< 馬可福音 5 >
Jesus and his disciples arrived on the [east] side of Lake [Galilee. They landed near] where the Gerasene [people lived].
2 耶穌一下船,即刻有一個附邪魔的人,從墳墓裏出來,迎著他走來,
There was a man in that region whom evil spirits controlled.
3 原來那人居住在墳墓裏,再沒有人能捆住他,就是用鎖鍊也不能,
[Because that man was violent and people were afraid of him], they had tied him up many times. [As he grew more violent], no one was able to tie him up any longer, not even with chains,
4 因為人屢次用腳鐐和鎖鍊將他捆縛,他卻將鎖鍊掙斷,將腳鐐弄碎,沒有人能制服他。
because the chains would be broken by him {he would break the chains} whenever he was bound {they bound him} with them. The iron shackles would also be smashed by him {He would also smash the iron shackles} whenever they were fastened {they fastened them} [on his feet].
He lived in one of the caves [where they bury dead people]. During both night and day he would scream among the caves and in the hills. He would also cut himself with [sharp] stones. [That day] he came out of the caves.
As Jesus [and his disciples got] out of the boat, that man saw Jesus from a distance. He immediately ran to Jesus, and then he knelt before him.
7 大聲喊說:「至高天主之子耶穌,我與你有什麼相干﹖我因著天主誓求你,不要苦害我!」
Jesus said to the evil spirit, “You evil spirit, come out of this man!” [But the demon did not leave quickly]. It shouted very loudly, “Jesus, I [know that you are the] (Son of/man who is also) God, so (we have nothing in common./what do we have in common?) [IDM, RHQ] [So leave me alone] I ask you to promise, knowing God is listening, that you will not torture me [now]!”
9 耶穌問他說:「你名叫什麼﹖」他回答說:「我名叫『軍旅』,因為我們眾多。」
[So, in order to expel the demon more easily], Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Crowd/Mob because there are many of us [evil spirits in this man].”
Then the evil spirits fervently kept begging Jesus that he not send them out of the region.
[At the same time], a large herd of pigs was (grazing/rooting for food) nearby on the hillside.
12 他們懇求耶穌說:「請打發我們到那豬群,好讓我們進入牠們內。」
So the evil spirits pleaded with Jesus, “Allow us to go to the pigs in order that we might enter them!”
13 耶穌准許了他們;邪魔就出來,進入了豬內。那群豬約有二千,便從山崖上直衝到海裏,在海裏淹死了。
He permitted them [to do that]. So the evil spirits left the man and entered the pigs. The herd, [which numbered] about 2,000, rushed down the cliff into the lake, and drowned in the lake.
14 放豬的人就逃去,到城裏和鄉間傳報開了;人都出來看是發生了什麼事。
The men who had been tending the pigs ran and reported in the town and the countryside [what had happened. Many people] went to see what had happened.
15 他們來到耶穌跟前,看見那個附魔的人,即為「軍旅」所附的人,坐在那裏,穿著衣服,神志清醒,就害怕起來。
They came to [the place where] Jesus [was]. Then they saw the man whom evil spirits had [previously] controlled. He was sitting there with clothes on and mentally sound. [As a result], they became afraid [because they thought that Jesus might destroy more of their property]. (OR, [they realized that Jesus must be very powerful].)
16 看見的人就把附魔的人所遇到的事,和那群豬的事,都給他們逑說了。
The people who had seen what had happened described what had happened to the man whom the evil spirits [previously] controlled. They also described [what had happened to] the pigs.
Then the people pleaded with Jesus to leave their region.
18 當耶穌上船時,那曾附過魔的人,懇求耶穌讓他同耶穌在一起。
As Jesus got in the boat [in order to leave], the man whom the evil spirits [previously] controlled begged Jesus, “[Please let me] go with you!”
19 耶穌沒有允許他,但對他說:「你回家,到你的親屬那裏,給他們傳逑上主為你作了何等大事,怎樣憐憫了你。」
But Jesus did not let him [go with him]. On the contrary, he said to him, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord [God] has done for you, and tell them how [God] was kind to you.”
20 那人就走了,在十城區開始傳揚耶穌為他所作的何等大事,眾人都驚奇不已。
So the man left [and traveled around] the Ten Towns [district]. He told people how much Jesus had done for him. All the people [who heard what the man said] were amazed.
21 耶穌乘船又渡回對岸,有大夥群眾聚集在他周圍;他遂留在海濱。
Jesus [and his disciples] went in a boat back around Lake [Galilee] to where they were before. When they arrived at the shore of the lake, a large crowd gathered around Jesus.
22 那時,來了一個會堂長名叫雅依洛,一見耶穌,就跪伏在他腳前,
One of the men who presided over a (synagogue/Jewish meeting place), whose name was Jairus, came there. When he saw Jesus, he prostrated himself at his feet.
23 懇切求他說:「我的小女兒快要死了,請你來,給他覆手,叫她得救回生。」
Then he pleaded with Jesus earnestly, “My twelve-year old daughter is [sick and] nearly dead! [Please] come [to my house] and place your hands on her in order that she will be healed {to heal her}, so that she will not die!”
24 耶穌就同他去了。有一大群人跟隨著他,擁擠著他。
So Jesus [and the disciples] went with him. A large crowd followed [Jesus] and [many] pushed close to him.
There was a woman [in the crowd] who had vaginal bleeding [EUP] [every day] for twelve years.
26 她在許多醫生手裏,受了許多痛苦,花盡了自己所有的一切,不但沒有見效,反而病勢更加重了。
She had suffered much while many doctors [treated her]. But although she had spent all [her money] to pay the doctors, she had not been helped {they had not helped her}. Instead, she had become worse [EUP].
27 她聽了有關耶穌的傳說,便來到人群中,從後邊摸了耶穌的衣裳,
After she heard that Jesus [healed people], she came [to where he was and pushed] in the crowd [close] behind Jesus.
28 因為她心裏想:「我只要一摸他的衣裳,必然會好的。」
She did that because she was thinking, “If I [touch him or] even if I touch his clothes, I will be healed {his power will heal me}.” So she touched Jesus’ clothes.
29 她的血源立刻涸竭了,並且覺得身上的疾病也好了。
At once her bleeding stopped. At the same time, she sensed that she had been cured of {that [he] had cured} her illness.
30 耶穌立時覺得有一種能力從自己身上出去,就在人群中回過頭來說:「誰摸了我的衣裳﹖」
Jesus [also] immediately sensed that his power had healed someone. So he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
31 他的門徒向他說:「你看! 群眾四面擁擠著你,你還問:誰摸了我﹖」
[One of] his disciples replied, “You can see that many people are crowding close to you! [Probably many people touched you]! So (why do you ask ‘Who touched me?’[/We are surprised] that you ask ‘Who touched me?’ [RHQ])”
But Jesus kept looking around in order to see the one who had done it.
33 那婦人明知在自己身上所成的事,就戰戰兢兢地前來,跪伏在耶穌前,把實情完全告訴他。
The woman was very afraid and trembling. [She thought that Jesus might be angry because she had violated the law that women who had such a] sickness [should not touch other people. But] she knew [that Jesus had healed her]. So she prostrated herself before him. Then she told him truthfully [about what she had done].
34 耶穌便向他她說:「女兒,你的信德救了你,平安去罷! 你的疾病必得痊癒!」
He said to her, “(Ma’am/Young lady), because you have believed [that I could heal you], I have healed you. You may go home with peace [in your heart/inner being], [because I promise that] you will not be sick [this way any more].”
35 他還說話的時候,有人從會堂長家裏來,說:「你的女兒死了,你還來煩勞師傅做什麼﹖」
While Jesus was still speaking [to that woman], some people arrived who had come from Jairus’ house. They said [to Jairus], “Your daughter has [now] died. So (it is useless that you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]!/why do you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]?) [RHQ]”
36 耶穌聽所說的話,就給會堂長說:「不要怕,祇管信。」
But when Jesus heard what these men said, he said to Jairus, “Do not think that the situation is hopeless! Just keep believing [that she will live]!”
37 除伯多祿、雅各伯和雅各伯的弟弟若望外,他沒有讓任何人跟他去。
Then he allowed only [his three closest disciples], Peter, James, and John, to go with him [to Jairus’ house]. He did not allow any other people to go with him. After they arrived near the house, Jesus saw that the people there were in turmoil. They were weeping and wailing [DOU] loudly.
38 他們到了會堂長的家裏,耶穌看見群眾非常喧噪:有的哭泣,有的哀號,
39 便進去,給他們說:「你們為什麼喧噪哭泣呢﹖小女孩並沒有死, 祇是睡著了!」
He entered the house and then he said to them, knowing that [he was going to cause her to live again], “(Do not make such a disturbance!/Why are you making such a disturbance?) [RHQ] Stop crying, for the child is not dead! On the contrary, she is [only] sleeping [HYP, EUP]!”
40 他們都譏笑他。他卻把眾人趕出去,帶著小女孩的父親和母親,及同他在一起的人,進了小女孩所在的地方。
The people laughed at him, [because they knew that she was dead]. But he sent all the other people outside the house. Then he took the child’s father and mother and the [three disciples] who were with him. He went into [the room] where the child was [lying].
41 他拿起小女孩的手,對她說:「塔里塔,古木!」意思是:「女孩子,我命妳起來!」
He took hold of the child’s hand and said to her [in her own language], “Talitha, Koum!” That means, “Little girl, get up!”
42 那女孩子就立刻起來行走,原來她已十二歲了;他們都驚訝得目瞪口呆。
At once the girl got up and walked around. ([It was not surprising that she could walk], because she was twelve years old.) [When this happened, all who were present] were very astonished.
43 耶穌卻嚴厲命令他們,不要叫任何人知道這件事;又吩咐給女孩子吃的。
Jesus ordered them strictly, “Do not tell anyone about [what I have done]!” Afterwards he told them that something to eat should be brought to the girl {that they should bring the girl something to eat}.