< 利未記 12 >

1 上主訓示梅瑟說:
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 「你告訴以色列子民說:若一婦人分娩,生一男孩,七天之久,她是不潔的;她不潔有如經期不潔一樣。
Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, When a woman hath brought forth seede, and borne a manchilde, shee shalbe vncleane seuen dayes, like as she is vncleane when she is put apart for her disease.
3 第八天,應給孩子割損。
(And in the eight day, the foreskin of the childes flesh shalbe circumcised)
4 此外,她還要守度三十三天的潔血期。在未滿取潔的日期以前,不可接觸任何聖物,不可走近聖所。
And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirtie dayes: she shall touch no halowed thing, nor come into the Sanctuarie, vntil the time of her purifying be out.
5 若生一女孩,兩星期是不潔的,有如經期一樣。,此外還要守度六十六天的潔血期。
But if she beare a mayde childe, then shee shalbe vncleane two weekes, as when shee hath her disease: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three score and sixe dayes.
6 一滿了取潔的日期,不拘為兒子或女兒,她應在會幕門口交給司祭一隻一歲的羔羊,做全番祭;一隻雛鴿或一隻斑鳩,現作贖罪祭。
Nowe when the dayes of her purifying are out, (whether it be for a sonne or for a daughter) shee shall bring to the Priest a lambe of one yeere olde for a burnt offering, and a yong pigeon or a turtle doue for a sinne offring, vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation,
7 司祭將祭品奉獻在上主面前,為她型贖罪禮,她纔算由流血的狀況中潔淨了:以上是關於生男或生女得婦人的法律。
Who shall offer it before the Lord, and make an atonement for her: so she shalbe purged of the issue of her blood this is the law for her that hath borne a male or female.
8 但若她的財力不夠辦一隻羔羊,可帶兩隻斑鳩或兩隻雛鴿:一隻獻作全番祭,一隻獻作贖罪祭。司祭位他行贖罪禮,她就潔淨了。
But if she bee not able to bring a lambe, she shall bring two turtles, or two yong pigeons: the one for a burnt offring, and the other for a sinne offring: and the Priest shall make an atonement for her: so she shall be cleane.

< 利未記 12 >