< 耶利米書 50 >

1 關於巴比倫和加色丁地上主藉耶肋米亞先知所說的話:
The word that Jehovah hath spoken concerning Babylon, concerning the land of the Chaldeans, by the hand of Jeremiah the prophet:
2 你們該在民族間宣布傳揚,該樹起旗幟傳揚,不該隱瞞,說:「巴比倫已陷落了,貝耳遭受了羞辱,默洛達客傾倒了;她的偶像遭受了恥辱,她的神祇傾倒了。」
'Declare ye among nations, and sound, And lift up an ensign, sound, do not hide, Say ye: Captured hath been Babylon, Put to shame hath been Bel, Broken hath been Merodach, Put to shame have been her grievous things, Broken have been her idols.
3 因為有一民族從北方上來,向她進攻,使她的國土化為無人居住,人獸絕跡的荒野。
For come up against her hath a nation from the north, It maketh her land become a desolation, And there is not an inhabitant in it. From man even unto beast, They have moved, they have gone.
4 在那些日子裡和在那時期中──上主的斷語──以色列子民要與猶大子民一同歸來,且走且哭,尋覓上主他們的天主,
In those days, and at that time, An affirmation of Jehovah, Come in do sons of Israel, They and sons of Judah together, Going on and weeping they go, And Jehovah their God they seek.
5 他們必詢問熙雍的所在,面朝往那裏的道路說:來,讓我們以永久不可忘的盟約依附上主! 」
[To] Zion they ask the way, Thitherward [are] their faces: Come in, and we are joined unto Jehovah, A covenant age-during — not forgotten.
6 我的人民是一群迷途的羊群,他們的牧人使他們流浪,在群山間徘徊,翻山越嶺地漫遊,忘掉了自己的羊棧。
A perishing flock hath My people been, Their shepherds have caused them to err, [To] the mountains causing them to go back, From mountain unto hill they have gone, They have forgotten their crouching-place.
7 凡遇見他們的,將他們吞噬;他們的仇敵反而說:「我們並沒有過錯,因為是他們得罪了上主,正義的淵源和他們祖先的希望。」
All finding them have devoured them, And their adversaries have said: We are not guilty, Because that they sinned against Jehovah, The habitation of righteousness, And the hope of their fathers — Jehovah.
8 你們該逃離巴比倫,走出加色丁地,如同羊群前領頭的公山羊。
Move ye from the midst of Babylon, And from the land of the Chaldeans go out. And be as he-goats before a flock.
9 因為,看,我必從北方,發動一群強盛的民族前來進攻巴比倫,列陣向她進攻,就地將她攻陷;他們的箭像是善戰的勇士,從不空手而歸。
For, lo, I am stirring up, And am causing to come up against Babylon, An assembly of great nations from a land of the north, And they have set in array against her, From thence she is captured, Its arrow — as a skilful hero — returneth not empty,
10 加色丁必遭劫掠,凡劫掠她的,必心滿意足──上主的斷語。
And Chaldea hath been for a spoil, All her spoilers are satisfied, An affirmation of Jehovah.
11 你們搶奪我產業的人,你們儘管喜樂,儘管歡欣:跳躍,好像踏青的小公牛;嘶鳴,有如獲偶的牡馬!
Because thou rejoicest, because thou exultest, O spoilers of Mine inheritance, Because thou increasest as a heifer [at] the tender grass, And dost cry aloud as bulls,
12 你們的母親已遭受極大的恥辱,生養你的,已滿面羞慚。看,她已成為民族中最卑下的,成了曠野、旱地和荒原;
Ashamed hath been your mother greatly, Confounded hath she been that bare you, Lo, the hindermost of nations [is] a wilderness, A dry land, and a desert.
13 在上主的盛怒下,她已無人居住,滿目淒涼:凡經過巴比倫的人,看見的種種慘狀,莫不驚異嗟嘆。
Because of the wrath of Jehovah it is not inhabited, And it hath been a desolation — all of it. Every passer by at Babylon is astonished, And doth hiss because of all her plagues.
14 一切開張弓弩的射手! 你們應列陣圍攻巴比倫,向她射擊,不要吝惜箭羽,因為她得罪了上主。
Set yourselves in array against Babylon round about, All ye treading a bow, Shoot at her, have no pity on the arrow, For against Jehovah she hath sinned.
15 你們四周圍繞,向她吶喊! 她必伸手請降,她的城樓必將陷落,她的城牆必要被攻陷,因為這是上主的報復。你們報復她,照她作的還報!
Shout against her round about, She hath given forth her hand, Fallen have her foundations, Thrown down have been her walls, For it [is] the vengeance of Jehovah, Be avenged of her, as she did — do ye to her.
16 你們要殲滅巴比倫播種和手持鐮刀收割的人! 面臨無情的刀劍,各人回歸自己的民族,各自逃往自己的故鄉。
Cut off the sower from Babylon, And him handling the sickle in the time of harvest, Because of the oppressing sword, Each unto his people — they turn, And each to his land — they flee.
17 以色列是獅子追捕的亡羊,首先吞噬她的,是亞述君王;最後咬碎她骨骸的,是拿步高巴比倫王。
A scattered sheep is Israel, lions have driven away, At first, devour him did the king of Asshur, And now, at last, broken his bone Hath Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon.
18 為此,萬軍的上主,以色列的天主這樣說:「看,我要懲罰巴比倫王和他的國土,就如我懲罰了亞述君王一樣。
Therefore thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am seeing after the king of Babylon, And after his land, As I have seen after the king of Asshur;
19 我要領以色列回歸自己的牧場,在加爾默耳和巴商牧放,使他們的心靈在厄弗辣因與基肋阿得山上,獲得滿足。
And I have brought back Israel unto his habitation, And he hath fed on Carmel, and on Bashan. And in mount Ephraim, and on Gilead is his soul satisfied.
20 那些日子裏和在那時期中──上主的斷語──要想尋求以色列的不義,卻一無所有;要想尋猶大的罪惡,卻一無所見;因為我必寬恕我留下的遺民。
In those days, and at that time, An affirmation of Jehovah, Sought is the iniquity of Israel, and it is not, And the sin of Judah, and it is not found, For I am propitious to those whom I leave!
21 你們該向默辣塔因地推進,進攻培科得的居民,屠殺,徹底將他們消滅──上主的斷語──全照我吩咐的進行。
Against the land of Merathaim: Go up against it, and unto the inhabitants of Pekod, Waste and devote their posterity, An affirmation of Jehovah, And do according to all that I have commanded thee.
22 地上發生了交戰的吶喊,巨大的毀滅。
A noise of battle [is] in the land, and of great destruction.
23 怎麼,威震全地的鎚子也被破碎毀壞了﹖怎麼,巴比倫在萬民中也變得如此悽涼﹖
How hath it been cut and broken, The hammer of the whole earth! How hath Babylon been for a desolation among nations!
24 我給你佈下羅網,你竟被捉住;而你,巴比倫,尚不自覺;你被尋獲,且被捉住,因為你竟敢違抗上主! 」
I have laid a snare for thee, And also — thou art captured, O Babylon, And thou — thou hast known, Thou hast been found, and also art caught, For against Jehovah thou hast stirred thyself up.
25 上主開了自已的武庫,搬出了自己洩怒的武器,因為吾主萬軍的上主,在加色丁地有事要完成。
Jehovah hath opened His treasury, And He bringeth out the weapons of His indignation, For a work [is] to the Lord Jehovah of Hosts, In the land of the Chaldeans.
26 你們從四面八方向她湧來,打開她的倉庫,堆積成堆,徹底消滅,不給她留下殘餘;
Come ye in to her from the extremity, Open ye her storehouses, Raise her up as heaps, and devote her, Let her have no remnant.
27 屠殺她的一切公牛,叫他們下入屠場! 卜們的災難臨頭,因為他們的日子到了,到了懲罰他們的時候。
Slay all her kine, they go down to slaughter, Woe [is] on them, for come hath their day, The time of their inspection.
28 聽從巴比倫地逃命出走的人,在熙雍報告說:「上主我們的天主在復仇,為自己的殿宇雪恥。
A voice of fugitives and escaped ones [Is] from the land of Babylon, To declare in Zion the vengeance of Jehovah our God, The vengeance of His temple.
29 你們召集弓手,一切挽弓的人,來向巴比倫進攻,在她周圍紮營,不要讓她有人逃脫,該按照她的作為而報復她,照她所作的對待她,因為她傲慢反對上主,反對以色列的聖者。
Summon unto Babylon archers, all treading the bow, Encamp against her round about, Let [her] have no escape; Recompense to her according to her work, According to all that she did — do to her, For unto Jehovah she hath been proud, Unto the Holy One of Israel.
30 為此,她的青年人要倒斃在她的廣場,她所有的戰士都要在那一天內滅亡──上主的斷語──
Therefore fall do her young men in her broad places, And all her men of war are cut off in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah.
31 你這驕橫的人! 看,我來對付你──我主萬軍上主的斷語──因為你的日子到了,到了懲罰你的時候。
Lo, I [am] against thee, O pride, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah of Hosts, For thy day hath come, the time of thy inspection.
32 驕橫的必要傾覆顛仆,再沒有人來使她復興;我必放火燒毀她的城市,火要吞滅她四周的一切。」
And stumbled hath pride, And he hath fallen, and hath no raiser up, And I have kindled a fire in his cities, And it hath devoured all round about him.
33 萬軍的上主這樣說:「以色列子民與猶大子民一同遭受了壓迫;凡俘擄他們的,都扣留他們,不肯釋放。」
Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Oppressed are the sons of Israel, And the sons of Judah together, And all their captors have kept hold on them, They have refused to send them away.
34 但是他們的救贖者,名叫萬軍的上主,剛強有力,必要辯護他們的案件,使大地安寧,使巴比倫的居民惶亂。
Their Redeemer [is] strong, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name, He doth thoroughly plead their cause, So as to cause the land to rest, And He hath given trouble to the inhabitants of Babylon.
35 刀劍加於加色丁人──上主的斷語──加於巴比倫的居民,她的公卿和她的謀臣;
A sword [is] for the Chaldeans, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it [is] on the inhabitants of Babylon, And on her heads, and on her wise men;
36 刀劍加於她的巫士,使他們瘋狂;刀劍加於她的勇士,叫他們驚慌;
A sword [is] on the princes, And they have become foolish; A sword [is] on her mighty ones, And they have been broken down;
37 刀劍加於她的戰馬戰車,加於她境內所有的雜族,使他們柔弱如婦女;刀劍加於她的府庫,使人任意搶奪;
A sword [is] on his horses and on his chariot, And on all the rabble who [are] in her midst, And they have become women; A sword [is] on her treasuries, And they have been spoiled;
38 刀劍加於她的水源,叫水源涸竭,因為她偶像遍地,人們癡戀這些怪物;
A sword [is] on her waters, and they have been dried up, For it [is] a land of graven images, And in idols they do boast themselves.
39 為此,她必成為野貓和野狗的巢穴,駝鳥的棲身地,永遠不會有人居住,世世代代不會有居民;
Therefore dwell do Ziim with Iim, Yea, dwelt in her have daughters of the ostrich, And it is not inhabited any more for ever, Nor dwelt in unto all generations.
40 恰如天主滅亡了的索多瑪、哈摩辣及附近的城市一樣──上主的斷語──再沒有人居住,再沒有人留宿。
As overthrown by God with Sodom, And with Gomorrah, and with its neighbours, An affirmation of Jehovah, none doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.
41 看,有一個民族,從北方來,有一個強盛的異邦和許多君王從地極興起,
Lo, a people hath come from the north, Even a great nation, And many kings are stirred up from the sides of the earth.
42 緊握弓矛,殘忍無情,像海嘯般喧嚷,騎著戰馬,萬眾一心,嚴陣準備向你進攻,巴比倫女郎!
Bow and halbert they seize, Cruel [are] they, and they have no mercy, Their voice as a sea soundeth, and on horses they ride, Set in array as a man for battle, Against thee, O daughter of Babylon.
43 巴比倫王聽到了他們前來的消息,束手無策,不勝憂慮,痛苦得有如臨盆的產婦。
Heard hath the king of Babylon their report, And feeble have been his hands, Distress hath seized him; pain as a travailing woman.
44 看哪,好像一隻雄獅,從約但的叢林上來,走向常綠的牧場;同樣,我也要轉瞬間將他們趕走,派我選定的人來統治。誠然,誰是我的對手﹖誰敢向我提出質問﹖誰能對抗我的牧人﹖
Lo, as a lion he cometh up, Because of the rising of the Jordan, Unto the enduring habitation, But I cause to rest, I cause them to run from off her. And who is chosen? on her I lay a charge, For who [is] like Me? And who doth convene Me? And who [is] this shepherd who standeth before Me?
45 為此,請你們聽上主對巴比倫設下的計謀,對加色丁地策劃的策略:連最弱小的羊也一定要被人牽去,他們的牧場也必對他們戰慄。
Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He counselled concerning Babylon, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the land of the Chaldeans; Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Doth He not make desolate over them the habitation?
46 巴比倫轟然陷落,大地為之震動;哀號之聲,直達萬邦。
From the voice: Captured was Babylon, Hath the earth been shaken, And a cry among nations hath been heard!

< 耶利米書 50 >