< 約書亞記 6 >

1 耶利哥城門緊緊關閉,無人出入,以防以色列子民。
Now Jericho was closely shut up and besieged, and none went out of it, and none came in.
2 上主對若蘇厄說:「看,我已將耶利哥和城中的王子,精銳的戰士,都交在你手中。
And the Lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver Jericho into your power, and its king in it, [and its] mighty men.
3 你們所有的戰士要圍繞這城轉一遭,這樣轉六天。
And do you set the men of war round about it.
4 七位司祭要帶著七個羊角號,在約櫃前面行走;但第七天,要圍繞城轉七遭,並且司祭要吹號角。
And it shall be [that] when you shall sound with the trumpet, all the people shall shout together.
5 當羊號角吹起長聲時,你們聽見了號角的響聲時,眾百姓應當高聲喊叫;那時城牆必要坍塌,百姓個個要往前直衝。」
And when they have shouted, the walls of the city shall fall of themselves; and all the people shall enter, each one rushing direct into the city.
6 農的兒子若蘇厄將司祭召來,對他們說:「你們應抬著約櫃,七位司祭帶著七個羊角號,走在上主約櫃的前面。」
And Joshua the [son] of Naue went in to the priests, and spoke to them, saying,
7 然後,又對百姓說:「你們要前去圍著城轉,先鋒隊要要走在上主約櫃的前面。」
And let seven priests having seven sacred trumpets proceed thus before the Lord, and let them sound loudly; and let the ark of the covenant of the Lord follow.
8 若蘇厄對百姓說完話以後,那七位帶著羊角號的司祭,走在上主前面,吹著號角,上主的約櫃跟在他們他們後面。
Charge the people to go round, and encompass the city; and let your men of war pass on armed before the Lord.
9 先鋒隊走在吹號角的司祭前面,後衛隨著約櫃,一面走,一面吹號角。
And let the men of war proceed before, and the priests bringing up the rear behind the ark of the covenant of the Lord [proceed] sounding the trumpets.
10 若蘇厄向百姓下令說:「你們不可叫喊,不可叫人聽到你們的聲音,連一句話也不可出口,直到我給你們說:「叫喊」那天,你們才可叫喊。
And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Cry not out, nor let any one hear your voice, until he himself declare to you the time to cry out, and then you shall cry out.
11 這樣上主的約櫃圍城轉了一遭後,眾人就回到中,在營中過夜。
And the ark of the covenant of God having gone round immediately returned into the camp, and lodged there.
12 若蘇厄清早起來,司祭又抬起上主的約櫃,
And on the second day Joshua rose up in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
13 七位司祭帶了七個羊號角,走在上主約櫃前面,一面走,一面吹號角;先鋒隊走在他們前面,後衛隊隨在上主約櫃後面,一面走,一面吹號角。
And the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets went on before the Lord; and afterwards the men of war went on, and the remainder of the multitude went after the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the priests sounded with the trumpets.
14 第二天他們圍城轉了一遭後,又回到營中;他們這樣行了六天。
And all the rest of the multitude compassed the city six times from within a short distance, and went back again into the camp; this they did six days.
15 到了第七天,早晨黎明時,他們起來,照樣圍城轉了七遭。
And on the seventh day they rose up early, and compassed the city on that day seven times.
16 到了第七遭,他們吹起了號角,若蘇厄吩咐百姓說:「你們叫喊,因為上主已將這城交給了你們。
And it came to pass at the seventh circuit the priests blew the trumpets; and Joshua said to the children of Israel, Shout, for the Lord has given you the city.
17 這城和城中所有的一切,都應全完毀滅,歸於上主,只有妓女辣哈布和她家中的人口 可以生存,因為她隱藏了我們所派的使者。
And the city shall be devoted, it and all things that are in it, to the Lord of Hosts: only do you save Raab the harlot, and all things in her house.
18 但你們要小心,不可私自取用這些應毀之物,免得你們貪心,竊取應毀滅之物,使以色列全營遭受詛咒,陷於不幸。
But keep yourselves strictly from the accursed thing, lest you set your mind upon and take of the accursed thing, and you make the camp of the children of Israel and accursed thing, and destroy us.
19 至於所有的金銀,以及銅鐵的器皿,都應奉獻給上主,歸入上主的府庫。」
And all the silver, or gold, or brass, or iron, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall be carried into the treasury of the Lord.
20 百姓於是叫喊,號聲四起;百姓一聽到了號角聲,放聲大叫,城牆便坍塌了;百姓遂上了城,個個向前直衝,攻陷了那城。
And the priests sounded with the trumpets: and when the people heard the trumpets, all the people shouted at once with a loud and strong shout; and all the wall fell round about, and all the people went up into the city:
21 將城中所有的一切,不詮男女老幼,牛羊驢馬,都用利劍殺盡。
and Joshua devoted it to destruction, and all things that were in the city, man and woman, young man and old, and calf and ass, with the edge of the sword.
22 若蘇厄吩咐偵探這地的兩個人說:「你們到那妓女家裏去,照你們對她起的誓,將那女人和她所有的家人,從那裏領出來。」
And Joshua said to the two young men who had acted a spies, Go into the house of the woman, and bring her out thence, and all that she has.
23 那兩個年輕偵探就去將辣哈布和她的父母、兄弟和她所有的親戚,都領了出來,安置在以色列營外。
And the two young men who had spied out the city entered into the house of the woman, and brought out Raab the harlot, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and her kindred, and all that she had; and they set her without the camp of Israel.
24 此後眾人將城和城中所有的一切都用火燒了;惟獨把金銀以及銅鐵的器皿,送入上主居所的府庫中。
And the city was burnt with fire with all things that were in it; only of the silver, and gold, and brass, and iron, they gave to be brought into the treasury of the Lord.
25 至於妓女辣哈布與她父家,並她所有火家人,若蘇厄使之生存,直到今天,她還住在以色列人中,因為她隱藏了若蘇厄派去偵探耶利哥的兩個使者。
And Joshua saved alive Raab the harlot, and all the house of her father, and caused her to dwell in Israel until this day, because she hid the spies which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.
26 那時若蘇厄起誓說:「凡著手重建這耶利哥城的人,在上主面前是可咒罵的。他奠基時必喪失長子,安門時必喪失幼兒。」
And Joshua adjured [them] on that day before the Lord, saying, Cursed [be] the man who shall build that city: he shall lay the foundation of it in his firstborn, and he shall set up the gates of it in his youngest son. And so did Hozan of Baethel; he laid the foundation in Abiron his firstborn, and set up the gates of it in his youngest surviving son.
27 上主與若蘇厄同在,他的名聲傳遍了那一帶地方。
And the Lord was with Joshua, and his name was in all the land.

< 約書亞記 6 >