< 士師記 5 >
On that day, Deborah sang this song, along with Barak:
2 為了以色列中間有指揮的元帥,為了百姓自願從軍,你們應祝頌上主!
“When the leaders of the Israeli people really lead them, and the people follow them, [it is time to] praise Yahweh!
3 諸民,請聽! 諸侯,側耳! 對上主我要歌唱,要讚頌上主以色列的天主!
Listen, you kings! Pay attention, you leaders! I will sing to Yahweh. With this song I will praise Yahweh, the God we Israelis worship.
4 上主,當你由色依爾出征時,當你由厄東地前進時,天搖地動,密雲滴雨。
O Yahweh, when you came from Seir, when you marched from that land [better known as] Edom, the earth shook, and rain poured down from the skies.
5 山岳搖搖欲墜,在上主前,在上主以色列的天主前。以色列受壓迫
The mountains shook when you came, just like Sinai Mountain shook when you appeared there, because you are Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis worship.
6 阿納特之子沙默加爾年間,在為奴的當時,商隊斂跡,行人轉向彎曲的陌徑。
“When Shamgar was our leader and when Jael ruled us, [we were afraid to walk on] the main roads; instead, caravans of travelers walked on winding [less traveled] roads [to avoid being molested].
7 威力在以色列消逝了,消逝了! 直到我德波辣崛起,直到以色列的母親興起。
People left their small villages, [and moved into the walled cities] until I, Deborah, became their leader. [I became like] a mother to the Israeli people.
8 以色列選舉了新神,戰爭即臨門下。四萬以色列人中,不見一面盾牌,一支長矛。勝利的慶祝
When the Israeli people [abandoned Yahweh and] chose new gods, enemies attacked the gates of the cities, and then [they took away] the shields and spears from 40,000 Israeli soldiers. Not one shield or spear was left.
9 我的心靈嚮往以色列的首領,嚮往百姓中自願從軍者。請你們祝頌上主!
I am thankful for the leaders and soldiers who volunteered [to fight]. Praise Yahweh [for them!]
10 騎白驢的,坐華氈的,和過路行人,你們都要歌唱,
“You wealthy people who ride on donkeys, sitting on nice padded saddles, and you people who just walk on the road, you all listen!
11 加入水泉間繚繞的歌聲! 那裏正在歌頌上主的勝利,歌頌他統治以色列的勝利。上主的百姓,速下到城門口!
Listen to the voices of the singers who gather at the places where [the animals drink] water. They tell about how Yahweh acted righteously when he enabled the Israeli warriors to conquer [their enemies]. “Yahweh’s people marched down to the gates of our city.
12 奮發呀! 奮發,德波辣! 奮發呀! 奮發,請歌唱! 奮勇,起來,巴辣克! 阿彼諾罕的兒子! 擒住你的俘虜! 戰友
The people came to my house and shouted, ‘Deborah, wake up! Wake up and start singing!’ They also shouted, ‘Barak, son of Abinoam, get up, and capture our enemies!’
13 英雄的後裔,請出征! 上主的百姓,請隨勇士為我出征!
Later, some of the Israeli people came down [from Tabor Mountain] with us, their leaders. These men who belonged to Yahweh came with me to fight their strong enemies.
14 厄弗辣因盤據在山谷中,本雅明隨你加入了行列;領袖由瑪基爾進軍,省執權杖的由則步隆出發。
Some came from the tribe descended from Ephraim. They came from land that once belonged to the descendants of Amalek. And men from the tribe descended from Benjamin followed them. Troops from the group descended from Makir also came down, and officers from the tribe descended from Zebulun came down, carrying staffs.
15 依撒加爾的首領與德波辣和巴辣克相偕;巴辣克在山谷中率領自己的步兵襲敵。勒烏本境內,大有運籌帷幄之士!
Leaders from the tribes descended from Issachar joined Barak and me. They followed Barak, rushing down into the valley. But men from the tribe descended from Reuben could not decide whether or not to join us.
16 為什麼你坐在羊圈內,靜聽牧童的笛聲﹖勒烏本境內,都是猶豫滿懷的人。
Why did you men stay at your sheep pens, waiting to hear the shepherds whistle for their flocks of sheep to come to the pens? Men in the tribe descended from Reuben could not decide whether they would join us to fight our enemies, or not.
17 基肋阿得在約但河東安居;丹人為什麼寄居船上﹖阿協爾在海岸靜坐,在港口悠閒;
Similarly, the men living in the Gilead area stayed at home, east of the Jordan River. And the men from the tribe descended from Dan, why did they stay home? The tribe descended from Asher sat by the seashore. They stayed in their coves.
18 則步隆是好冒死捨命的子民,納斐塔里在高原上奮不顧身。交戰
But men from the tribe descended from Zebulun risked (their lives/were ready to die fighting) on the battlefield, and men descended from Naphtali were ready to do that, also.
19 君王齊來戰鬥,客納罕眾王鏖戰,在默基多水傍─塔納客,未曾掠去一個銀錢。
“The kings of Canaan fought us at Taanach, near the springs in Megiddo [Valley]. [But since they did not defeat us], they did not carry away any silver or other treasures from the battle.
[It was as though] the stars in the sky fought for us [and as though] those stars in their paths fought against Sisera.
21 克雄河的急流將仇敵沖沒。我的心靈,勇敢踐踏罷!
The Kishon River swept them away— that river that has been there for ages. I will tell myself to be brave and continue marching on.
22 勇士急奔飛騰,馬蹄撻撻作響。雅厄耳計殺息色辣
The hooves of the horses of Sisera’s [army] pounded the ground. Those powerful horses kept galloping along.
23 詛咒默洛次,詛咒其中的居民,因他未率領勇士來協助上主!
The angel sent by Yahweh said, ‘Curse the people of Meroz [town], because they did not come to help Yahweh to defeat the mighty warriors [of Canaan].’
24 雅厄耳,在女子中是可讚美的! 在居於帳棚的女子中是可讚美的!
“But God is very pleased with Jael, the wife of Heber from the Ken people-group. He is more pleased with her than with all the other women who live in tents.
Sisera asked for some water, but Jael gave him some milk. She brought him some yogurt/curds in a bowl that was suitable for kings.
26 她左手拿著橛子,右手拿著匠人的鎚子,打擊了息色辣,打穿了他的頭顱,擊穿了他的太陽穴。
Then, [when he was asleep], she reached for a tent peg with her left hand, and she reached for a hammer with her right hand. She hit Sisera hard with it and crushed his head. She pounded the tent peg right through his head.
27 在她腳前屈身伏倒,深深入睡,昏迷至死;在她腳前屈身伏倒,蜷伏在那裏,僵臥在那裏。
He collapsed and fell dead at her feet.
28 息色辣的母親自窗口探望,在鐵櫺中長歎:戰車為什麼遲遲不來﹖車輛為什麼緩緩而行﹖
“Sisera’s mother looked out from her window. She waited for him to return. She said, ‘Why is he taking so long to come home in his chariot? Why don’t I hear the sound of the wheels of his chariot?’
One wise woman replied to her, and she [kept consoling herself by] repeating those words:
30 或者獲得掠物而在分贓,每人分得一二少女;息色辣取得彩衣為掠物,為我的頸項,獲得錦繡彩衣。結論
‘Perhaps they are dividing up the things and the people they captured after the battle. Each soldier will get one or two women. Sisera will get some beautiful robes, and some beautiful embroidered robes for me.’
31 上主! 願你的敵人如此滅亡,願愛你的人像興起的旭日。」 境內於是平安了四十年。
But [that is not what happened]! Yahweh, I hope that all your enemies will die as Sisera did! And I desire that all those who love you will be as strong as the sun when it rises!