< 路加福音 21 >

1 舉目一望,看見富人把他們的獻儀投入銀庫內,
And Jesus looked upon the rich, who cast their oblations into the treasury.
2 又看見一個貧苦的寡婦,把兩文錢投入裡面,
And he saw also a certain poor widow, who cast in two mites.
3 遂說:「我實在告訴你們:這個寡婦比別人投入的更多,
And he said: Truly I say to you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than any one.
4 因為眾人都是拿他們多餘的投入,作為給又主的獻儀;而這個寡婦卻是從她的不足中,把她所有的生活費都投入了。
For all they, from what was superfluous to them, have cast into the receptacle of oblations to God; but she, from her penury, hath cast in all that she possessed.
5 有些人正談論聖殿是用美麗的石頭,和還願的獻品裝飾的,耶穌說:
And when some spoke of the temple, as adorned with goodly stones and oblations, Jesus said to them:
6 「你們所看見的這一切,待那時日一到,沒有一塊石頭留在另一塊石頭上,而不被拆毀的。」
As for these things, on which ye gaze, the days will come, in which there will not be left a stone upon a stone, that is not cast down.
7 他們遂問說:「師傅,那麼什麼時候要發生這些事﹖這些事要發生的時候,將有什麼先兆﹖」
And they questioned him, and said: Teacher, when will these things be? And what is the sign that they are near to take place?
8 耶穌說:「你們要謹慎,不要受敢騙! 因為將有許多人,假冒我名字來說:我就是(默西亞);又說:時期近了。你們切不可跟隨他們。
And he said to them: See, that ye be not deceived; for many will come in my name, and will say: I am Messiah and the time is near. But go ye not after them.
9 你們幾時聽見戰爭及叛亂,不要驚惶! 因為這些事必須先要發生,但還不即刻是結局。」
And when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not afraid; for these things are previously to take place, but the end is not yet come.
10 耶穌又給他們說:「民族要起來攻擊民族,國家攻擊國家;
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
11 將有大地震,到處有饑荒及瘟疫;將出現可怖的異象,天上要有巨大的凶兆。
and great earthquakes will occur in several places, and famines, and pestilences; and there will be terrors, and trepidations, and great signs from heaven will be seen, and there will be great tempests.
12 但是這一切事以前,為了失名字的緣故,人們要下手把你們拘捕、迫害、解送到會堂,並囚在獄中;且押送到君王及總督之前,
But before all these things, they will lay hands upon you, and will persecute you, and will deliver you up to councils and to prison, and will arraign you before kings and governors, on account of my name.
13 為給你們一個作證的機會。
But it will be to you for a testimony.
14 所以,你們心中要鎮定,不要事先考慮申辯,
And settle it in your hearts, that ye will not previously seek instruction for making a defence.
15 因為我要給你們口才和明智,是你們的一切仇敵所不能抵抗及辯駁的。
For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your enemies will be unable to withstand.
16 你們要為父母、兄弟、親戚及朋友所出賣;你們中有一些要被殺死。
And your parents, and your brothers, and your relatives, and your friends, will deliver you up, and cause some of you to die.
17 你們要為了我的名字,受眾人的憎恨;
And ye will be hated by every one, on account of my name.
18 但是,連你們的一根頭髮,也不會失落。
But a hair of your head shall not perish.
19 你們要憑著堅忍,保全你們的靈魂。」
And by your patience, will ye preserve your souls.
20 幾時你們看見耶路撒冷被軍隊圍困,那時你們便知道:她的荒涼近了。
And when ye shall see Jerusalem with an army encompassing it, then know ye, that its destruction draweth nigh.
21 那時在猶太的,要逃往山中;在京都的,要離去;在鄉間的,不要茌進京。
Then let them who shall be in Judaea, flee to the mountain district; and let them, who are in the midst of it, flee away; and those in the fields, not enter it.
22 因為這是報復日子,為要應驗所記載的一切。
For these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.
23 在那些日子內,懷用孕的及哺的乳的,是禍的,因為要有大難降臨這地方,要有義怒臨於這百姓身上。
But woe to them that are with child, and to them that nurse children, in those days; for then will be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
24 他們要倒在劍刃之下,要被擄往列國;耶肋米亞要受異民蹂躝,直到異民的時期滿限。
And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be carried captive to every place. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles shall be completed.
25 在日月星辰上,將有異兆出現;在地上,萬國要因海洋波濤的怒號而驚惶失措。
And there will be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and distress of nations on the earth; and clasping of hands, from astonishment at the noise of the sea;
26 眾人要因恐懼,等待即將臨於天下的事而昏絕,因為諸天的萬象將要搖動。
and dismay that driveth out the souls of men, from fear of that which is to come on the earth; and the powers of heaven will be moved.
27 那時,他們要看見人子,帶著威能及莫大光榮乘雲降來。
And then will they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with much power, and with great glory.
28 這些事開始發生時,你們應當挺起身來,抬起你們的頭,因為你們的救援近了。」
And when these things shall begin to be, take courage, and lift up your heads, for your deliverance draweth nigh.
29 耶穌又給他們設了一個比喻:「你們看看無花果樹及各種樹木,
And he uttered a similitude to them. Look at the fig-tree, and all the trees.
30 幾時你們看見它們已經發芽,就知道夏天已經近了。
When they bud forth, ye at once understand from them that summer approacheth.
31 同樣你們看見這些事發生了,也應知道天主的國近了。
So also, when ye shall see all these things take place, know ye that the kingdom of God is near.
32 我實在告訴你們:非等一切事發生了,這一代絕不會過去。
Verily I say to you, That this generation will not pass away, until all these things occur.
33 天地要過去,但是,我的話決不會過去。
Heaven and earth will pass away; but my word will not pass away.
34 你們應當謹慎,免得你們心為宴飲沈醉,及人生的掛慮所累時,那意想不到的日子臨於你們,
Take heed to yourselves, that your hearts be, at no time, stupefied by gluttony and ebriety and worldly care; and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 因為日子有如羅網,臨於全地面的一切居民。
For, like a hunter's snare, it will spring upon all them that dwell upon the face of the whole land.
36 所以你們應當時時醒寤祈禱,為便你們能逃脫即將發生的這一切事,並能立於人子之前。」
Be ye therefore vigilant, at all times, and prayerful; that ye may be worthy to escape the things that are to take place, and may stand before the Son of man.
37 耶穌白天在聖殿施教,黑夜便出去,到名叫橄欖的山上住宿。
And, in the daytime he taught in the temple, and at night he went out and lodged in the mount, called the Place of Olives.
38 眾百姓清早起來,到祂跟前,在聖殿裏聽祂講道。
And all the people came early to him in the temple, to hear his discourse.

< 路加福音 21 >