< 路加福音 11 >

1 一次,耶穌在一個地方祈禱,停止以後,祂的一個門徒對祂說:「主,請教給我們祈禱,如同若翰教給了他的門徒一樣。」
And so it was, that as he was praying in a certaine place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said vnto him, Lord, teache vs to pray, as Iohn also taught his disciples.
2 耶穌給他們說:「你們時要說:父啊! 願你的名被尊為聖,願你的國來臨,
And he said vnto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father, which art in heauen, halowed be thy Name: Thy kingdome come: Let thy will be done, euen in earth, as it is in heauen:
3 我們的日用糧,求你天天賜給我們,
Our dayly bread giue vs for the day:
4 寬免我們的罪過,因為我們自己也寬免所有虧負我們的人;不要讓我們陷入誘惑。」
And forgiue vs our sinnes: for euen we forgiue euery man that is indetted to vs: And leade vs not into temptation: but deliuer vs from euill.
5 耶穌對他們說:「你們中間誰有一個朋友,半夜去他那裏,給他說:朋友,借給我三個餅罷!
Moreouer he said vnto them, Which of you shall haue a friende, and shall goe to him at midnight, and say vnto him, Friende, lende mee three loaues?
6 因為我的朋友行路到了我這裏,我沒有什麼可以款待他。
For a friende of mine is come out of the way to me, and I haue nothing to set before him:
7 那人從裏面回答說:不要煩擾我了! 門己經關上,我的孩子們同我一起在床上,我不能起來給你。
And hee within shoulde answere, and say, Trouble mee not: the doore is nowe shut, and my children are with mee in bed: I can not rise and giue them to thee.
8 我告訴你們:他縱然不為了他是朋友的緣故,而起來給他,也要因他恬不知恥地切求而起來,給他所需要的一切。
I say vnto you, Though he would not arise and giue him, because he is his friende, yet doubtlesse because of his importunitie, hee woulde rise, and giue him as many as he needed.
9 所以,我告訴你們:你們求,必要給你們;你們找,必要找著;你們敲,必要給你們開門。
And I say vnto you, Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and yee shall finde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you.
10 因為凡求的,就必得到;找的,就必找到;敲的,就必給他開。
For euery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened.
11 你們中間那有為父親的,兒子向他求餅,反而給他石頭呢﹖或是求魚,反將蛇當魚給他呢﹖
If a sonne shall aske bread of any of you that is a father, will he giue him a stone? or if hee aske a fish, will he for a fish giue him a serpent?
12 或者求雞蛋,反將蝎子給他呢﹖
Or if hee aske an egge, will hee giue him a scorpion?
13 你們縱然不善,尚且知道把好東西給你們的兒女,何況在天之父,有不更將聖神賜與求他的人嗎﹖」
If yee then which are euill, can giue good giftes vnto your children, howe much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to them, that desire him?
14 耶穌驅逐一個魔鬼──他是使人瘖啞的魔鬼;他出去以後,啞吧便說出話來,群眾都驚訝不止。
Then hee cast out a deuill which was domme: and when the deuill was gone out, the domme spake, and the people wondered.
15 但是,其中有人說:「他是仗賴魔王貝則步驅魔。」
But some of them said, He casteth out deuils through Beelzebub the chiefe of ye deuils.
16 另一些人試探耶穌,向他要求一個自天而來的徵兆。
And others tempted him, seeking of him a signe from heauen.
17 耶穌知道了他們的心意,便給他們說:「凡是一國自相紛爭,必成廢墟,一家一家的敗落。
But he knew their thoughts, and said vnto them, Euery kingdom deuided against it self, shall be desolate, and an house deuided against an house, falleth.
18 如果撒殫自相紛爭,他的國如何能存立呢﹖因為你們說我仗賴貝耳則步驅魔。
So if Satan also bee deuided against himselfe, howe shall his kingdome stande, because yee say that I cast out deuils through Beelzebub?
19 如果我仗賴貝耳則步驅,你們的子弟們是仗賴誰驅魔呢﹖為此,他們將是你們的裁判者。
If I through Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whome doe your children cast them out? Therefore shall they be your iudges.
20 如果我是仗賴天主的手指驅魔,那麼,天主的國已來到你們中間了。
But if I by ye finger of God cast out deuils, doutles the kingdome of God is come vnto you.
21 幾時壯士配帶武器,看守自己的宅舍,他的財產必能安全。
When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, the thinges that hee possesseth, are in peace.
22 但是,如果有個比他強壯的來戰勝他,必會把他所依仗的一切器械都奪去,而瓜分他的贓物。
But when a stronger then hee, commeth vpon him, and ouercommeth him: hee taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and deuideth his spoiles.
23 不隨同我的,就是反對我;不同我收集的,就是分散。」
He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
24 邪魔從人身上出去後,走遍乾旱之地,尋找一個安息之所,卻沒有找著;他於是說:我要回到我出來的那屋裏去。
When the vncleane spirite is gone out of a man, he walketh through drie places, seeking rest: and when he findeth none he saieth, I wil returne vnto mine house whence I came out.
25 他來到後,見裏面已打掃清潔,裝飾整齊,
And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.
26 就去,另外帶了七個比自己更惡的魔鬼來,進去,住在那裏;那人末後的處境,比先前就更壞了。」
Then goeth hee, and taketh to him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe: and they enter in, and dwel there: so the last state of that man is worse then the first.
27 耶穌說這些話的時候,人群中,有一個婦人高聲向他說:「懷過你的胎,及你所吮吸過的乳房,是有福的! 」
And it came to passe as he sayde these thinges, a certaine woman of the companie lifted vp her voyce, and sayde vnto him, Blessed is the wombe that bare thee, and the pappes which thou hast sucked.
28 耶穌卻說:「可是那聲天主的話而遵行的,更是有福的! 」
But hee saide, Yea, rather blessed are they that heare the woorde of God, and keepe it.
29 群眾合攏來的時候,耶穌開始說:「這一世代是一個邪惡的世代:它要求徵兆,除了約納的徵兆外,必不給它任何其他徵兆。
And when the people were gathered thicke together, he began to say, This is a wicked generation: they seeke a signe, and there shall no signe be giuen them, but the signe of Ionas the Prophet.
30 因為,有如約納為尼尼微人是個徵兆,將來人子為這一世代也是這樣的。
For as Ionas was a signe to the Niniuites: so shall also the Sonne of man bee to this generation.
31 南方的女王,在審判時,將同這一世代的人起來,定他們的罪,因為她從地極來,聽撒羅滿的智慧;看,這裏有一位大於撒羅滿的!
The Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement, with the men of this generation, and shall condemne them: for shee came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon, and beholde, a greater then Salomon is here.
32 尼尼微人在審判時,將同這一代的人起來,定他們的罪,因為尼尼微人因了約納的宣講而悔改了;看,這裏有一位大於約納的! 」
The men of Niniue shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and shall condemne it: for they repented at the preaching of Ionas: and beholde, a greater then Ionas is here.
33 沒有人點燈放在窖中,或置於斗下的,而是放在燈台上,讓進來的人看見光明。
No man when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a priuie place, neither vnder a bushell: but on a candlesticke, that they which come in, may see the light.
34 你的眼睛就是身體的燈。幾時你的眼睛純潔,你全身就光明;但如果邪惡,你全身就黑暗。
The light of the bodie is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, then is thy whole bodie light: but if thine eye be euill, then thy bodie is darke.
35 為此,你要小心,不要叫你內裏的光成了黑暗。
Take heede therefore, that the light which is in thee, be not darkenesse.
36 所以,如果你全身光明,絲毫沒有黑暗之處,一切必要光明,有如燈光照耀你一樣。」
If therefore thy whole body shall be light, hauing no part darke, then shall all be light, euen as when a candle doth light thee with the brightnesse.
37 耶穌正說話的時候,有一個法利賽人請他到自己家中用飯,耶穌進去便入了席。
And as hee spake, a certaine Pharise besought him to dine with him: and hee went in, and sate downe at table.
38 那個法利賽人一看見,就怪異耶穌飯前不先洗手。
And when the Pharise saw it, he marueiled that he had not first washed before dinner.
39 但主對他說:「你們法利賽人洗淨杯盤的外面,而你們心中卻滿是劫奪與邪惡。
And the Lord saide to him, In deede yee Pharises make cleane the outside of the cuppe, and of the platter: but the inwarde part is full of rauening and wickednesse.
40 糊塗人哪! 那造外面的,不是也造了裏面嗎﹖
Ye fooles, did not he that made that which is without, make that which is within also?
41 只要把你們杯盤裏面的施捨了,那麼,一切對你們便都潔淨了。
Therefore, giue almes of those thinges which you haue, and beholde, all thinges shall be cleane to you.
42 但是,禍哉,你們法利賽人! 因為你們把薄荷茴香及各種菜蔬捐獻十分之一,反而將公義及愛天主的義務忽略過去:這些固然該作,那些也不可忽略。
But wo be to you, Pharises: for ye tithe the mynt and the rewe, and all maner herbs, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God: these ought yee to haue done, and not to haue left the other vndone.
43 禍哉,你們法利賽人! 因為你們在會堂裏愛坐上座,在街市上愛受人致敬。
Wo be to you, Pharises: for ye loue the vppermost seats in the Synagogues, and greetings in the markets.
44 禍哉,你們! 因為你們就如同不顯露的墳墓,人在上面行走,也不知道。」
Wo be to you, Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites: for ye are as graues which appeare not, and the men that walke ouer them, perceiue not.
45 有一個法學士回答耶穌說:「師傅,你說這些話,連我們也悔辱了。」
Then answered one of the Lawyers, and saide vnto him, Master, thus saying thou puttest vs to rebuke also.
46 耶穌說:「禍哉,你們這些法學士! 因為你們加給人不堪負荷的重擔,而你們自己對重擔連一個指頭也不肯動一下。
And he sayde, Wo be to you also, yee Lawyers: for yee lade men with burdens grieuous to be borne, and yee your selues touche not the burdens with one of your fingers.
47 禍哉,你們! 你們修建先知的墳墓,而你們的祖先卻殺害了他們,
Wo be to you: for ye builde the sepulchres of the Prophetes, and your fathers killed them.
48 可見你們證明,並讚成你們祖先所行的事,因為他們殺害了先知,而你們卻修建先知的墳墓。
Truely ye beare witnesse, and allowe the deedes of your fathers: for they killed them, and yee build their sepulchres.
49 為此,天主的智慧曾說過:我將要派遣先知及使者到他們那裏,其中有的,他們要殺死;有的,他們要迫害,
Therefore said the wisedome of God, I wil sende them Prophets and Apostles, and of them they shall slaie, and persecute away,
50 為使從創造世界以來,所流眾先知的血,都要向這一代追討,
That the blood of all the Prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation,
51 從亞伯爾的血,到喪亡在祭壇與聖所之間的則加黎雅的血,的確,我告訴你們:都要向這一代追討。
From the blood of Abel vnto the blood of Zacharias, which was slaine betweene the altar and the Temple: verely I say vnto you, it shall be required of this generation.
52 禍哉,你們法學士! 因為你們拿走了智識的鑰匙,自己不進去,那願意進去的,你們也加以阻止。」
Wo be to you, Lawyers: for ye haue taken away the key of knowledge: ye entred not in your selues, and them that came in, ye forbade.
53 耶穌從那裏出來以後,經師們同法利賽人開始嚴厲追逼他,盤問他許多的事,
And as he sayde these things vnto them, the Scribes and Pharises began to vrge him sore, and to prouoke him to speake of many things,
54 窺伺他,要從他口中抓到語病。
Laying wait for him, and seeking to catche some thing of his mouth, whereby they might accuse him.

< 路加福音 11 >