< 士師記 18 >

1 那時在以色列沒有君王,同時丹支派仍在尋找居住的基地,因為直到那一天在以色列支派中,丹支派尚未得到基地。
In tho daies was no kyng in Israel; and the lynage of Dan souyte possessioun to it silf, to dwelle ther ynne; for `til to that dai it hadde not take eritage among other lynagis.
2 於是丹子孫從祚辣和厄市陶耳,由全家族中,派了五個勇敢的人去窺探偵察那地方,對他們說:「你們去偵察那地方! 」他們到了厄弗辣因山地,來到米加的住宅,就在那裏過夜。
Therfor the sones of Dan senten fyue the strongeste men of her generacioun and meynee fro Saraa and Escahol, that thei schulden aspie the lond, and biholde diligentli. And thei seiden to hem, Go ye, and biholde the lond. And whanne thei goynge hadden come in to the hil of Effraym, and hadden entrid in to the hows of Mycha, thei restiden there.
3 他們在米加家附近,認出那少年肋末的聲音,就過去向他說:「誰領你來這裏﹖你在這裏作甚麼﹖你在這裏有甚麼職務﹖」
And thei knewen the voys of the yong wexynge dekene; and thei restiden in `the yn of hym, and seiden to hym, Who brouyte thee hidur? What doist thou here? For what cause woldist thou come hidur?
4 他回答說:「米加待我如此如此! 他聘了我作他的司祭。」
Which answeride `to hem, Mychas yaf to me these and these thingis, and hiride me for meede, that Y be preest to hym.
5 他們對他說:「你求問天主,使我們知道,我們將走的路順利嗎﹖」
Forsothe thei preieden hym, that he schulde counsele the Lord, and thei myyten wite, whether thei yeden in weie of prosperite, and the thing schulde haue effect.
6 司祭回答他們說:「你們平安去罷! 上主必使你們所走的路順遂。」
Which answeride to hem, Go ye with pees, the Lord biholdith youre weie, and the iourney whidur ye goon.
7 於是那五個人就去了,來到拉依士,在那裏看見城中的人民安居樂業,一如漆冬人一樣,平安無慮,地產豐富,一無所缺;並且他們離漆冬又遠,與阿蘭也沒有往來。
Therfor the fyue men yeden, and camen to Lachys; and thei siyen the puple dwellynge ther ynne with outen ony drede, bi the custom of Sidonyis, sikur and resteful, for no man outirli ayenstood hem, and `of grete richessis, and fer fro Sidon, and departid fro alle men.
8 當他們回到祚辣和厄市陶耳自己弟兄那裏時,弟兄們問他們說:「你們帶來什麼消息﹖」
And thei turneden ayen to her britheren in Saraa and Escahol; and thei answeriden to `britheren axynge what thei hadden do,
9 他們回答說:「起來,讓我們上到拉依士去,因為我們已察看過,那地真肥美,你們還等什麼﹖不要再遲延,趕快去佔領!
Rise ye, and stie we to hem, for we siyen the lond ful riche and plenteuous; nyle ye be necgligent, nil ye ceesse, go we, and haue it in possessioun;
10 到那裏去,是到一個不設防的人民那裏去,地面寬廣遼闊;天主已把那地交在你們手中;那地方物產豐富,一無所缺。」
no trauel schal be; we schulen entre to sikir men, in to a largeste cuntrey; and the Lord schal bitake to vs a place, wher ynne is not pouert of ony thing of tho that ben brouyt forth in erthe.
11 於是有六百丹支派的人,帶著武器,從酢辣和厄市陶耳出發,
Therfor sixe hundrid men gird with armeris of batel yeden forth `of the kynrede of Dan, that is, fro Saraa and Escahol.
12 經過山路,在猶大克黎雅特耶阿陵安營;因此,那地方直到今日叫作「丹營;」這地是在克黎雅特耶阿陵西面。
And thei stieden, and dwelliden in Cariathiarym of Juda, which place took fro that tyme the name of Castels of Dan, and is bihyndis the bak of Cariathiarym.
13 他們又從那裏經過厄弗辣因山地,來到米加的住處。丹人搶去米加的神像
Fro thennus thei passiden in to the hil of Effraym; and whanne thei hadden come to the hows of Mychas, the fyue men,
14 當時先去窺探那地的五個人,告訴弟兄們說:「你們知不知道,在此家內有「厄弗得、」「忒辣芬」和一尊神像﹖現在你們要決定當作什麼。」
that weren sent bifore to biholde the lond of Lachis, seiden to her other britheren, Ye knowen, that ephod, and theraphyn, and a grauun ymage and yotun is in these housis; se ye what plesith you.
15 於是他們轉入米加的住宅,來到少年肋末人的屋裏,向他請安問好。
And whanne thei hadden bowid a litil, thei entriden in to the hows of the yong dekene, that was in the hows of Mychas, and thei gretten hym with pesible wordis.
16 同時那六百丹人帶著兵器站在門口,
Forsothe sixe hundrid men stoden bifore the dore, so as thei weren armed. And thei, that entriden in to the `hows of the yong man, enforsiden to take awey the grauun ymage, and the ephod, and theraphin, and the yotun ymage; and the preest stood bifore the dore,
17 先去探地的那五個人就上去,進到裏面,要拿那尊神像並「厄弗得」和「忑辣芬,」此時司祭和那六百個帶武器的人站在門口。
while sixe hundrid strongeste men abideden not fer.
18 當那些人進入米加家裏,拿那尊神像、「厄弗得」和「忑辣芬」時,司祭問他們說:「你們做什麼﹖」
Therfor thei that entriden token the grauun ymage, ephod, and idols, and the yotun ymage; to whiche the preest seide, What doen ye?
19 他們回答說:「不要作聲,用手掩住你的口,跟我們去,作我們的師傅和司祭;你作一個人家的司祭好呢﹖還是在以色列中間作一個支派,一個家族的司祭好呢﹖」
To whom thei answeriden, Be thou stille, and putte the fyngur on thi mouth, and come with vs, that we haue thee fadir and preest. What is betere to thee, that thou be preest in the hows of o man, whether in o lynage and meynee in Israel?
20 司祭滿懷高興,遂帶了「厄弗得、」「忑辣芬」和神像,到了那些人中間。
And whanne he hadde herd this, he assentide to `the wordis of hem, and he took the ephod, and ydols, and the grauun ymage, and yede forth with hem.
21 他們遂轉身回去,把婦孺、牲口以及輜重放在前方。
And whanne thei yeden, and hadden maad the litle children, and werk beestis, and al thing that was preciouse, to go bifor hem;
22 當他們離開米加的住宅相當遠的時候,米加和米加家附近的人,都聚集起來,去追趕丹的子孫。
and whanne thei weren now fer fro `the hows of Mychas, men that dwelliden in the housis of Mychas, crieden togidere, and sueden,
23 他們向丹的子孫呼喊,丹的子孫回過臉來對米加說:「你叫喊什麼﹖」
and bigunnun to crye `aftir the bak. Whiche whanne thei hadden biholde, seiden to Mychas, What wolt thou to thee? whi criest thou?
24 米加回答說:「你們把我所製的神像和司祭都帶走,我還有什麼呢﹖」怎麼你們還向我說:你作什麼﹖」
Which answeride, Ye han take awey my goddis whiche Y made to me, and the preest, and alle thingis whiche Y haue; and ye seien, What is to thee?
25 丹的子孫對他說:「不要再讓我們聽見你的聲音,免得我們中間有暴燥的人打擊你們,使你和你全家都喪失性命! 」
And the sones of Dan seiden to hym, Be war, lest thou speke more to vs, and men styrid in soule come to thee, and thou perische with al thin hows.
26 此後,丹的子孫繼續前行,米加見他們比自己強大,就轉身回了家。丹族佔據拉依士
And so thei yeden forth in the iourney bigunnun. Forsothe Mychas siy, that thei weren strongere than he, and turnede ayen in to his hows.
27 丹的子孫帶著米加所做的神像和他私有的司祭,來到拉依士,到了一個平安無慮的人民那裏,用刀劍殺戮了他們,放火燒了那城,
Forsothe sixe hundrid men token the preest, and the thingis whiche we biforseiden, and camen in to Lachis to the puple restynge and sikur; and thei smytiden hem bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and bitoken the citee to brennyng,
28 沒有人來援救,因為拉依士離漆冬很遠,與阿蘭又沒有往來。這城位於貝特勒曷布山谷中;丹的子孫重建這城,住在那裏,
while no man outirli yaf help, for thei dwelliden fer fro Sydon, and hadden not ony thing of felouschipe and cause with ony of men. Forsothe the citee was set in the cuntrei of Roob; which citee thei bildiden eft, and dwelliden ther ynne;
29 按他們的祖宗,以色列所生的兒子丹的名字,給這城起名叫丹;其實這城原先名叫拉依士。
while the name of the citee was clepid Dan, bi the name of her fadir, whom Israel hadde gendrid, which citee was seid Lachis bifore.
30 丹的子孫把那尊神像立起來,梅瑟的後裔,革爾雄的子孫約納堂和他的子孫作丹支派的司祭,直到該地被擄掠的時日。
And `thei settiden there the grauun ymage, and Jonathas, sone of Jerson, sone of Moises, and `Jonathas sones, preestis, in the lynage of Dan, til in to the dai of her caitifte.
31 天主的殿在史羅多少時日,米加所作的神像在丹支派中也立了多少時日。
And the idol of Mychas dwellide at hem, in al the tyme `in which the hows of God was in Silo. In tho daies was no kyng in Israel.

< 士師記 18 >