< 約伯記 5 >

1 任你呼求,看有誰答應你﹖諸聖者中,看你轉向那一位﹖
Call nowe, if any will answere thee, and to which of the Saintes wilt thou turne?
2 的確,憂憤殺死愚人,怒火使痴者喪生。
Doubtlesse anger killeth the foolish, and enuie slayeth the idiote.
3 我知道:愚人一根深蒂固,他的居所即被詛咒;
I haue seene the foolish well rooted, and suddenly I cursed his habitation, saying,
4 他的子女,無人支援,在城門前被踐踏,無人救護。
His children shalbe farre from saluation, and they shall be destroyed in the gate, and none shall deliuer them.
5 他們收穫的,飢餓者來吃;且將剩餘的,搶去儲存;他們的財富,為口渴者喝盡。
The hungrie shall eate vp his haruest: yea, they shall take it from among the thornes, and the thirstie shall drinke vp their substance.
6 因為災禍不是由土中而來,憂患不是生自地中;
For miserie commeth not foorth of the dust, neither doeth affliction spring out of the earth.
7 而是人自尋苦惱,如雛鷹自會飛翔。
But man is borne vnto trauaile, as the sparkes flie vpwarde.
8 如果是我,我必投奔天主,向天主陳訴我的案情。
But I would inquire at God, and turne my talke vnto God:
9 他所作的大事,高深莫測;他所行的奇事,不可勝數:
Which doeth great things and vnsearchable, and marueilous things without nomber.
10 他使雨落在地上,引水滋潤郊田;
He giueth raine vpon the earth, and powreth water vpon the streetes,
11 使卑微的人高昇,使受苦的人獲得救助;
And setteth vp on hie them that be lowe, that the sorowfull may be exalted to saluation.
12 粉碎狡猾人的計謀,使他們的作為一無所成;
He scattereth the deuices of the craftie: so that their handes can not accomplish that which they doe enterprise.
13 以智者的計謀捕捉智者,使奸猾人的策畫即時成空;
He taketh the wise in their craftinesse, and the counsel of the wicked is made foolish.
14 他們白日遇到黑暗,正午摸索如在夜間;
They meete with darkenesse in the day time, and grope at noone day, as in the night.
15 他搭救被剝削者脫離人口,挽救窮人擺脫強暴的手。
But he saueth the poore from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hande of the violent man,
16 如此,貧苦的人獲得希望,邪惡將閉口無言。
So that the poore hath his hope, but iniquitie shall stop her mouth.
17 的確,天主所懲戒的人是有福的:全能者的訓戒,你不可忽視。
Beholde, blessed is the man whome God correcteth: therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almightie.
18 因為他打傷了,而又包紮傷口;他擊碎了,而又親手治療。
For he maketh the wound, and bindeth it vp: he smiteth, and his handes make whole.
19 你六次遭難,他次次拯救;到第七次,災難不會臨於你。
He shall deliuer thee in sixe troubles, and in the seuenth the euill shall not touch thee.
20 饑饉中,他必救你不死;戰爭中,必使你得免刀劍。
In famine he shall deliuer thee from death: and in battel from the power of the sworde.
21 唇槍舌劍,你必能躲藏;大難來臨,你不必張惶;
Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue, and thou shalt not be afraid of destruction when it commeth.
22 對大難和饑荒,你可置之一笑;對地上的野獸,也不用驚惶。
But thou shalt laugh at destruction and dearth, and shalt not be afraide of the beast of the earth.
23 你將與田野的頑石立約,曠野的猛獸必與你和好。
For the stones of the fielde shall be in league with thee, and the beastes of the field shall be at peace with thee.
24 你將見到你的帳幕平安無恙,察看羊欄時,一無所失。
And thou shalt knowe, that peace shall be in thy tabernacle, and thou shalt visite thine habitation, and shalt not sinne.
25 你將確知子孫繁昌,你的苗裔猶如田野青草。
Thou shalt perceiue also, that thy seede shalbe great, and thy posteritie as the grasse of the earth.
26 你必高年纔葬於墓,好像麥梱準時收藏。
Thou shalt goe to thy graue in a ful age, as a ricke of corne commeth in due season into the barne.
27 看,這是我們所觀察的真理,你若細聽,自會獲益良多。
Lo, thus haue we inquired of it, and so it is: heare this and knowe it for thy selfe.

< 約伯記 5 >