< 約書亞記 2 >

1 農的兒子若蘇厄由史廷暗中派出兩個人作偵探說:「你們去察看那地和耶利哥! 」他們就去了,來到一個名叫辣哈布的妓女家中,就住在那裏。
And Joshua the son of Naue sent out of Sattin two young men to spy [the land], saying, Go up and view the land and Jericho: and the two young men went and entered into Jericho; and they entered into the house of a harlot, whose name [was] Raab, and lodged there.
2 有人報告耶里哥王說:「夜間有兩個以色列人到了這裡,偵探這地方。」
An it was reported to the king of Jericho, saying, Men of the sons of Israel have come in hither to spy the land.
3 耶里哥王遂派人到辣哈布那裡說:「將那來到你家中的兩個人交出來,因為他們是來偵探這地方的。」
And the king of Jericho sent and spoke to Raab, saying, Bring out the men that entered into thine house this night; for they are come to spy out the land.
4 但是那女人預先將那兩個人藏起來,就這樣回答說:「那兩個人的確來過我這裡,但他們是從那裡來的,我卻不知道。
And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,
5 天黑快關城門時,他們兩人出去了;往那裡去了,我也不知道。你們快去追趕,也許還可趕上他們。」
but when the gate was shut in the evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if ye may overtake them.
6 原來她叫那兩個人上了屋頂,藏在她屋頂上堆積的麻秸內。
But she [had] brought them up upon the house, and hid them in the flax-stalks that were spread by her on the house.
7 來問的人便沿著約但河,直向渡口去追趕;追趕的人一出去,城門就關了。
And the men followed after them in the way to Jordan to the fords; and the gate was shut.
8 他們還沒有睡,那女人就上到屋頂,
And it came to pass when the men who pursued after them were gone forth, and before the spies had lain down to sleep, that she came up to them on the top of the house;
9 對他們二人說:「我知道上主已將這地方交給了你們;你們真叫我們害怕,此地所有的居民,對你們都恐懼不已。
and she said to them, I know that the Lord has given you the land; for the fear of you has fallen upon us.
10 因為我們聽說,你們出埃及時,上主怎樣使紅海在你們面前乾涸;你們又怎樣對待了約但河東岸的兩個阿摩黎王,即息紅和敖格,將他們完全消滅。
For we have heard that the Lord God dried up the Red Sea before you, when ye came out of the land of Egypt, and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, to Seon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.
11 我們聽了,心都冷了,沒有一人再有勇氣來對抗你們,因為上主你們的天主,就是上天下地的天主。
And when we heard it we were amazed in our heart, and there was no longer any spirit in any of us because of you, for the Lord your god [is] God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath.
12 現在請你們指著上主對我起誓,我既然恩待了你們,你們也要恩待我的父家,請給我一個安全的保證,
And now swear to me by the Lord God; since I deal mercifully with you, so do ye also deal mercifully with the house of my father:
13 使我的父母、兄弟、姊妹和他們所有的一切人,都能生存,救我們的性命免於死亡。」
and save alive the house of my father, my mother, and my brethren, and all my house, and all that they have, and ye shall rescue my soul from death.
14 他們二人回答她說:「如果你不洩漏我們的約定,我們願拿性命為你們擔保;當上主將這地方交給我們時,我們必慈善忠厚地對待你。」
And the men said to her, Our life for yours [even] to death: and she said, When the Lord shall have delivered the city to you, ye shall deal mercifully and truly with me.
15 那女人於是用繩子將他們二人由窗戶縋下去,因為她的房屋是在城牆上,她也住在城牆上。
And she let them down by the window;
16 她又對他們說:「你們要往山中去,免得追趕的人遇見你們。你們在那裡躲藏三天,等追趕的人回來,然後再上道。」
and she said to them, Depart into the hill-country, lest the pursuers meet you, and ye shall be hidden there three days until your pursuers return from after you, and afterwards ye shall depart on your way.
17 他們二人對她說:「如果你不這樣作,你叫我們所起的誓,我們將不負責:
And the men said to her, We are clear of this thy oath.
18 就是當我們再到這地方時,你應將這根朱紅線繫在你縋下我們的窗戶上,並且叫你的父母、兄弟和你父親全家人口,都聚集在你這屋內。
Behold, we shall enter into a part of the city, and thou shalt set a sign; thou shalt bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which thou hast let us down, and thou shalt bring in to thyself, into thy house, thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all the family of thy father.
19 誰若走出你的屋門,他的血應由他自己承當,我們不負責任;但凡同你在屋內的,如有人下手加害他,他的血將由我們承當。
And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall go outside the door of thy house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this thine oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with thee in thy house.
20 但是你若洩漏了我們的約定,那麼,你叫我們所起的誓,我們便不負責。」
But if any one should injure us, or betray these our matters, we shall be quit of this thine oath.
21 她回答說:「就照你們說的做罷!」於是打發他們二人走了。他們走後,她遂把那根朱紅線繫在她的窗戶上。
And she said to them, Let it be according to your word; and she sent them out, and they departed.
22 他們出去,到了山上,在那裡住了三天,直到追趕的人回去。追趕的人一路尋找他們,結果沒有找到。
And they came to the hill-country, and remained there three days; and the pursuers searched all the roads, and found them not.
23 他們二人轉身,由山上下來,渡過了約但河,回到農的兒子若蘇厄那裡,將他們所遇見的事,一一報告給他。
And the two young men returned, and came down out of the mountain; and they went over to Joshua the son of Naue, and told him all things that had happened to them.
24 他們對若蘇厄說:「上主實在已將那整個地域交在我們手中,因為那地方的居民對我們都十分恐懼。」
And they said to Joshua, The Lord has delivered all the land into our power, and all the inhabitants of that land tremble because of us.

< 約書亞記 2 >