< 彌迦書 3 >
1 我曾經說過:「雅各伯的首領,以色列家的官吏,請你們傾聽! 認識正義,豈不是你們分內的事﹖」
I also said: Hear, O ye heads of Jacob, And ye leaders of the house of Israel! Is it not for you to administer justice?
2 然而他們惡善好惡,從平民身上剝下他們的皮,從骨頭上剔下他們的肉。
But ye hate what is good, and love what is evil; Ye tear from men their skin, Yea, their flesh from their bones;
3 他們吞食我百姓的肉,剝去他們的皮,折斷他們的骨頭,將他們切成碎塊,如釜中的肉,如鼎中的肉。
Ye devour the flesh of my people, And strip them of their skin, And break their bones, And cut them in pieces, as for the pot, And as flesh for the caldron?
4 當他們呼求上主時,上主決不俯聽他們;反要掩面不理他們,因為他們行了窮凶極惡的事。
Then shall they cry to Jehovah, But he will not hear them; Yea, at that time will he hide his face from them, Because they have done iniquity.
5 論及迷我百姓的先知,上主這樣說:當他們的牙齒有咀嚼的東西時,他們便呼喊:「和平。」但凡不將食物送到他們口上的,他們便宣佈「戰爭。」
Thus saith Jehovah concerning the prophets, who deceive my people, Who, while they bite with their teeth, proclaim peace, But who, if one fill not their mouths, prepare war against him:
6 因此,為你們只有黑夜而沒有神視,只有黑暗而沒有神諭;太陽必為先知而沒落,白畫必為他們而變為黑暗。
Therefore shall night come upon you, so that ye shall have no vision, And darkness, so that ye shall not divine; The sun shall go down upon the prophets, And the day shall be dark to them.
7 先知必將抱愧,巫士必將蒙羞,他們都要掩住自己的鬍鬚,因為沒有天主的答覆。
Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded, So that all of them shall hide their faces, Because there is no answer from God.
8 至於我,我因上主的神而充滿 力量、正義和勇氣,向雅各伯指出她的邪惡,向以色列說明她的罪過。
But I am full of power, even of the spirit of Jehovah; Full of uprightness and courage, To declare to Jacob his transgression, And to Israel his sin.
9 雅各伯家的領袖,以色列家的官吏,請你們傾聽這事! 你們憎惡正義,曲解一切正理;
O hear this, ye heads of the house of Jacob, And ye leaders of the house of Israel, Who abhor justice, And pervert all equity,
Who build up Zion with blood, And Jerusalem with iniquity!
11 她火首領為賄賂而審判,司祭為薪俸而設教,先知為銀錢而占卜,尚依賴上主說:「上主不是在我們中間嗎﹖災禍決不會臨在我們身上! 」
Her heads judge for reward, And her priests teach for hire, And her prophets divine for money, And yet they lean upon Jehovah, saying, “Is not Jehovah in the midst of us? No evil can come upon us.”
12 因此,為了你的緣故,熙雍必被耕耘有如一塊地.耶路撒冷必成為一堆廢墟,聖殿山必成為叢林中的一個丘陵。
Therefore because of you shall Zion be ploughed as a field, And Jerusalem become heaps of stones, And the mountain of the temple like the heights of a forest.