< 耶利米書 40 >
1 隊長乃步匝辣當從辣瑪釋放耶肋米亞以後,上主又有話傳給先知─俘虜中──
And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias the second time, when he was yet bound in the court of the prison, saying,
2 衛隊長提出耶肋米亞後,便對他說:「雅威你的天主對這地方,曾預言過這番災禍,
Thus says the Lord, who made the earth and formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 如今果然來了;雅威照他所說的做了;因為你們犯罪相反雅威,沒有聽他的聲音,所以為你們纔發生了這樣的事。
Cry to me, and I will answer you, and I will declare to you great and mighty things, which you know not.
4 現在,你看,今天我給你除去手上的鎖鏈;你若看著同我一起到巴比倫去好,就去,我必另眼看待你;你若看著同我一起到巴比倫去不好,沒有關係;你看,整個大地擺在你面前,你看著那裏好,去那裏相宜,就到那裏去罷。
For thus says the Lord concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the king of Juda, which have been pulled down for mounds and fortifications,
5 你若願住下,可回到巴比倫王委任管理猶大城鎮的沙番的孫子,阿希甘的兒子革達里雅那裏去,與他一同住在民間;或是到看著相宜去的任何地方去。」衛隊長便給了他乾糧和禮物,打發他走了。
to fight against the Chaldeans, and to fill it with the corpses of men, whom I struck in mine anger and my wrath, and turned away my face from them, for all their wickedness:
6 耶肋米亞來到米茲帕阿希甘的兒子革達里雅那裏,與他一同住在當地的遺民間。
Behold, I bring upon her healing and cure, and I will show [myself] to them, and will heal her, and make both peace and security.
7 在鄉間殘存的各部隊首領和他們的屬下,聽說巴比倫王委派了阿希甘的兒子革達里雅管理當地,任命他照顧當地未遷徙至巴比倫去的男女、幼童和窮人,
And I will turn the captivity of Juda, and the captivity of Israel, and will build them, even as before.
8 便親自和自己的屬下來到米茲帕革達里雅那裏;前來的,有乃塔尼雅的兒子依市瑪耳,卡勒亞的兒子約哈南,堂胡默特的兒子色辣雅,乃托法人厄法依的兒子們和瑪阿加人的兒子雅匝尼雅。
And I will cleanse them from all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned against me, and will not remember their sins, whereby they have sinned against me, and revolted from me.
9 沙番的孫子,阿希甘的兒子革達里雅對他們和部屬起誓說:「你們不要怕奉加色丁人;住在本地,臣屬於巴比倫王,於你們必利。
And it shall be for joy and praise, and for glory to all the people of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I will do: and they shall fear and be provoked for all the good things and for all the peace which I will bring upon them.
10 至於我,看,我願住在米茲帕,為對付到我們這裏來的加色丁人;你們只管儲藏酒、油和夏季的出產,安放在器皿內,住在所佔的城市裏。」
Thus says the Lord; There shall yet be heard in this place, of which you say, it is destitute of men and cattle, in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem, [the places] that have been made desolate for lack of men and cattle,
11 散居在摩阿布,阿孟子民間,厄東地以及其他各地的一切猶太人,也聽說巴比倫王給猶大留下了遺民,派了沙番的孫子,阿希甘的兒子革達里雅管理他們,
the voice of gladness, and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of men saying, Give thanks to the Lord Almighty: for the Lord is good; for his mercy [endures] fore ever: and they shall bring gifts into the house of the Lord; for I will turn all the captivity of that land as before, said the Lord.
12 所有的猶太人就從自己飄流所至之地回來,來到猶大地類茲帕革達里雅那裏,收得了大量的酒和夏季的出產。
Thus says the Lord of hosts; There shall yet be in this place, that is desert for lack of man and beast, in all the cities thereof, resting-places for shepherds causing their flocks to lie down.
13 卡勒亞的兒子約哈南,和在鄉間所有部隊的首領,都到米茲帕革達里雅那裏,
In the cities of the hill country, and in the cities of the valley, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the [cities] round about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda, flocks shall yet pass under the hand of him that numbers [them], says the Lord.
14 對他說:「你是否知道:阿孟子民的君王巴里斯派遣乃塔尼雅的兒子依市瑪耳來殺害你﹖」但是阿希甘的兒子革達里雅不相信他們的話。
15 卡勒亞的兒子約哈南私下在米茲帕對革達里雅提議說:「讓我去殺了乃塔尼雅的兒子依市瑪耳,沒有人會知道;為什麼要讓他來謀害你的性命,集合在你身邊的一切猶太人又遭離散,猶大遺民再遭滅亡﹖」
16 阿希甘的兒子革達里雅答覆卡勒亞的兒子約哈南說:「不要作這件事,因為你論依市瑪耳所說的,只不過是流言。」