< 約伯記 39 >

1 你豈知道巖穴中野羊的產期,洞悉牝鹿何時生產﹖
Knowest thou the time when the wilde goates bring foorth yong? or doest thou marke when the hindes doe calue?
2 你豈能計算牠們懷孕的月分,預知牠們生產的日期﹖
Canst thou nomber the moneths that they fulfill? or knowest thou the time when they bring foorth?
3 牠們伏下產子之後,產痛立即過去。
They bow them selues: they bruise their yong and cast out their sorowes.
4 幼雛健壯,在原野中長大;牠們一去,即不再返回。
Yet their yong waxe fatte, and growe vp with corne: they goe foorth and returne not vnto them.
5 誰使野驢任意遊蕩,誰解去悍驢的韁繩﹖
Who hath set the wilde asse at libertie? or who hath loosed the bondes of the wilde asse?
6 原來是我叫牠以原野為家,以鹽地為居所。
It is I which haue made the wildernesse his house, and the salt places his dwellings.
7 牠恥笑城市的吵鬧,聽不到趕牲者的呵叱。
He derideth the multitude of the citie: he heareth not the crie of the driuer.
8 牠以群山峻嶺作自己的牧場,尋覓各種青草為食。
He seeketh out the mountaine for his pasture, and searcheth after euery greene thing.
9 野牛豈肯為你服役,豈肯在你槽邊過宿﹖
Will the vnicorne serue thee? or will he tary by thy cribbe?
10 你豈能以繩索繫住牠的頸項,叫牠隨你耕田﹖
Canst thou binde the vnicorne with his band to labour in the furrowe? or will he plowe the valleyes after thee?
11 你豈能依靠牠的大力,任憑牠去作你的工作﹖
Wilt thou trust in him, because his strength is great, and cast off thy labour vnto him?
12 你豈能靠牠將麥捆運回,聚集在你的禾場上﹖
Wilt thou beleeue him, that he will bring home thy seede, and gather it vnto thy barne?
13 駝鳥的翅翼鼓舞,牠的翼翎和羽毛豈表示慈愛﹖
Hast thou giuen the pleasant wings vnto the peacockes? or winges and feathers vnto the ostriche?
14 他將卵留在地上,讓沙土去溫暖;
Which leaueth his egges in the earth, and maketh them hote in the dust,
15 牠不想人腳能踏碎,野獸能踐壞。
And forgetteth that the foote might scatter the, or that the wild beast might breake the.
16 牠苛待雛鳥,若非己出,雖徒受苦痛,也毫不關心。
He sheweth himselfe cruell vnto his yong ones, as they were not his, and is without feare, as if he trauailed in vaine.
17 因為天主沒有賜牠這本能,也沒有把良知賜給牠。
For God had depriued him of wisedom, and hath giuen him no part of vnderstanding.
18 但當牠振翼飛翔,卻要訕笑駿馬和騎師。
When time is, he mounteth on hie: he mocketh the horse and his rider.
19 馬的力量,是你所賜﹖牠頸上的長騣,是你所披﹖
Hast thou giuen the horse strength? or couered his necke with neying?
20 你豈能使牠跳躍如蚱蜢﹖牠雄壯的長嘶,實在使人膽寒。
Hast thou made him afraid as the grashopper? his strong neying is fearefull.
21 牠在谷中歡躍奔馳,勇往直前,衝鋒迎敵。
He diggeth in the valley, and reioyceth in his strength: he goeth foorth to meete the harnest man.
22 牠嗤笑膽怯,一無所懼;交鋒之時,決不退縮。
He mocketh at feare, and is not afraid, and turneth not backe from the sworde,
23 牠背上的箭袋震震作響,還有閃爍發光的矛與槍。
Though the quiuer rattle against him, the glittering speare and the shield.
24 牠一聞號角,即不肯停蹄,急躁狂怒,不斷啃地。
He swalloweth the ground for fearcenes and rage, and he beleeueth not that it is the noise of the trumpet.
25 每次號角一鳴,牠必發出嘶聲,由遠處已聞到戰爭的氣息,將領的號令和士卒的喊聲。
He sayth among the trumpets, Ha, ha: hee smellleth the battell afarre off, and the noyse of the captaines, and the shouting.
26 鷹展翅振翼南飛,豈是由於你的智慧﹖
Shall the hauke flie by thy wisedome, stretching out his wings toward the South?
27 兀鷹騰空,營巢峭壁,豈是出於你的命令﹖
Doeth the eagle mount vp at thy commandement, or make his nest on hie?
28 牠在山崖居住過宿,在峭峰上有牠的保障;
Shee abideth and remaineth in the rocke, euen vpon the toppe of the rocke, and the tower.
29 由那裏窺伺獵物,牠的眼力可達遠處。
From thence she spieth for meate, and her eyes beholde afarre off.
30 牠的幼雛也都吮血。那裏有屍體,牠也在那裏。
His young ones also sucke vp blood: and where the slaine are, there is she.

< 約伯記 39 >