< 耶利米書 48 >
1 關於摩阿布:萬軍的上主,以色列的天主這樣說:「禍哉,乃波! 因為她遭受了浩劫;克黎雅塔殷蒙受了羞辱,被人攻佔;城堡被人侮辱,飽受驚恐。
Now it came to pass in the seventh month that Ismael the son of Nathanias the son of Eleasa of the seed royal, came, and ten men with him, to Godolias to Massepha: and they ate bread there together.
2 摩阿布的誇耀不再存在,在赫市朋就有人對她蓄意謀害:「來,我們將她剷除,使她不再是個民族! 」連你瑪德門,也要遭受蹂躪,在你後面緊隨著刀劍。
And Ismael rose up, and the ten men that were with him, and struck Godolias, whom the king of Babylon had appointed [governor] over the land,
3 由曷洛納因傳來哀號的聲音:蹂躪! 絕大的蹂躪!
and all the Jews that were with him in Massepha, and all the Chaldeans that were found there.
And it came to pass on the second day after he had struck Godolias, and no man knew [of it],
5 他們哭泣著攀登路希特山坡;在曷洛納因斜坡上,人們可聽到悽慘的悲號:
that there came men from Sychem, and from Salem, and from Samaria, [even] eighty men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes tore, and beating their breasts, and [they had] manna and frankincense in their hands, to bring [them] into the house of the Lord.
6 請你們逃跑,拯救你們的性命! 願你們有如曠野中的楊柳!
And Ismael went out to meet them; [and] they went on and wept: and he said to them, Come in to Godolias.
7 正因你信賴你的工作和財富,你也要被佔領;革摩士與自己的司祭和執事,也要一同充軍。
And it came to pass, when they had entered into the midst of the city, [that] he killed them [and cast them] into a pit.
8 正如上主說了:蹂躪者必踏遍所有的城市,無一可以幸免;山谷必遭破壞,平原必摧殘。
But ten men were found there, and they said to Ismael, Slay us not: for we have treasures in the field, wheat and barley, honey and oil. So he passed by, and killed them not in the midst of their brethren.
9 你們給摩阿布立墓碑,因為她已全被消滅,她的城邑全化為無人居住的荒野。──
Now the pit into which Ismael cast all whom he struck, is the great pit, which king Asa had made for fear of Baasa king of Israel: [even] this Ismael filled with slain men.
10 那怠慢執行上主工作的,是可咒罵的;那制止自己的刀劍見血的,也是可咒罵的。──
And Ismael brought back all the people that were left in Massepha, and the king's daughter, whom the captain of the guard had committed in charge to Godolias the son of Achicam: and he went away beyond the children of Ammon.
11 摩阿布自少年就享安逸,安息在自己的糟粕上,從沒有由一缸內,也從沒有被擄充軍,為此她的滋味仍然存在,她的香味還未改變。
And Joanan the son of Caree, and all the leaders of the host that were with him, heard of all the evil deeds which Ismael had done.
12 惟其如此,看,時日將到──上主的斷語──我必給她派傾倒的人來將她倒空,倒乾她的酒缸,打碎她的酒瓶;
And they brought all their army, and went to fight against him, and found him near much water in Gabaon.
13 那時,摩阿布必因革摩士而受辱,就如以色列家因他們信賴的貝特耳而受辱一樣。
And it came to pass, when all the people that was with Ismael saw Joanan, and the leaders of the host that was with him,
that they returned to Joanan.
15 蹂躪摩阿布者上來進攻她的城市,精銳的少年,下去遭受殺戮─名叫「萬軍上主」的君王的斷語──
But Ismael escaped with eight men and went to the children of Ammon.
And Joanan, and all the leaders of the host that were with him, took all the remnant of the people, whom he [had] brought back from Ismael, mighty men in war, and the women, and the other [property], and the eunuchs, whom they [had] brought back from Gabaon:
17 你們四鄰,凡認識她聲名的,都應對她惋惜說:「怎麼,威能的權杖,光榮的柄杖,也被折斷! 」
and they departed, and lived in Gaberoch-amaa, that is by Bethleem, to go into Egypt, for fear of the Chaldeans:
18 住在狄朋的女兒! 你該由榮耀中下來,坐在乾地上,因為蹂躪摩阿布者已前來攻擊你,摧毀你的要塞。
for they were afraid of them, because Ismael had struck Godolias, whom the king of Babylon made [governor] in the land.
19 阿洛厄爾的居民! 請你站在路旁觀望,向在逃亡出走的男女探問說:「發生了什麼事﹖」
20 摩阿布已羞愧無地,因為已經瓦解;你們應悲哭哀號,在阿爾農宣布:「摩阿布遭受了蹂躪! 」
21 懲罰已來到了平原之地,到了曷隆、雅哈茲和默法阿特;
24 到了克黎約特、波責辣和摩阿布地遠近的各城市。
25 摩阿布的角已被砍下,她的手臂已被折斷──上主斷語。
26 請你們灌醉她,因為她自高自大,反抗上主;摩阿布必要在自己的嘔吐中輾轉,連她自己也要成為笑柄。
27 以色列為你豈不是一個笑柄﹖難道她是被人發現在盜賊之中,為什麼你一提到她,就只有搖頭﹖
28 摩阿布的居民! 你們該離棄城市,住在巖石間,彷彿在深谷懸崖邊緣結巢鵓鴿。
29 我們聽說過摩阿布的驕傲,她的確驕傲無比;我們也聽說過她的強橫、矜誇、自大和心中的傲慢。
30 我知道她狂妄,好事空談,舉動輕率──上主的斷語──
31 為此,我為摩阿布哀哭,為整個摩阿布悲號,為克爾赫勒斯人嘆息。
32 息貝瑪葡萄園! 我為雅則爾痛哭,更為你痛哭;你的枝葉曾越過海洋,伸展到雅則爾;現在蹂躪者竟突然來摧殘你夏季的果實和秋季的收穫。
33 摩阿布的田園已再沒有歡欣喜樂;我已使槽中無酒可榨;榨酒的不再榨酒,再也聽不見歡呼。
34 赫市朋和厄肋阿肋的哀號遠達雅哈茲,由祚阿爾發出的呼聲,直達曷洛納因和厄革拉舍里史雅,因為尼默凌的水業已枯竭。
35 如此,我要給摩阿布滅絕上高丘向神祇獻香的人──上主的斷語──
36 為此我的心像笛蕭一般為摩阿布鳴咽,我的心像笛簫一般為克爾赫勒斯人鳴咽,因為他們獲得的積蓄,都已喪失。
37 人人剃光頭髮,人人剪去鬍鬚,手上帶有割傷,腰間繫有苦衣;
38 摩阿布所有的屋頂和廣場上,處處可聽到哀聲,因為我擊碎了摩阿布,有如擊碎一不中人意的器皿──上主的斷語──
39 摩阿布崩潰得多麼悽慘! 你們真該嚎啕! 她是多麼含羞轉過背來! 摩阿布竟成了她四鄰的笑柄和恐怖。
40 因為上主這樣說:「看,敵人好像老鷹飛翔,向摩阿布展開自已的翅膀,
41 攻取了城池,佔領了要塞;在那一日,摩阿布的勇士必心志頹喪有如臨產的婦人。
42 摩阿布必要消滅,不再成為一個民族,因為她自高自大,反抗上主。
43 摩阿布的居民! 恐怖、陷阱和羅網齊來襲擊你──上主的斷語──
44 逃脫了恐怖的,必落在陷阱裏;爬出了陷阱的,必為羅網纏住;在懲罰她的那年,我要給摩阿布召來這一切──上主的斷語──
45 逃命的人,筋疲力盡,站在赫市朋的陰影下;但是從赫市朋發出了火,從息紅宮中冒出了火焰,吞滅了摩阿布的首領,和騷動子民的頭目。
46 禍哉,摩阿布! 革摩士的人民! 你算完了,因為你的兒子已被擄去充軍,你的女兒流為囚徒;
47 雖然如此,在末日我仍要轉變摩阿布的命運──上主的斷語。至此是關於摩阿布的判決。