< 利未記 26 >
1 你們不可製造神像,亦不可立雕像或石柱;在你們境內,亦不可安置石像,供人朝拜,因為我上主是你們的天主。
Y am youre Lord God; ye schulen not make to you an ydol, and a grauun ymage, nether ye schulen reise titlis, nether ye schulen sette a noble stoon in youre lond, that ye worschipe it; for Y am youre Lord God.
2 你們應遵守我的安息日,尊敬我的聖所;我是上主。
Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye at my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord.
3 如果你們履行我得法令,遵守我的命令,一一依照執行,
If ye gon in myn heestis, and kepen my comaundementis, and doon tho, Y schal yyue to you reynes in her tymes,
4 我必按時給你們降下雨露,地必供給出產,田野的樹木必結出果實。
and the erthe schal brynge forth his fruyt, and trees schulen be fillid with applis;
5 你們打禾必打到收葡萄的時期,收葡萄必收到播種的時期;你們必有糧食吃飽,。在境內安居樂業。
the threschyng of ripe cornes schal take vyndage, and vyndage schal occupie seed, and ye schulen ete youre breed in fulnesse, and ye schulen dwelle in youre lond without drede.
6 我必賜國內太平,你們睡下,沒有驚擾;我必使境內的猛獸消滅,刀劍也不侵入你們境內。
Y schal yyue pees in youre coostis; ye schulen slepe, and noon schal be that schal make you aferd; Y schal do awei yuel beestis fro you, and a swerd schal not passe bi youre termes.
Ye schulen pursue youre enemyes, and thei schulen falle bifor you;
8 你們五人要追擊一百,你們百人要追擊一萬;你們的仇敵必在你們面前喪身刀下。
fyue of youre men schulen pursue an hundrid aliens, and an hundrid of you schulen pursue ten thousande; youre enemyes schulen falle bi swerd in youre siyt.
9 我必眷顧你們,使你們繁殖增多;我必固守我與你們所立的盟約,
Y schal biholde you, and Y schal make you to encreesse; ye schulen be multiplied; and Y schal make stedfast my couenaunt with you;
10 你們要吃久藏的陳糧,要清出陳糧,為貯藏新糧。
ye schulen ete the eldest of elde thingis, and ye schulen caste forth elde thingis, whanne newe thingis schulen come aboue;
Y schal sette my tabernacle in the myddis of you, and my soule schal not caste you awey;
12 我必住在你們中間,做你們的天主,你們做我的百姓。
Y schal go among you, and Y schal be youre God, and ye schulen be a puple to me.
13 我上主是你們的天主,是我領你們出離了埃及地,不再做他們的奴隸;是我打斷了你們軛上的橫木,另你們昂首前進。違法的禍患
Y am youre Lord God, that ledde you out of the lond of Egipcians, that ye schulden not serue hem, and which haue broke the chaynes of youre nollis, that ye schulde go vpriyt.
That if ye heren not me, nether doon alle myn heestis,
15 如果你們棄絕我的法令,厭惡我的制度,不遵行我的一切命令,而破壞我的盟約,
and if ye forsaken my lawis, and despisen my domes, that ye doon not tho thingis that ben ordeyned of me, and that ye brengen my couenaunt to auoydyng, also Y schal do these thingis to you;
16 我必要這樣與你們作對,使你們恐怖,換肺癆瘧疾,眼目昏花,心靈憔悴;你們的種子,白白播種,因為你們的仇敵要來吃盡。
Y schal visyte you swiftly in nedynesse and brennyng, which schal turment youre iyen, and schal waste youre lyues; in veyn ye schulen sowe seed, that schal be deuourid of enemyes;
17 我要板起臉來與你們作對,你們必為仇敵擊潰,那仇恨你們的要壓制你們;雖然沒有人追趕,你們也要望風而逃。
Y schal sette my face ayens you, and ye schulen falle bifor youre enemyes, and ye schulen be sugetis to hem that haten you; ye schulen fle, while no man pursueth.
18 如果這樣你們還不聽從我,為了你們的罪惡,我必要加重七倍懲罰你們,
But if nether so ye obeyen to me, Y schal adde youre chastisyngis seuenfold for youre synnes;
19 粉碎你們矜誇的力量,使你們的蒼天如鐵,使你們的土地像銅,
and Y schal al tobreke the pride of youre hardnesse, and Y schal yyue to you heuene aboue as of yrun, and the erthe as bras;
20 使你們白廢氣力,地不供給出產,田野的樹木也不結果實。
youre trauel schal be wastid in veyn, nether the erthe schal brynge forth fruyt, nethir trees schulen yyue applis.
21 如果你們還與我作對,不願聽從我,我必按照你們的罪惡,加重七倍打擊你們,
If ye goon contrarie to me, nether wolen here me, Y schal adde youre woundis til in to seuenfold for youre synnes;
22 使野獸來傷害你們,奪去你們的子女,殘害你們的牲畜,減少你們的人口,使你們的街市變成廢墟。
Y schal sende out in to you cruel beestis of the feeld, that schulen waste you and youre beestis, and schulen brynge alle thingis to fewnesse, and youre weies schulen be forsakun.
23 如果我用這些事還不能懲戒你們,你們仍然與我作對,
That if nether so ye wolen resseyue doctryn, but goon contrarie to me,
24 我也要與你們作對,為了你們的罪惡,必要加重七倍打擊你們。
also Y schal go aduersarie ayens you, and Y schal smyte you seuen sithis for youre synnes;
25 我必令刀劍臨於你們,為報復違背盟約的罪;如果你們退入城市,我俾使瘟疫來害你們,叫你們落在仇人手內。
and Y schal brynge yn on you the swerd, vengere of my boond of pees; and whanne ye fleen in to citees, Y schal sende pestilence in the myddis of you, and ye schulen be bitakun in the hondis of enemyes,
26 當我給你們斷絕了糧源時,時個女人要在一個灶口上烤餅按定量給你們配給糧食;你們雖然吃,卻吃不飽。
aftir that Y haue broke the staf of youre breed, so that ten wymmen bake looues in oon ouene, and yelde tho looues at weiyte; and ye schulen ete, and ye schulen not be fillid.
But if nethir bi these thingis ye heren me, but goon ayens me,
28 我必發怒來與你們作對,為了你們的罪惡,我必加重七倍懲罰你們。
and Y schal go ayens you in contrarie woodnesse, and Y schal chastise you bi seuene veniaunces for youre synnes,
29 你們要吃你們兒子的肉,連你們女兒的肉也要吃。
so that ye ete the fleischis of youre sones, and of youre douytris;
30 我必破壞你們的丘壇,砍倒你們的香臺,將你們的屍首堆在你們的偶像的屍首上。我必厭惡你們。
Y schal destrie youre hiye thingis, and Y schal breke youre symylacris; ye schulen falle bitwixe the fallyngis of your ydols, and my soule schal haue you abhomynable,
31 使你們的城市變為曠野,聖所化為廢墟,不願再文你們祭品的馨香。
in so myche that Y turne youre citees in to wildirnesse, and make youre seyntuaries forsakun, nether Y schal resseyue more the swettest odour;
32 我俾使你們的地化為廢墟,甚至你的仇人來居住時,還驚奇不已。
and Y schal destrye youre lond, and youre enemyes schulen be astonyed theronne, whanne thei schulen be enhabiters therof;
33 我必將你們分散在各民族中,我要拔劍追逐你們,使你們的地成為廢墟城市變為曠野。
forsothe Y schal scatere you in to folkis, ether hethen men, and Y schal drawe out of the schethe the swerd aftir you, and youre lond schal be forsakun, and youre citees schulen be cast doun.
34 當那地方變成荒野,而你們僑居在仇人的地方時,這整個時期,那地才補上了安息的時候;那時地要休息,補享安息年。
Thanne `hise sabatis schulen plese the erthe, in alle the daies of his wildirnesse; whanne ye ben in the lond of enemyes,
35 那地方荒涼的整個時期內,才得到安息,補享你們居住時,在你們的安息年內,為享到的安息。
it schal `kepe sabat, and schal reste in the sabatis of his wildirnesse, for it restide not in youre sabatis, whanne ye dwelliden therynne.
36 至於你中殘存的人,我俾使他們在仇人的地方膽戰心驚,甚至風吹落葉聲也把他們嚇跑,逃跑有如逃避刀劍;雖然無人追趕,他們也跌倒在地。
And Y schal yyue drede in `the hertis of hem, whiche schulen abide of you, in the cuntreis of enemyes; the sown of a leef fleynge schal make hem aferd, and so thei schulen fle it as a swerd; thei schulen falle, while noon pursueth,
37 雖然無人追趕,他們卻一人倒在另一人身上,如面臨刀劍。你們決不能抵擋你們的仇人,
and alle schulen falle on her britheren, as fleynge bateils; no man of you schal be hardi to ayenstonde enemyes;
ye schulen perische among hethen men, and the lond of enemyes schal waaste you.
39 你們中殘存的人,必為了自己的罪惡,在仇人的地方,日漸衰弱,還要為了祖先的罪惡,日漸衰弱。[以色列要回頭改過]
That if summe of these Jewes dwellen, thei schulen faile in her wickidnessis, in the lond of her enemyes, and thei schulen be turmentid for the synne of her fadris,
40 他們終必承認自己的罪惡,祖先的罪惡,對我不忠與我作對的叛逆之罪。
and for her owne synnes, til thei knoulechen her wickidnesses, and han mynde of her yuels, bi whiche thei trespassiden ayens me, and yeden contrarie to me.
41 當我與他們作對,將他們遷送到他們仇人的地方以後,他們未受割損的心,必會謙卑自下,要親乾情願受罰贖罪,
Therfor and Y schal go ayens hem, and Y schal brynge hem in to the lond of enemyes, til the vncircumcidid soule of hem be aschamed; thanne thei schulen preie for her wickidnesses,
42 我也想起我同雅各伯所結的盟約,想起同依撒格,同亞巴郎所結的盟約,也想起那地方來。
and Y schal haue mynde of my boond of pees, which Y couenauntide with Jacob, Ysaac, and Abraham; also Y schal be myndeful of the lond,
43 但那地方應為他們所放棄,好在他們離去,地方荒蕪時,才能補享安息年,同時他們也補贖自己的罪惡,這是因為他們棄絕了我的制度,厭惡了我的法令。
which, whanne it is left of hem, schal plese to it silf in `his sabatis, and schal suffre wildirnesse for hem; forsothe thei schulen preye for her synnes, for thei castiden awey my domes, and despyseden my lawis;
44 但是,即使這樣,當他們留在仇人的地方時,我仍不棄絕他們,也不厭惡他們,以致消滅他們,廢除我與他們結的盟約,因為我上主是他們的天主。
netheles, yhe, whanne thei weren in `the lond of enemyes, Y castide not hem awey outirli, nether Y dispiside hem, so that thei weren wastid, and that Y made voide my couenaunt with hem; for Y am the Lord God of hem.
45 我顧念他們,我還要想起我與他們祖先所結的盟約;我在各民族的眼前,由埃及地領出他們的祖先來,為做他們的天主:我是上主。「
And Y schal haue mynde of my formere boond of pees, whanne Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, in the siyt of hethene men, that Y schulde be her God; Y am the Lord God.
46 這是上主在西乃山,於自己和以色列子民間,藉梅瑟所立定的法令、制度和法律。」
These ben the comaundementis, and domes, and lawis, whiche the Lord yaf bitwixe hym silf and bitwixe the sones of Israel, in the hil of Synay, bi the hond of Moises.