< 士師記 10 >
1 阿彼默肋客之後,有依撒加爾人多多的孫子,普阿的兒子托拉起來整救以色列。他住在厄弗辣因山地的沙米爾,
After Abimelech died, Tola the son of Puah and grandson of Dodo became the leader to rescue the Israeli people [from their enemies]. He belonged to the tribe of Issachar, but he lived in Shamir [city] in the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim live.
2 做以色列民長有二十三年之久,死後葬在紗米爾。雅依爾民長
He ruled the Israeli people for 23 years. Then he died and was buried in Shamir.
3 在他以後,有基肋阿得人雅依爾興起,作以色列民長二十二年之久。
After Tola died, Jair, from [the] Gilead [region], became the Israelis’ leader, and he ruled them for 22 years.
4 他有三十個兒子,騎著三十四驢駒;他們有三十座城,這些城稱作哈沃特雅依爾,直到今日,都在基肋阿得地。
He had thirty sons, and each of them had his own donkey to ride on. They each controlled a different town in [the] Gilead [region]. That region is still named ‘The Towns of Jair’.
When Jair died, he was buried in Kamon [city].
6 那時以色列子民又行了上主視為惡的事,事奉巴耳和阿市托勒特眾神,以及阿蘭的神,漆冬的神,摩阿布的神,阿孟子民的神,培肋舍特人的神;他們背棄上主,不事奉他。
Again the Israelis did things that Yahweh said were wrong/evil. They worshiped [the idols of their god] Baal and [their goddess] Astarte. They also worshiped the gods of the Aram, Sidon, Moab, and Ammon people-groups, and the gods of the Philistia people-group. They abandoned Yahweh and stopped worshiping him.
7 上主向以色列發怒,把他們交在培肋舍特人和阿孟子民手中。
So Yahweh was very angry with them, and he allowed the Philistia and Ammon people-groups to defeat [IDM] the Israelis.
8 從那一年起,他們迫害壓制以色列子民,即所有住在約但河對岸,在阿摩黎人境內基肋阿得地方的以色列子民,一連十八年。
In that same year, those people started to oppress the Israelis who lived in [the] Gilead [region] on the east side of the Jordan [River]. That was where the Amor people-group also lived. were They caused the Israelis who lived in that region to suffer for 18 years.
9 阿孟子民也過約但河來攻擊猷大、本雅明和厄弗辣因家族;因此以色列人很是困苦。
Then the people of the Ammon people-group crossed the Jordan [River] to fight against the people of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim. They caused the Israelis’ lives to be very miserable.
10 以色列子民遂向上主呼籲說:「我們得罪了你,因為我們背棄了我們的天主,事奉了巴耳諸神! 」
So the Israelis cried out to Yahweh, saying “We have sinned against you. We have abandoned you, and we have been worshiping [the idols of their god] Baal.”
11 上主對以色列子民說:「當埃及人、阿摩黎人、阿孟子民、培肋舍特人、
Yahweh answered them, saying, “When the people of Egypt, and the Amor and Ammon and Philistia people-groups
12 漆冬人、阿瑪肋人、米德楊人難為你們的時後,你們向我哀號,我豈沒有從他們手中拯救了你們﹖
and the Sidon and Amalek and Maon people-groups were cruel to you, you cried out to me, and then I rescued you.
13 但是你們背棄了我,事奉了別的神,因此我不再拯救你們,
But now you have abandoned me again, and you have been worshiping other gods. So I will not rescue you again.
14 去呼籲你們所選擇的神罷! 讓他們在你們遭難時來拯救你們! 」
You have chosen those gods [to be the ones that you worship]. So call to them to help you. Allow them to rescue you when you have a lot of trouble!”
15 以色列子民對上主說:「我們犯了罪,你任意對待我們,只求你今日援救我們! 」
But the Israeli people said to Yahweh, “Truly we have sinned. Punish us in whatever way you wish to, but please rescue us now!”
16 以色列子民遂從他們中間除去外邦的神,而事奉上主;上主再不能容忍以色列受苦。
Then the Israelis threw away the [idols of the] gods that belonged to other people-groups, and they worshiped Yahweh again. He saw that they were suffering very much, and he felt sorry [IDM] for them.
17 那時阿孟子民集合在基肋阿得紮營,以色列子民也集合在米茲帕安營。
The Ammon people-group gathered to fight [against the Israelis], and they set up their tents in [the] Gilead [region]. The Israeli men also gathered and set up their tents at Mizpah, [which was a city in Gilead].
18 基肋阿得人民的首領彼此說:「誰開始攻打阿孟子民,誰就作全基肋阿得居民的首領。」
The Israeli leaders said, “Who will lead our soldiers to attack the Ammon people-group? The one who will lead us will become the leader of all us who live in this Gilead [region].”