民,我要賜給他們水喝」。
And from thence, towards Beer, —the same, is the well whereof Yahweh said unto Moses, Gather together the people, that I may give them water.
17 那時以色列人就唱了這首歌說:「井,湧出水來! 你們應對它歌唱!
Then, sang Israel this song, —Spring thou up, O well! Respond ye thereunto;
18 這井是領袖挖掘的,是民間的貴人,以權杖和棍棒挖鑿的」。他們由曠野到瑪塔納,
A well!—princes digged it, Nobles of the people, delved it, With a sceptre, With their staves. And, from the desert, to Mattanah;
19 由瑪塔納到了納哈里耳;由納哈里耳了到巴摩特;
and from Mattanah, to Nahaliel; and from Nahaliel, to Bamoth;
20 由巴摩特到了摩阿布的山谷,到了俯瞰曠野的斯加高峰。
and, from Bamoth of the valley, which is in the field-country of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, —which overlooketh Jeshimon.
Then sent Israel messengers, unto Sihon king of the Amorites, saying:
22 「請讓我由你國內經過,我們決不闖入莊田或葡萄園,也不喝井中的水,只沿王道而行,直至走你的國境」。
Let me pass through thy land we will not turn aside into field or into vineyard, nor will we drink the water of a well, —by the king’s road, will we go, until we get through thy boundary.
23 息紅卻不讓以色列人經過他的國境;且調集他己所有的人民,往曠野裏去對抗以色列人;一來到雅哈茲,就與以色列人交戰。
And Sihon suffered not Israel to pass through his boundary, but Sihon gathered together all his people, and came forth to meet Israel, towards the desert, and entered Jahaz, and fought with Israel.
24 以色列人用刀劍將他擊敗,佔領了他的國境,自阿爾農河直到雅波克河,直到阿孟子民的邊界。
And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, —and took possession of his land, from Arnon unto Jabbok, unto the sons of Ammon, for strong, was the boundary of the sons of Ammon.
25 於是以色列人佔領了那裏所有的城鎮,就住在阿摩黎人所有的城鎮內,並住在赫市朋及其附屬城內。
So Israel took all these cities, —and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon and in all her villages;
26 赫市朋原是阿摩黎人王息紅的都城。息紅與前任阿摩黎王交戰,佔領了他所有的土地,直到阿爾農河。
for, as for Heshbon, the city of Sihon king of the Amorites, it was, he, having fought with the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, unto Arnon.
27 為此詩人吟詠說:「你們到修建鞏固的赫市朋去,那穩固的息紅城;
For this cause, say the poets—Enter ye Heshbon, —Built and prepared be the city of Sihon;
28 因為由赫市朋發出了火,從息紅的城冒出了火焰,吞滅了摩阿布的阿爾,消滅了阿爾農的高丘。
For, a fire, hath come forth out of Heshbon, A flame, out of the stronghold of Sihon; It hath consumed Ar of Moab, The lords of the high places of Arnon.
29 禍哉,摩阿布! 革摩市人民,你已滅亡! 他的兒子已經逃亡,女兒已被俘,交給了阿摩黎人的君王息紅。
Woe to thee, Moab, Thou art lost, O people of Chemosh, —He hath given up his sons as fugitives, And his daughters into captivity, Unto the king of the Amorites, Sihon.
30 但我們一襲擊他們,赫市朋直到狄朋,盡成廢壚;我們蹂躝一切直到諾法黑,直到默德巴」。
Then we shot them—Heshbon is destroyed, as far as Dibon, —Then laid we waste as far as Nophah, A fire reacheth unto Medeba.
So then Israel dwelt in the land of the Amorites.
32 梅瑟又派人去偵探雅則爾;他們佔領了這城及其附屬城鎮,驅逐了那裏的阿摩黎人。
And Moses sent to spy out Jazer, and they captured the villages thereof, —and dispossessed the Amorites that were there.
33 此後前進,上了往巴商的路。巴商王敖格同他全國的人民,就出來對抗他們,在厄德勒與他們交戰。
Then turned they, and went up by the way of Bashan, —and Og, king of Bashan, came forth to meet them—he and all his people, to give battle at Edrei.
34 上主對梅瑟說:「不必怕他,因為我已將他,他的人民和國土,都交在你手裏了;你要待他,如同待住在赫市朋 木阿摩黎人的君王一樣」。
Then said Yahweh unto Moses—Do not fear him, for into thy hand, have I delivered him and all his people, and his land, —Therefore shalt thou do unto him, as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, who was dwelling in Heshbon.
35 他們擊殺了他,他的兒子和他所有的人民,沒有剩下一個;遂佔據了他的國土。
So then they smote him and his sons and all his people, until there was not left him a remnant, —and took possession of his land.