< 瑪拉基書 2 >
“And now this decree is for you, O priests:
2 如果你們不聽從,不把光榮我名的事放在心上──萬軍的上主說──我必使詛咒臨到你們身上,使你們的祝福變為詛咒。我已詛咒了,因為中誰也沒有把這事放在心上。
If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to honor My name,” says the LORD of Hosts, “I will send a curse among you, and I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have already begun to curse them, because you are not taking it to heart.
3 看,我必要砍斷你們的手臂,把糞污,即你們祭牲的糞污,撒在你們的臉上,使你們滿面慚愧。
Behold, I will rebuke your descendants, and I will spread dung on your faces, the waste from your feasts, and you will be carried off with it.
4 這樣你們便知道,我為你們提出了這警告,是為保存我與肋未所訂立的盟約,──萬軍的上主說。
Then you will know that I have sent you this commandment so that My covenant with Levi may continue,” says the LORD of Hosts.
5 我與他訂立的盟約,是有關生命及平安的盟,所以我賜給了他生命和平安;同時又是敬畏的盟約,所以他敬畏我,對我的名有所尊敬;
“My covenant with him was one of life and peace, which I gave to him; it called for reverence, and he revered Me and stood in awe of My name.
6 在他口中有真實教訓,在他脣舌上從不見謊言;他心懷虔誠和正直與我來往,使多人遠離了罪惡。
True instruction was in his mouth, and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many from iniquity.
7 的確,司祭的脣應保衛智識,人也應該從他的口中得到教訓,因為他是萬軍上主的使者。
For the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, because he is the messenger of the LORD of Hosts.
8 但是你們卻離棄正道,使許多人在法律上跌倒;你們破壞了我和肋未所立的盟約──萬軍的上主說。
But you have departed from the way, and your instruction has caused many to stumble. You have violated the covenant of Levi,” says the LORD of Hosts.
9 為,此我也使你們受全體人民的輕視,因為你們沒有遵行我的道,在施教訓上觀情顧面。
“So I in turn have made you despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not kept My ways, but have shown partiality in matters of the law.”
10 我們是共有一個父親嗎﹖不是一個天主造生了我們嗎﹖為什麼我們彼此欺騙褻瀆我們祖先的盟約﹖
Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why then do we break faith with one another so as to profane the covenant of our fathers?
11 猶大不守信義,在以色列和耶路撒冷行了醜惡的事,因為猶大褻瀆了上主所愛的聖所,娶了供奉邦神祗的女子。
Judah has broken faith; an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem. For Judah has profaned the LORD’s beloved sanctuary by marrying the daughter of a foreign god.
12 惟願上主將行這事的人,連証證的人和監誓人,從雅各伯的會幕中剷除,由向萬軍的上主奉獻祭物的集會中剷除。
As for the man who does this, may the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob everyone who is awake and aware—even if he brings an offering to the LORD of Hosts.
13 其次,你們還行了這件事:你們向上主的祭壇灑盡了眼淚,哭泣呻吟,
And this is another thing you do: You cover the altar of the LORD with tears, with weeping and groaning, because He no longer regards your offerings or receives them gladly from your hands.
14 你們還問:「這是為什麼﹖」是因為上主是你與你青年時所娶的妻子之間的証人。她雖是你的伴侶,是你結盟的髮妻,你道對她不守信義。
Yet you ask, “Why?” It is because the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have broken faith, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant.
15 上主不是造了他們成為一體,一個肉身,一個性命嗎﹖為什麼要結為一體﹖是為求得天主的子女;所以應關心你們的性命,對你青年結髮的妻子不要背信。
Has not the LORD made them one, having a portion of the Spirit? And why one? Because He seeks godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit and do not break faith with the wife of your youth.
16 上主以色列的天主說:我憎恨休妻,休妻使人在自己的衣服上沾滿了不義,萬軍的上主聲明說。所以你們當關心你們的性命,不要不守信莪。
“For I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel. “He who divorces his wife covers his garment with violence,” says the LORD of Hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit and do not break faith.
17 你們的言談使上主生厭,你們還問:「我們在什麼事上使衪生厭﹖」即在你們說:「凡作惡的,在天主眼裏都是善的,而且衪還喜悅他們,」或說:「公義的天主在哪裏﹖」的時候。
You have wearied the LORD with your words; yet you ask, “How have we wearied Him?” By saying, “All who do evil are good in the sight of the LORD, and in them He delights,” or, “Where is the God of justice?”