< 約書亞記 10 >

1 當耶路撒冷王阿多尼責德克聽說若蘇厄攻佔了哈依,完全予以毀滅,對待哈依和哈依王如對待耶利哥和耶利哥王一樣;又聽說基貝紅居民已與以色列媾和,可住在他們中間,
Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, learned that Joshua had captured Ai and destroyed the town completely, as he had also done to Jericho, and had killed its king, just as he had the king of Jericho. He also heard that the Gibeonites had made peace with the Israelites and were allied with them.
2 大為震驚,因為基貝紅是座大城,像座京城,比哈依還大,中的人又都勇敢。
The people of Jerusalem were very frightened by this because Gibeon was a large town—as large as any town ruled by the king, and larger than Ai, and its men were tough fighters.
3 耶路撒冷王阿多尼責德克打發使者去見赫貝龍王曷罕、雅爾慕特王丕蘭、拉基士王雅非雅和厄革隆王德彼爾說:
So Adoni-zedek, king of Jerusalem, sent a message to Hoham, king of Hebron, Piram, king of Jarmuth, Japhia, king of Lachish, and Debir, king of Eglon, saying,
4 「請你們前來援助我,攻打基貝紅,因為這城已與若蘇厄和以色列人媾和。」
“Come and help me attack Gibeon because they have made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.”
5 那五個阿摩黎王,即耶路撒冷王、赫貝龍王、雅爾慕特王、拉基士王和厄革隆王聯合起來,率領他們所有的軍隊上去包圍了基貝紅,合力進攻。
So these five Amorite kings (the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon) and their armies gathered and set off. They surrounded Gibeon and then began their attack.
6 基貝紅人即派人到基耳加耳營中見若蘇厄說:「你不要袖手不顧你的僕人,請快上來援助,扶助我們,因為住在山地的眾阿摩黎王都聯合起來攻擊我們。」
The Gibeonites sent a message to Joshua at the camp in Gilgal, saying, “Please don't abandon us, your servants! Come quickly and save us! We need your help for all the Amorite kings of the hill country have joined in attacking us.”
7 若蘇厄遂親率他的一切軍民,和所有的精兵,從耳加耳上去了。
So Joshua, all his fighting men and best fighters, set off from Gilgal.
8 上主對若蘇厄說:「你不要怕他們,因為我已將他們交在你手中,沒有一人能抵抗你。」
The Lord had said to Joshua, “Don't be afraid of them, for you will defeat them. Not a single one will be able to stand against you.”
9 若蘇厄由基耳加耳出發,整夜行軍,出其不意,突然向他們進攻。
By marching all night from Gilgal, Joshua arrived without warning.
10 上主使他們以色列人前大為混亂,以色列人在基貝紅將他們完全擊敗,隨後在往貝特曷龍的上坡路上追趕他們,擊殺他們直到阿則卡,直到瑪刻達。
The Lord threw the Amorite armies into a panic when they saw the Israelites. He struck them down with a great blow at Gibeon; he chased them all the way up to Beth-horon, cutting them down on the way to Azekah and Makkedah.
11 當他們逃避以色列人,來到貝特曷龍下坡時,上主從天上降下冰雹,落在他們身上,直落到阿則卡,死傷無數;為冰雹砸死的人,教宗以色列用刀死的還多。
As they ran away from the Israelites down the slope from Beth-horon, the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them from the skies all the way to Azekah. More were killed by the hailstones than we killed by the swords of the Israelites.
12 上主將阿摩黎人交於以色列子民的那一天,若蘇厄當以色列人的面對上主說:「太陽! 停在基貝紅! 月亮! 停在阿雅隆谷! 」
On the day that the Lord handed the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua spoke by the Lord in the presence of the Israelites, saying, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon! Moon, stand still over the Valley of Aijalon!”
13 太陽果然停住,月亮站住不動,直到百姓報復了自己的仇敵。這事豈不是記載在「義士書」上了嗎﹖太陽停在空中,未急速下落,約有一整天。
The sun stopped moving, and the moon stood still, until the nation of Israel had inflicted defeat on their enemies. (This is recorded in the Book of Jashar). The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not go down for around a full day.
14 以前或以後,從來沒有一天像這天一樣。上主這樣俯聽了人的呼聲,因為是上主在為以色列人作戰。
There wasn't a day like this ever before or since when the Lord listened to a human voice in such a way. It was because the Lord was fighting for Israel.
15 此後,若蘇厄和所有跟隨他的以色列人,回了基耳加耳營。
Then Joshua and all the army returned to the camp at Gilgal.
16 至於那五個逃脫的王子,藏在瑪刻達山洞裏,
The five kings had run away and hid in a cave at Makkedah.
17 有人來通知若蘇厄說:「那五個王子已被發現,藏在瑪刻達山洞裏。」
When Joshua was told that the five kings were hiding in a cave at Makkedah,
18 若蘇厄吩咐說:「你們把幾塊大石滾到洞口,派人看守。
he gave this order, “Roll some large stones to block the entrance to the cave and have some men guard it.
19 你們不可停下來,要去追趕敵人,切斷他們的後路,不容他們逃入城中,因為上主你們的天主,已將他們交在你們手中。」
But don't you stay there. Chase the enemy down and attack them from the rear. Don't let them escape to their towns for the Lord has given them to you to defeat.”
20 以色列子民將他們殺得慘敗,幾乎將他們全部消滅,只剩下一些逃脫的人進入了堅城。
So Joshua and the Israelites totally defeated them, striking them down and killing them. Only a few of them survived to escape back to their towns.
21 軍民都平安無恙地回到瑪克達見若蘇厄。以後沒有人再敢侮辱以色列子民。
The army returned to Joshua at the camp at Makkedah, and no one dared even to threaten the Israelites.
22 那時若蘇厄說:「你們去打開洞口,把五個王子從洞裏拉出來,帶到我這裏來。」
Then Joshua said, “Open the cave entrance and bring out the five kings to me from the cave.”
23 人就去,將那五個王子,是耶路撒冷王、赫貝龍王、雅爾慕特王、拉基斯王和厄格隆王,從洞裏拉出,帶到他面前,
So they did, bringing out the five kings from the cave—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon.
24 當人們把那五個王子帶到若蘇厄面前時,若蘇厄將所有的以色列人召來,對那些與他同去作戰的軍長說:「你們前來,將腳踏在這些王子的脖子上! 」他們就前來,將腳踏在那些王子的脖子上。
When they had brought the kings to Joshua, he summoned all the fighting men, and said to the commanders who had gone with him, “Come here, and put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came over and put their feet on their necks.
25 若蘇厄對他們說:「你們不要害怕,不要沮喪,只要勇敢果斷,因為上主必要這樣對待你們所征服的一切仇人。」
Joshua said to them, “Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! Be strong and be brave! For the Lord is going to do the same thing to all your enemies that you're going to fight!”
26 隨後,若蘇厄將那五個王子殺死,將他們懸在五棵樹上,直懸到晚上。
Then Joshua killed the kings and hung their bodies on five trees and left them hanging there until the evening.
27 到太陽快落時候,o命人將他們由樹上放下來,丟在他們藏過的山洞裏,用大石頭塞住洞口;那些大石至今尚在。
As the sun went down Joshua gave the order to take their bodies down from the trees and throw them into the cave where they had been hiding. Then the Israelites piled up stones over the entrance to the cave, and they are there to this very day.
28 若蘇厄當天就佔領了瑪克達,並用利劍擊殺了那城和城中的王子,並將城中的一切生靈完全毀滅,一個也沒有留下;他對待瑪刻達王如對耶利哥王一樣。
That day Joshua captured Makkedah, killing all its inhabitants, including the king. He set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it, leaving no survivors. He killed the king of Makkedah just as he had killed the king of Jericho.
29 若蘇厄和跟隨他的眾以色列人,由瑪刻達往里貝納進攻,攻打里貝納。
Then Joshua and the Israelite army left Makkedah and went to attack Libnah,
30 上主也將這城和城中的王子交在以色列人手中;他們用利劍擊殺了城和城中的一切生靈,一個也沒有留下;他對待這城中的王子,如對待耶利哥王一樣。
and the Lord gave the town and its king to the Israelites. Joshua had everyone in it killed, leaving no survivors. He killed its king just as he had killed the king of Jericho.
31 若蘇厄和跟隨他的眾以色列人,又從里貝納往拉基士推進,圍攻拉基士,
Then Joshua and the Israelite army moved on from Libnah to Lachish, surrounding the town and attacking it.
32 上主將拉基士也交在以色列人手中。第二天若蘇厄攻取了拉基士,用利劍擊殺了那城和城中的一切生靈,全如對待里貝納一樣。
The Lord gave the town to the Israelites who captured it on the second day. Joshua had everyone in it killed, just as he had done in Libnah.
33 那時曷爾曷蘭上來援救拉基士,若蘇厄也將他和他的人民殺盡,一個也沒有留下。
Then Horam, king of Gezer, came with his army to help Lachish, but Joshua and his men killed them, leaving no survivors.
34 此後,若蘇厄和跟隨他的眾以色列人,由拉基士往厄革隆推進,圍攻厄革隆。
Joshua and the Israelite army moved on from Lachish to Eglon, surrounding the town and attacking it.
35 當夜攻下了那城,並在那天用利劍殺盡了那城和城中的一切生靈,全如對待拉基士一樣。
They captured it the same day. Joshua had everyone in it killed that very day. He set it apart and completely destroyed it, just as he had done in Lachish.
36 上後,若蘇厄和跟隨他的眾以色列人,從厄革隆上到赫貝龍,攻打那城;
Joshua and the Israelite army left Eglon and went to attack Hebron.
37 佔領後,用利劍擊殺了那城和城中的王子,以及屬於他的一切生靈,一個也沒有留下;將那城和城中一切生靈完全消滅,全如對待厄革隆一樣。
They captured the town, as well as the towns nearby. Joshua had all the inhabitants killed, leaving no survivors. Just as he had done in Eglon, he set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it.
38 此後,若蘇厄和跟隨他的眾以色列人,轉身向德彼爾推進,攻打那城,
Then Joshua and the Israelite army turned and went to attack Debir.
39 獲得了那城和那城的王子,以及屬德彼爾的一切城邑後,用利劍擊殺了他們,將這些城內的一切生靈完全毀滅,一個也沒有留下;對待德彼爾城和城中的王子,有如對待赫貝龍和赫貝龍的王子一樣又如對待里貝納和里貝納王子一樣。
He captured it and its king and all the towns nearby. Joshua had all the inhabitants killed, leaving no survivors. Just as he had done in Hebron, he set it apart and completely destroyed it and everyone in it. He killed the king of Debir just as he had killed the king of Libnah.
40 若蘇厄征服了那一帶地方包括山地、乃革布、平原、山坡和那些地方的不子;並照上主以色列的天主的命令,消滅了所有的生靈,一個也沒有留下,
So Joshua conquered the whole land—the hill country, the Negev, the foothills, and the slopes—and all their kings. He didn't leave a single survivor. He killed everyone as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded.
41 由卡德士巴爾乃亞起,直到迦薩,以及哥笙全境,直到基貝紅。
Joshua destroyed them from Kadesh-barnea to Gaza and the whole of the land from Goshen to Gibeon.
42 若蘇厄這次出征,能獲取所有的王子和他們的土地,是因為上主以色列的天主在為以色列人作戰。
All the kings and their lands were conquered by Joshua in one campaign because the Lord, the God of Israel, was fighting for the Israelites.
43 以後,若蘇厄和所有跟隨他的以色列人,回到基耳加耳營。
Joshua and the Israelite army then returned to the camp at Gilgal.

< 約書亞記 10 >