< 約伯記 32 >

1 因為約伯自以為義,那三個友人就不再回答他。
So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.
2 那時,有個布次蘭族的人,他是巴辣革耳的兒子厄里烏,為了約伯在天主前自以為義人,便大為憤怒;
Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu, the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram; against Job was his wrath kindled, because he accounted himself righteous rather than God.
3 同時也對約伯的三個友人大為震怒,因為他們找不到適當的答覆,又以天主為不公。
Against his three friends also was his wrath kindled, because they had not found an answer, and yet had condemned Job.
4 厄里烏先等他們同約伯講完話,因為他們都比他年老。
Now Elihu had delayed to reply to Job, because they were older than himself.
5 他一見他們三人無話可說:遂大為憤怒。
But when Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, his wrath was kindled.
6 於是布次人巴辣革耳的兒子厄里烏發言說:我年齡小,你們年紀大,故此我退縮畏懼,不敢在你們前表示我的見解。
Then spake Elihu, the son of Barachel, the Buzite, and said: I am young, and ye are very old; Therefore I was afraid, And durst not make known to you my opinion.
7 我心想:「老人應先發言,年高者應教人智慧。」
I said, “Days should speak, And the multitude of years should teach wisdom.”
8 但人本來都具有靈性,全能者的氣息賦與人聰明;
But it is the spirit in man, Even the inspiration of the Almighty, that giveth him understanding.
9 並不是年高者就有智慧,老年人就通曉正義。
Great men are not always wise, Nor do the aged always understand what is right.
10 故此我請你們且聽我說,我也要表示我的見解。
Therefore, I pray, listen to me: I also will declare my opinion.
11 直到如今,我等待你們講話,靜聽你們的理論,等待你們尋出適當的言詞;
Behold, I have waited for your words, I have listened to your arguments, Whilst ye searched out what to say;
12 但現今我已明白看出了,你們中沒一個能駁倒約伯,能回答他的話的。
Yea, I have attended to you; And behold, none of you hath refuted Job, Nor answered his words.
13 你們不要說:「我們尋到了智慧! 只有天主可說服他,人卻不能。」
Say not, then, “We have found out wisdom; God must conquer him, not man.”
14 我決不那樣辯論,也決不以你們說的話答覆他。
He hath not directed his discourse against me, And with speeches like yours will I not answer him.
15 他們已心亂,不能再回答,且已窮於辭令。
They were confounded! they answered no more! They could say nothing!
16 他們已不再講話了,他們已停止,不再答話了,我還等什麼﹖
I waited, but they spake not; They stood still; they answered no more!
17 現在我要開始講我的一段話,表示出我的見解。
Therefore will I answer, on my part; I also will show my opinion.
18 因為我覺著充滿了要說的話,內心催迫著我。
For I am full of matter; The spirit within me constraineth me.
19 看啊! 我內心像尋覓出口的新酒,要將新酒囊爆裂。
Behold, my bosom is as wine that hath no vent; Like bottles of new wine, which are bursting.
20 我一說出,必覺輕鬆,我定要開口發言。
I will speak, that I may be relieved; I will open my lips and answer.
21 我決不顧情面,也決不奉承人。
I will not be partial to any man's person, Nor will I flatter any man.
22 因為我不會奉承,不然,造我者必立即將我消滅。
For I know not how to flatter; Soon would my Maker take me away.

< 約伯記 32 >