< 約伯記 32 >

1 因為約伯自以為義,那三個友人就不再回答他。
Then those three men stopped answering Job, because [they could not convince Job that he was wrong in claiming that] he had not done anything that was wrong.
2 那時,有個布次蘭族的人,他是巴辣革耳的兒子厄里烏,為了約伯在天主前自以為義人,便大為憤怒;
Then Elihu, the son of Barachel, a descendant of Buz, from the clan of Ram, became very angry at Job. He was angry because Job continued to claim that he was righteous/innocent, and that God was wrong [to punish him].
3 同時也對約伯的三個友人大為震怒,因為他們找不到適當的答覆,又以天主為不公。
He was also angry with Job’s three friends, because they had declared that Job must have done many things that were wrong, but they were unable to convince Job [that what they said was true]. As a result, [it seemed to Elihu that] God did what was wrong by punishing Job.
4 厄里烏先等他們同約伯講完話,因為他們都比他年老。
Elihu was younger than the others, so he waited [until they had finished speaking] before he replied to Job.
5 他一見他們三人無話可說:遂大為憤怒。
But when Elihu realized that the three men had no more to say [MTY] to Job, he became angry.
6 於是布次人巴辣革耳的兒子厄里烏發言說:我年齡小,你們年紀大,故此我退縮畏懼,不敢在你們前表示我的見解。
And this is what he said: “I am young, and you all are much older than I am. So, I was timid, and I was afraid to tell you what I was thinking.
7 我心想:「老人應先發言,年高者應教人智慧。」
I thought, ‘Let those [PRS] who are much older speak, because older people [should be able to] say things that are wise.’
8 但人本來都具有靈性,全能者的氣息賦與人聰明;
But the Spirit of Almighty [God] is within people, and it is he who enables them to be wise.
9 並不是年高者就有智慧,老年人就通曉正義。
It is not people becoming old that enables them to be wise; not [all] old people understand what is right.
10 故此我請你們且聽我說,我也要表示我的見解。
“So, I say, ‘Listen to me, and allow me to say what I think.’
11 直到如今,我等待你們講話,靜聽你們的理論,等待你們尋出適當的言詞;
I waited for you all to speak; I wanted to hear the wise things that you would say. I waited while you thought carefully about what [would be the right things] to say.
12 但現今我已明白看出了,你們中沒一個能駁倒約伯,能回答他的話的。
I paid attention carefully, but surprisingly, none of you were able to prove that what Job said was wrong.
13 你們不要說:「我們尋到了智慧! 只有天主可說服他,人卻不能。」
So, do not say [to yourselves], ‘We have discovered what is wise!’ It is God who must (refute Job/show that what Job said was wrong), because you three have not been able to do that.
14 我決不那樣辯論,也決不以你們說的話答覆他。
Job was replying to you, [not to me], but I will not reply to him by saying what you three said.
15 他們已心亂,不能再回答,且已窮於辭令。
“You three are dismayed [because you have not been able to convince him that he was wrong], so you are not saying any more to him [DOU].
16 他們已不再講話了,他們已停止,不再答話了,我還等什麼﹖
But because you do not speak, I certainly will not wait any longer [RHQ]; you merely stand there and do not reply any more.
17 現在我要開始講我的一段話,表示出我的見解。
So [now] I also will reply [to Job] and say what I think.
18 因為我覺著充滿了要說的話,內心催迫著我。
I have plenty to say, and my spirit compels me to say it.
19 看啊! 我內心像尋覓出口的新酒,要將新酒囊爆裂。
My inner being is like [SIM] a (wineskin/bag that has (new/fermenting) wine in it), and it will soon burst.
20 我一說出,必覺輕鬆,我定要開口發言。
I must speak [MTY], in order that I do not have to keep holding what I want to say; I must say something [MTY] to reply [to you all].
21 我決不顧情面,也決不奉承人。
I will speak [fairly], not favoring any of you, and I will not try to flatter anyone.
22 因為我不會奉承,不然,造我者必立即將我消滅。
I [really] do not know how to flatter people; and if I did that, God would soon get rid of me.”

< 約伯記 32 >