< 約伯記 13 >

1 的確,這一切我親眼見過,我親耳聽過,是我熟悉的事。
“Hey, I [SYN] have seen everything [that you have seen], and I have heard and understood all [that you have said].
2 你們所知道的,我也知道,我並不亞於你們。
What you know, I also know; I do (not know less than/know as much as) you.
3 但是,我願同全能者交談,願與天主辯論,
But I would like to speak to Almighty God, [not to you]; I would like to argue with him [and prove that I (am innocent/have not done things that are wrong]).
4 因為你們都是謊言的捏造者,全是無用的醫生。
As for you, you do not allow people to know the truth about me, like someone covers [up a bad surface of a wall] with whitewash [MET]. You are all like doctors [MET] [that give people] useless [medicines].
5 恨不得你們閉口不言! 這樣纔算聰明。
I wish/desire that you would be silent; that would be the wisest thing that you [could do].
6 請你們聽我的怨訴,留意我口中的辯論!
Listen to what I will say to you now; listen while I am saying [what is true about myself].
7 你們想以詭詐來為天主辯護,以謊言來為他說理﹖
Are you telling lies about me to prove God [is just in causing me to suffer]? Are you saying what is deceitful in order to benefit him?
8 難道你們想偏袒天主,有意為他辯護嗎﹖
Are you trying to defend him? Are you trying to prove [as you would] in a court that he is innocent?
9 他揭穿了你們,難道為你們有益﹖難道你們能欺騙他如人之欺騙人﹖
If he looks closely, will he find that everything that you have done is good? Or can you deceive him, like you deceive other people?
10 你們若假意偏袒,他必嚴厲斥責你們。
If you secretly say/do things to cause God to act favorably toward you, he will surely rebuke you.
11 他的尊嚴能不使你們恐怖﹖他的威嚇能不落在你們身上﹖
He will certainly [RHQ] cause you to be terrified by his power/greatness; you will become extremely afraid.
12 你們的古諺都是些腐朽之談,你們的答辯都是些泥製的盾牌。
The things that you say [that you think are] wise are [as useless as] [MET] as ashes; what you say to defend your opinions is no better than [MET] clay [that quickly crumbles].
13 你們且住口,讓我來發言:不要管我有什麼遭遇。
“So, be quiet and allow me to speak, and then it will not matter what happens to me.
14 我已將我的肉放在我的牙齒中,已將我的性命放在我手中;
I am ready to endure anything; I am [even] willing to risk being executed [IDM, DOU] [for what I will say].
15 即使他殺我,我仍希望在他面前表白我的行為。
If God kills me, then I will not have anyone else whom I can confidently expect to help me, but I am going to defend my behavior in his presence [anyway].
16 這樣對我還有救,因為惡人不敢到他面前。
No wicked/godless person would dare to stand in the presence of God, [but because I say that I have not done things that are wrong], perhaps, if I can prove that to God, he will save me.”
17 你們要細聽我的話,側耳靜聽我的解釋。
“God, listen very carefully to what I say [DOU].
18 我今呈上我的案件,確知我自己有理。
I am ready to prove that I am innocent, and I know that you also will declare that I am not guilty.
19 誰若與我爭辯,我就住口,情願死去。
I certainly do not think [RHQ] that [you or anyone else] will say that what I say is not true; if anyone did that, I would (be silent/stop talking) and die.
20 惟有二事,你切莫向我作,我就不迴避你:
“I am requesting you to do two things for me; if you do them, I will (not hide from you/come and stand in front of you) [LIT].
21 請將你的手由我身上撤回,莫讓你的威嚴恐嚇我。
[The first thing that I request is that you] stop punishing [IDM] me; and [the second thing that I request is that you] stop causing me to be very terrified.
22 那時你若召喚,我必回答;或者我說,你回答我。
You speak [first], and then I will reply; or allow me to speak first, and [then] you reply.
23 我的邪惡罪過,究有多少﹖讓我認識我的過犯和罪過。
What have I done that is wrong? What sins have I committed? Show me how I have disobeyed you.
24 你為何遮掩你的面容,將我視作你的仇人﹖
Why (do you refuse to be friendly with/have you abandoned) me [IDM]? Why do you (act toward me as though I am/consider me to be) your enemy?
25 難道你要喝走被風吹落的樹葉,要追逐已枯乾的碎湝﹖
I am [as insignificant as] [MET] a leaf that is blown by the wind; why are you trying to cause me to be afraid [RHQ]? Why are you pursuing me? Am I [useless, nothing more than a bit of] dry chaff [RHQ]?
26 你寫下了我受苦的判詞,使我承當我青年時的罪過。
[It seems that] you are writing things to accuse me [of doing things that are wrong], even recalling bad things that I did when I was young.
27 你把我的腳縛在木樁上,窺察我的一切行動,又為我的腳步劃定界限。
[It is as though] you have fastened my feet with chains [to prevent me from walking], and you watch me wherever I walk; [It is as though] you even look closely at my footprints [to see where I have gone].
28 我的生命已如腐爛的朽木,已如蛀蝕的衣服。
[As a result], my body is decaying like [SIM] rotten wood, like a piece of cloth that is eaten by [larvae of] moths.”

< 約伯記 13 >