< 約伯記 21 >

1 約伯回答說:
Then answered Job, and said,
2 你們且聽一聽我的話! 這也算是你們給我的安慰。
Hear, O hear my speech, and let this be wherewith you give consolations.
3 請讓我發言,我說完後,任你們笑罵。
Bear with me that I may indeed speak: and after my speaking, then canst thou mock.
4 我豈是抱怨人﹖我失了忍耐,難道沒有理由﹖
As for me, —is against man my complaint? and if this be so, why should my spirit not be impatient?
5 你們注意聽我,必要吃驚,且要用手堵住口。
Turn yourselves unto me, and be astounded, and lay your hand upon your mouth.
6 甚至我一回想,我就恐怖,全身戰慄。
Yea, when I think of it, I am terrified, and shuddering seizeth hold of my flesh.
7 惡人為何享受高壽而勢力強大﹖
Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, grow strong in power?
8 他們在世時,子孫昌盛,親眼看見子子孫孫。
Their seed is firmly established in their presence with them. their offspring are before their eyes.
9 他們的住宅平安,無所畏懼,天主的棍杖也不加在他們身上。
Their houses are at peace without any dread, and no rod of God [cometh] over them.
10 他們的公牛交尾,無不成功;母牛產子,決無流產。
The bull of each one gendereth, and disappointeth not: the cow of each one calveth, and casteth not her young.
11 他們使孩子跑出像羊群,子女跳躍如麋鹿。
They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children skip about [with joy].
12 他們伴著手鼓與豎琴歌唱,隨著笛聲歡呼。
They sing to the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the pipe.
13 他們幸福地度過天年,平安地降入陰府。 (Sheol h7585)
They wear out their days in happiness, and in a moment they go down to the nether world. (Sheol h7585)
14 但他們曾向天主說:「離開我們! 我們不願知道你的道路。
And yet they say unto God, “Depart from us; and the knowledge of thy ways we desire not.
15 全能者是誰,竟叫我們事奉他﹖我們祈求他有什麼好處﹖」
What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit shall we have, if we entreat him urgently?”
16 看啊! 他們的幸福,豈不在他們掌握中﹖惡人的思想豈不離他很遠﹖
Lo, not in their hand doth their happiness rest! The counsel of the wicked be [still] far from me.
17 惡人的燈有多少次熄滅過﹖災禍有多少次降在他們身上﹖天主何嘗因忿怒而消滅他們﹖
How often is the lamp of the wicked quenched? and how often cometh over them their calamity? and doth [God] distribute their lot in his anger?
18 使他們好像被風吹的碎湝﹖好像被暴風捲去的糠秕﹖
Are they as straw before the wind, and as chaff which the stealeth away?
19 難道天主要向他的兒子討罪債﹖其實應向他本人報復,叫他覺悟!
Should God lay up for his children his wrong-doing? it were better that he reward him, that he might know it himself.
20 叫他親眼看見自己的毀滅,親自飲下全能者的義怒之杯。
His own eyes ought to see his downfall, and from the wrath of the Almighty ought he to drink.
21 他既逝去,他本人的歲月已絕,他的家庭對他還有什麼相干﹖
For what care hath he for his household after him, when the number of his months is all apportioned to him?
22 天主既審判天上者,人豈能教給他什麼智識﹖
Is this fitting God, who teacheth knowledge? him who judgeth those that are highest?
23 有人到死一無所缺,享盡了平安幸福。
That this one dieth in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet;
24 他的腰部充滿脂肪,他的骨髓潤澤豐盈;
His vessels being full of healthy fluid, and the marrow of his bones being well moistened:
25 但有人卻至死心靈酸苦,一生毫無福樂;
While this other dieth with an embittered soul, and hath never partaken of any happiness;
26 他們卻一同埋於塵土,為蛆蟲所掩蓋。
[And yet] together they must lie down in the dust, and the worms will cover them?
27 我確知你們的思想,以及對我所籌劃的陰謀。
Behold, I know your thoughts, and the opinions which ye wrongfully devise against me.
28 你們要問:「霸王的家在那裏﹖惡人住的帳幕在何處﹖」
For ye say, Where is the house of the noble-minded? and where is the tent of the dwelling-places of the wicked?
29 你們怎麼不問過路的人﹖難道你們不承認他們的證據﹖
Have ye not asked the wayfarers? surely their token ye cannot disregard,
30 「惡人在毀滅之日不受害,在憤怒之日會得救。」
That the bad man is reserved for the day of calamity, [that the wicked] are carried forward to the day of wrath.
31 他的動作,誰敢當面指摘﹖他的行為,誰能報復﹖
[But] who will tell him to his face of his way? and who will repay him what he hath done?
32 他最後被抬入墳墓,且親自守護自己的墓地。
Yea he will indeed be carried to the grave, and men will quickly think of his monument:
33 谷中的土壤,他感覺甘美;眾人都跟他而去,但在他前面的人,更不可勝數。
Sweet are to him the clods of the valley; and after him succeedeth every man, as those that were before him are without number.
34 你們為何說空話來安慰我﹖你們的答話顯然只是欺詐!
How then will ye comfort me with vanity? and of your answers there remaineth only deception.

< 約伯記 21 >