< 約伯記 40 >

1 上主又接著問約伯說:
And the Lord addide, and spak to Joob,
2 好辯之士,豈能同全能者辯論﹖非難天主的,請答覆這一切!
Whether he, that stryueth with God, schal haue rest so liytli? Sotheli he, that repreueth God, owith for to answere to hym.
3 約伯回答上主說:「
Forsothe Joob answeride to the Lord,
4 看,我這麼卑賤,我能回答什麼﹖只好用手掩口。
and seide, What may Y answere, which haue spoke liytli? Y schal putte myn hond on my mouth.
5 我說過一次,再不敢重複;我再說一次:我不敢再說什麼! 」
Y spak o thing, which thing Y wold, that Y hadde not seid; and Y spak anothir thing, to which Y schal no more adde.
6 上主由旋風中回答約伯說:
Forsothe the Lord answeride to Joob fro the whirlewynd,
7 你要像勇士束好腰,我要問你,請指教我。
and seide, Girde thou as a man thi leendis, and Y schal axe thee, and schewe thou to me.
8 你豈能推翻我的評斷,歸罪於我,而自以為有理﹖
Whether thou schalt make voide my doom, and schalt condempne me, that thou be maad iust?
9 你的手臂豈能同天主的相比﹖你的聲音,那能像雷鳴﹖
And if thou hast an arm, as God hath, and if thou thundrist with lijk vois, `take thou fairnesse aboute thee,
10 請你以尊貴和高雅作你的點綴,以光華美麗作你的衣裳;
and be thou reisid an hiy, and be thou gloriouse, and be thou clothid `in faire clothis.
11 發洩你的烈怒,貶抑一切高傲的人;
Distrie thou proude men in thi woodnesse, and biholde thou, and make lowe ech bostere.
12 視察一切傲慢的人,且加以制服,推翻惡人所處的地位;
Biholde thou alle proude men, and schende thou hem; and al to-breke thou wickid men in her place.
13 將他們一同埋在土中,把他們都關在黑暗中!
Hide thou hem in dust togidere, and drenche doun her faces in to a diche.
14 如果你能這樣作,我也要稱讚你,因為你的右手救護了你。
And Y schal knowleche, that thi riyt hond may saue thee.
15 且看河馬,牠同你都是我造成的,牠像牛一樣吃草。
Lo! behemot, whom Y made with thee, schal as an oxe ete hey.
16 牠的精力全在腰部,牠的力量是在腹部的肌肉;
His strengthe is in hise leendis, and his vertu is in the nawle of his wombe.
17 牠挺起尾巴好像香柏,大腿上的筋聯結在一起;
He streyneth his tail as a cedre; the senewis of his `stones of gendrure ben foldid togidere.
18 牠的脊骨好似銅管,牠的骨骸有如鐵杠。
Hise boonys ben as the pipis of bras; the gristil of hym is as platis of yrun.
19 牠是天主的傑作,造牠者賜給了牠利刃。
He is the bigynnyng of the weies of God; he, that made hym, schal sette his swerd to hym.
20 群山供給牠食物,百獸在那裏同牠遊戲。
Hillis beren eerbis to this behemot; alle the beestis of the feeld pleien there.
21 牠臥在蓮葉之下,躺在蘆葦和沼澤深處;
He slepith vndur schadewe, in the pryuete of rehed, in moiste places.
22 蓮葉的蔭影遮蔽著牠,溪邊的楊柳掩護著牠。
Schadewis hilen his schadewe; the salewis of the ryuer cumpassen hym.
23 河水漲溢之時,牠毫不戰慄;約但河漲到牠口邊,牠仍安寧。
He schal soupe vp the flood, and he schal not wondre; he hath trist, that Jordan schal flowe in to his mouth.
24 誰能在牠目前捕捉牠,或以木橛穿透牠的鼻孔﹖
He schal take hem bi `the iyen of hym, as bi an hook; and bi scharpe schaftis he schal perse hise nosethirlis.

< 約伯記 40 >