< 約珥書 1 >
The worde of the Lord that came to Ioel the sonne of Pethuel.
2 老人們,你們應聽這事! 地上的一切在你們的應側耳細聽! 在你們的時日,或在你們的祖先的時日,是否有過這樣的事﹖
Heare ye this, O Elders, and hearken ye all inhabitantes of the land, whether such a thing hath bene in your dayes, or yet in the dayes of your fathers.
3 你們應將這樣的事告訴你們的子孫,你們的子孫應傳給你們的的子孫;他們的子孫又應代傳給下一代:
Tell you your children of it, and let your children shew to their children, and their children to another generation.
4 蝻子吃剩的,飛蝗來吃了;飛蝗吃剩的,冬斯來吃了;冬斯吃剩的,蚱蜢來吃了。
That which is left of ye palmer worme, hath the grashopper eaten, and the residue of ye grashopper hath the canker worme eaten, and the residue of the canker worme hath the caterpiller eaten.
5 醉漢,你們醒來慟哭吧! 一切愛暍酒的人,為了新酒悲泣吧! 因為已由你們嘴邊奪去了。
Awake ye drunkards, and weepe, and howle all ye drinkers of wine, because of the newe wine: for it shalbe pulled from your mouth.
6 因為有一個民族侵入了我的地區,既強大而又不可勝數;你們的牙猶如獅子的牙,臼齒有如母獅的臼齒。
Yea, a nation commeth vpon my lande, mightie, and without nomber, whose teeth are like the teeth of a lyon, and he hath the iawes of a great lyon.
7 他們蹂躝了我的葡萄園,折斷了我的無花果樹,將樹皮完全剝掉,使樹枝光禿發白。
He maketh my vine waste, and pilleth off the barke of my figge tree: he maketh it bare, and casteth it downe: ye branches therof are made white.
8 你哀傷吧! 如同一個身披喪服的處女,哀哭她青年的未婚夫。
Mourne like a virgine girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.
9 上主殿中的素祭和奠祭已中斷;上主的僕人──司祭都都悲哀不已。
The meate offring, and the drinke offring is cut off from the House of the Lord: the Priests the Lords ministers mourne.
10 田園已荒廢,土地已淒涼;因為五榖已遭蹂躝,美酒已枯竭,油已乾涸。
The fielde is wasted: the lande mourneth: for the corne is destroyed: the new wine is dried vp, and the oyle is decayed.
11 農夫,你們應哀哭! 葡萄園丁,你們應為小麥和大麥而號咷! 因為田園的出產已遭。破壞
Be ye ashamed, O husband men: howle, O ye vine dressers for the wheate, and for the barly, because the haruest of the fielde is perished.
12 葡萄樹枯槁了,無花果樹凋謝了;石榴樹、棕樹、蘋果樹,以及田間大中的一切果樹都枯死了;為此,喜樂已由人間消失。
The vine is dried vp, and the figge tree is decayed: the pomegranate tree and the palme tree, and the apple tree, euen all the trees of the fielde are withered: surely the ioy is withered away from the sonnes of men.
13 司祭,你們應披上麻衣而哀悼! 服務祭壇的人,你們應號咷! 我天主的僕人,你們應進來,披上麻衣過夜! 因為素祭和奠祭在你們天主的殿內已中斷了。
Girde your selues and lament, ye Priests: howle ye ministers of the altar: come, and lie all night in sackecloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meate offring, and the drinke offring is taken away from the house of your God.
14 你們應制定一個齋期,召開一個盛會,聚集長老和當地的一切居民,在上主你們的天主的殿內,向上主呼號o
Sanctifie you a fast: call a solemne assemblie: gather the Elders, and all the inhabitants of the land into the House of the Lord your God, and cry vnto the Lord,
15 那日子啊! 上主的日子來近了,它來有如全能者施行毀滅。
Alas: for the day, for the day of the Lord is at hand, and it commeth as a destruction from the Almightie.
16 食物不是在我們眼斷絕了嗎﹖喜樂和歡欣不是離開了我們天主的殿嗎﹖
Is not the meate cut off before our eyes? and ioy, and gladnesse from the house of our God?
17 麥粒已在土塊下腐爛,糧倉業已荒廢,廩倉業已坍塌,因為五榖都枯死了。
The seede is rotten vnder their cloddes: the garners are destroyed: the barnes are broken downe, for the corne is withered.
18 牲畜為什麼悲鳴﹖牛群為什麼徬徨﹖因為沒有了草場;連群也感絕望。
How did the beasts mourne! the herdes of cattel pine away, because they haue no pasture, and the flockes of sheepe are destroyed.
19 上主,我向你呼號,因為烈火吞滅了原野的牧場,火燄焚燒了田間的一切樹木。
O Lord, to thee will I crie: for the fire hath deuoured the pastures of the wildernesse, and the flame hath burnt vp all the trees of the fielde.
20 連野獸也向你懇切哀鳴,因為水流已枯竭,烈火又吞滅了原野的牧場。
The beasts of the fielde cry also vnto thee: for the riuers of waters are dried vp, and the fire hath deuoured the pastures of the wildernes.