< 約伯記 36 >
Eliu also proceeded, and said:
2 你且等一會,容我教導你,因為為天主,我還有些話要說。
Suffer me a little, and I will shew thee: for I have yet somewhat to speak in God’s behalf.
I will repeat my knowledge from the beginning, and I will prove my Maker just.
For indeed my words are without a lie, and perfect knowledge shall be proved to thee.
5 的確,天主寬宏大量,決不藐視任何人,並且有廣大的同情心。
God doth not cast away the mighty, whereas he himself also is mighty.
But he saveth not the wicked, and he giveth judgment to the poor.
7 他也不剝奪義人的權利。他使君王永久坐在寶座上,但是他們卻驕矜自大;
He will not take away his eyes from the just, and he placeth kings on the throne for ever, and they are exalted.
8 故此,當他們一旦被鎖鏈束縛,被痛苦的繩索所繫,
And if they shall be in chains, and be bound with the cords of poverty:
9 天主就向他們指明他們的惡行,和他們所誇耀的過犯,
He shall shew them their works, and their wicked deeds, because they have been violent.
10 開啟他們的耳朵,以聽訓戒,囑咐他們離開邪惡。
He also shall open their ear, to correct them: and shall speak, that they may return from iniquity.
11 如果他們服從順命,便能幸福地度過歲月,能安樂地享受天年。
If they shall hear and observe, they shall accomplish their days in good, and their years in glory.
But if they hear not, they shall pass by the sword, and shall be consumed in folly.
13 心術敗壞的人,憤怒填胸,縱被囚禁,仍不呼求救助;
Dissemblers and crafty men prove the wrath of God, neither shall they cry when they are bound.
Their soul shall die in a storm, and their life among the effeminate.
15 所以天主藉痛苦拯救受難的人,以患難開啟他們的耳鼓。
He shall deliver the poor out of his distress, and shall open his ear in affliction.
16 他也要救你擺脫災難,領你到廣闊自由之地,在你桌上常擺滿肥饌美味;
Therefore he shall set thee at large out of the narrow mouth, and which hath no foundation under it: and the rest of thy table shall be full of fatness.
17 無如你判斷與惡人完全一樣,那麼懲罰和判案必集於你身。
Thy cause hath been judged as that of the wicked, cause and judgment thou shalt recover.
18 小心! 不要讓忿怒引你肆口謾罵,也不要為重罰讓你離棄正道。
Therefore let not anger overcome thee to oppress any man: neither let multitude of gifts turn thee aside.
Lay down thy greatness without tribulation, and all the mighty of strength.
Prolong not the night that people may come up for them.
21 小心! 別傾向不義,因為這正是你遭難的真正原因。
Beware thou turn not aside to iniquity: for this thou hast begun to follow after misery.
Behold, God is high in his strength, and none is like him among the lawgivers.
Who can search out his ways? or who can say to him: Thou has wrought iniquity?
Remember that thou knowest not his work, concerning which men have sung.
All men see him, every one beholdeth afar off.
26 天主何其偉大,我們不能理解! 他的歲數,無法考究。
Behold, God is great, exceeding our knowledge: the number of his years is inestimable.
He lifteth up the drops of rain, and poureth out showers like floods:
Which flow from the clouds that cover all above.
29 但誰能明瞭雲彩怎樣散布,天幕中怎樣發出隆隆之聲﹖
If he will spread out clouds as his tent,
And lighten with his light from above, he shall cover also the ends of the sea.
For by these he judgeth people, and giveth food to many mortals.
In his hands he hideth the light, and commandeth it to come again.
He sheweth his friend concerning it, that it is his possession, and that he may come up to it.