< 耶利米哀歌 5 >
1 上主,求你眷念我們的遭遇,垂顧憐視我們受的恥辱。
Remember, LORD, what has come on us. Look, and see our reproach.
2 我們的產業,轉入外人手中;我們的房舍,歸屬了異邦人。
Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers, our houses to aliens.
3 我們自己變成了無父的孤兒,我們的母親好像寡婦一樣。
We are orphans and fatherless. Our mothers are as widows.
4 我們自己的水,必須用錢買來喝;我們自己的木柴,需要用款換來。
We must pay for water to drink. Our wood is sold to us.
5 重軛加在我們的頸項上,受人折磨迫害;我們困憊疲乏,不得安息。
Our pursuers are on our necks. We are weary, and have no rest.
We have given our hands to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread.
7 我們的祖先犯了罪,已不存在;我們卻要承擔他們的罪債;
Our fathers sinned, and are no more. We have borne their iniquities.
8 原是奴隸的人,竟然統治我們,但沒有人解救我們,脫離他們的手。
Servants rule over us. There is no one to deliver us out of their hand.
9 我們面臨曠野刀劍的威脅,該冒性命的危險,纔能得到食糧。
We get our bread at the peril of our lives, because of the sword in the wilderness.
Our skin is black like an oven, because of the burning heat of famine.
11 婦女們在熙雍被人強姦,處女們在猶大遭人奸污。
They ravished the women in Zion, the virgins in the cities of Judah.
Princes were hanged up by their hands. The faces of elders were not honored.
The young men carry millstones. The children stumbled under loads of wood.
The elders have ceased from the gate, and the young men from their music.
15 我們心中已毫無樂趣,我們的歌舞反而變成悲愁。
The joy of our heart has ceased. Our dance is turned into mourning.
16 我們頭上的花冠已經墮地。我們犯罪的人,確是有禍的!
The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!
For this our heart is faint. For these things our eyes are dim:
for the mountain of Zion, which is desolate. The foxes walk on it.
19 上主,至於你,你永遠常存,你的寶座萬世不替。
You, LORD, remain forever. Your throne is from generation to generation.
Why do you forget us forever, and forsake us for so long a time?
21 上主,求你叫我們歸向你,我們必定回心轉意;求你重整我們的時代,如同往昔一樣。
Turn us to yourself, LORD, and we will be turned. Renew our days as of old.
But you have utterly rejected us. You are very angry against us.