< 約伯記 22 >

1 特曼人厄里法次接著說:
Then Eliphaz the Thaemanite answered and said,
2 人為天主能有什麼益處﹖明智人只能於一己有益。
Is it not the Lord that teaches understanding and knowledge?
3 縱然你公正,對全能者有什麼好處﹖縱然你品行齊全,對天主有什麼利益﹖
For what matters it to the Lord, if you were blameless in [your] works? or is it profitable that you should perfect your way?
4 他豈能因你敬畏之心而責斥你,拉你來聽審﹖
Will you maintain and plead your own cause? and will he enter into judgement with you?
5 豈不是因為你罪惡多端,罪過無窮﹖
Is not your wickedness abundant, and your sins innumerable?
6 因為你無理地強取了你兄弟的抵押,剝去了人的衣服,使之赤裸;
And you have taken security of your brethren for nothing, and have taken away the clothing of the naked.
7 口渴的人,你沒有給他水喝;饑餓的人,你沒有給他飯吃;
Neither have you given water to the thirsty to drink, but have taken away the morsel of the hungry.
8 讓強有力的人佔有土地,讓尊貴體面的人住在其中;
And you have accepted the persons of some; and you have established those [that were already settled] on the earth.
9 卻使寡婦空手而歸,折斷孤兒的手臂;
But you have sent widows away empty, and has afflicted orphans.
10 因此羅網要四面圍困你,恐嚇突降,使你驚惶。
Therefore snares have compassed you, and disastrous war has troubled you.
11 光明變成黑暗,使你毫無所見;洪水漫漫,將你淹沒。
The light has proved darkness to you, and water has covered you on your lying down.
12 天主豈不是居於高天﹖看,最高的星辰何其高遠﹖
Does not he that dwells in the high places observe? and has he not brought down the proud?
13 你曾說過:「天主知道什麼﹖他豈能透過黑雲施行審判﹖
And you has said, What does the Mighty One know? does he judge in the dark?
14 雲彩遮蔽著他,使他看不到什麼,而他只在天邊周圍遊行。」
A cloud is his hiding-place, and he shall not be seen; and he passes through the circle of heaven.
15 你豈要固守惡人所蹈的故轍﹖
Will you [not] mark the old way, which righteous men have trodden?
16 尚未到時,他們已被攫去,大水沖去了他們的基礎。
who were seized before their time: their foundations [are as] an overflowing stream.
17 他們曾向天主說:「離開我們! 全能者能為我們作什麼﹖」
Who say, What will the Lord do to us? or what will the Almighty bring upon us?
18 他原來是以福利充滿了他們的家,可是惡人的思想離他很遠。
Yet he filled their houses with good things: but the counsel for the wicked is far from him.
19 義人見了就歡樂,無罪者也譏笑他們說:「
The righteous have seen [it], and laughed, and the blameless one has derided [them].
20 的確,他們的財富已被消滅,他門所剩餘的皆被火焚毀。」
Verily their substance has been utterly destroyed, and the fire shall devour what is left of their [property].
21 請你與他親善和好,藉此你的幸福必的恢復。
Be firm, I pray you, if you can endure; then your fruit shall prosper.
22 請你領受他口中的教訓,將他的話存在心中。
And receive a declaration from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
23 如果你歸向全能者,你必興起;你若使邪惡離開你的帳幕,
And if you shall turn and humble yourself before the Lord, you have [thus] removed unrighteousness far from your habitation.
24 視金子如塵埃,視敖非爾金如溪石,
You shall lay up for yourself [treasure] in a heap on the rock; and Sophir [shall be] as the rock of the torrent.
25 全能者必作為你的精金,作為你的銀堆。
So the Almighty shall be your helper from enemies, and he shall bring you forth pure as silver that has been tried by fire.
26 那時你必以全能者為喜樂,向天主仰起你的頭來。
Then shall you have boldness before the Lord, looking up cheerfully to heaven.
27 那時你祈求他,他必應允你;你可向他還你的誓願。
And he shall hear you when you pray to him, and he shall grant you [power] to pay your vows.
28 你決定的事,事必成就;光明要照耀你的道路,
And he shall establish to you again a habitation of righteousness and there shall be light upon your paths.
29 因為他壓伏驕傲的人,拯救低首下心的人。
Because you have humbled yourself; and you shall say, [Man] has behaved proudly, but he shall save him that is of lowly eyes.
30 他必解救無罪的人;你若手中清廉,你必獲救。
He shall deliver the innocent, and do you save yourself by your pure hands.

< 約伯記 22 >