< 約伯記 29 >

1 約伯繼續他的言論說:
So Iob proceeded and continued his parable, saying,
2 誰能賜我似以前的歲月,像以往天主護守我的時日呢﹖
Oh that I were as in times past, when God preserued me!
3 那時他的燈,光照在我頭上,藉他的光明,我走過黑暗。
When his light shined vpon mine head: and when by his light I walked thorowe the darkenesse,
4 惟願我如壯年之時,那時天主護佑我的帳幕;
As I was in the dayes of my youth: when Gods prouidence was vpon my tabernacle:
5 全能者與我相偕,我的子女環繞著我;
When the almightie was yet with me, and my children round about me.
6 那時我以奶油洗腳,崖石流油成河。
When I washed my pathes with butter, and when the rocke powred me out riuers of oyle:
7 當我走出城門,在市井設我座位之時,
When I went out to the gate, euen to the iudgement seat, and when I caused them to prepare my seate in the streete.
8 少年人看見我都迴避,老年人都起身站立;
The yong men saw me, and hid themselues, and the aged arose, and stood vp.
9 王侯停止講話,用手堵住自己的口;
The princes stayed talke, and layde their hand on their mouth.
10 首領不敢出聲,舌頭緊貼上顎。
The voyce of princes was hidde, and their tongue cleaued to the roofe of their mouth.
11 凡有耳聽見我的,必稱我有福;凡有眼看見我的,都必稱讚我。
And when the eare heard me, it blessed me: and when the eye sawe me, it gaue witnesse to me.
12 因為我援助了呼救的窮人,和無依無靠的孤兒。
For I deliuered the poore that cryed, and the fatherlesse, and him that had none to helpe him.
13 那受喪亡之痛的人稱謝我,我使寡婦的心歡樂。
The blessing of him that was ready to perish, came vpon me, and I caused the widowes heart to reioyce.
14 我披上正義,正義就如我衣;我的公正,猶如我的長袍和冠冕。
I put on iustice, and it couered me: my iudgement was as a robe, and a crowne.
15 我作了盲人的眼,跛者的腳。
I was the eyes to the blinde, and I was the feete to the lame.
16 我成了窮人之父,我調查過素不相識者的案件。
I was a father vnto the poore, and when I knewe not the cause, I sought it out diligently.
17 我打碎惡人的燎牙,由他牙齒中奪出了獵物。
I brake also the chawes of the vnrighteous man, and pluckt the praye out of his teeth.
18 我心想:我必壽終正寢,我的壽數必如塵沙。
Then I sayde, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiplie my dayes as the sand.
19 我的根蔓延到水邊,夜間甘露落在我的枝葉上。
For my roote is spread out by the water, and the dewe shall lye vpon my branche.
20 我的榮耀不斷更新,我手中的弓日新月異。
My glory shall renue towarde me, and my bowe shall be restored in mine hand.
21 聽我講話的人,屏息等待,靜聽我的指教。
Vnto me men gaue eare, and wayted, and helde their tongue at my counsell.
22 我講話之後,無人再敢講話,我的話像水珠滴在他們身上。
After my wordes they replied not, and my talke dropped vpon them.
23 他們期待我如望甘霖,張著大口如渴盼春雨。
And they wayted for me, as for the raine, and they opened their mouth as for the latter rayne.
24 我向他們微笑,他們不敢相信;我和善的面容,他們必不放過。
If I laughed on them, they beleeued it not: neither did they cause the light of my countenance to fall.
25 我為他們選擇了道路,身居前導,一如立在軍中的君王;我引他們到那裏,他們就去。
I appoynted out their way, and did sit as chiefe, and dwelt as a King in the army, and like him that comforteth the mourners.

< 約伯記 29 >