< 耶利米書 4 >

1 以色列,若是你歸來──上主的斷語──就應向我歸來;若是你從我面前除去你可惡的偶像,就不應再四處遊蕩;
Yahweh says, “You Israeli [people], come back to me! If you get rid of those detestable idols and do not turn away from me [again],
2 若是你以誠實、公平和正義指著「上主永在」起誓,那麼,萬民必因你而蒙受祝福,也因你而得到光榮。
and if you declare, ‘Just as surely as Yahweh lives, what he says is true,’ and if you [start to] always say what is true and act justly/fairly and righteously, then the [people in the other] nations [of the world] will request that I bless them [as I have blessed you], and they will [all come and] honor/praise me.”
3 因為上主對猶大人和耶路撒冷居民這樣說:「你們要開懇荒地,不要在荊棘中播種。
This is what Yahweh says to the people of Jerusalem and [the other cities in] Judah: “[Prepare yourselves to receive my messages] like farmers plow up hard ground [in order that they can plant seed in it]. Just as farmers do not [waste good seed by] sowing seeds among thorny plants, [I do not want to waste my time telling you messages that you are not ready to receive].
4 猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民! 你們應為上主自行割損,除去心上的包皮,以免因你們的惡行,我的憤怒如火彶作,焚燒得無人能熄滅。」
Purify your inner beings and your minds for me. If you do not do that, my being angry with you [MTY] because of [all] the sins that you have committed will be like a fire that will be impossible to extinguish.”
5 你們應該在猶大宣佈,在耶路撒冷發表,在境內吹起號角,大聲疾呼說:「你們應集合,我們要進攻堅城! 」
“Declare this [DOU] to [all the people in] Jerusalem and [the rest of] Judea; blow the trumpets everywhere in the land [to warn the people]. Tell them that they should flee to the cities that have high walls around them.
6 你們應該給熙雍指出路標,趕快出逃,絲毫不可遲延,因為我要由北方招來災禍,絕大的毀滅。
Shout to the people of Jerusalem, ‘Run away [now]! Do not delay, because I am about to cause you to experience a terrible disaster [DOU] that will come from the north.
7 獅子已衝出牠的叢林,毀滅萬民者已起程走出了他的宮庭,前來使你的地域變為曠野,使你的城邑荒涼,再沒有人居住。
[An army] that has destroyed [many] nations will attack you [like] [MET] a lion that comes out of its den [to attack other animals]. [The soldiers of that army] have taken down their tents and they are ready to march toward your land. They will destroy your cities and leave them without any people still living in them.’
8 為此,你們應身穿苦衣,涕泣哀號,因為上主尚未由我們身上撤回衪的烈怒。
So, put on sackcloth/rough clothes and weep and beat your chests [to show that you are very sorry for what you have done], because Yahweh is still very angry with us.
9 到那一天──上主的斷語──君王與王侯必失去勇氣,司祭必驚駭,先知必驚異;
Yahweh said that at the time [he punishes you], the King of Judah and [all his] officials will be very afraid. The priests and the prophets will be terrified.
10 人必要說:「哎! 吾主上主! 你的確欺騙了這人民和耶路撒冷說:你們必享平安;其實,刀劍已到我們的咽喉! 」
Then I replied, “Yahweh [my] God, you completely deceived the people by telling them that there would be peace in Jerusalem, but now [our enemies] [PRS] are ready to slaughter us with their swords!”
11 那時人要對這人民和耶路撒冷說:「荒丘的熱風由曠野向我人民吹來,不是為吹淨,不是為清潔;
When that happens, [Yahweh] will say to the people of Jerusalem, [“A huge army will come to attack you]. They will not [be like a gentle breeze that] separates wheat from chaff. [They will be like] a very hot wind [that blows in] from the desert [MET].
12 有一股強烈的風應我的命吹來;現在我要去裁判他們。
[They will be like] [MET] a strong blast that I will send. Now I am declaring that I will punish/destroy you.”
13 看啊! 他如濃雲湧上來,他的戰車有如旋風,他的戰馬快萵飛鷹! 禍哉! 我們算是完了!
[Our enemies] are about to rush down on us; their chariots are like [SIM] whirlwinds. Their horses are faster than eagles. It will be terrible for us!
14 耶路撒冷! 洗淨你心內的邪惡,好使你能獲救。你那不義的思念藏在你內,要到何時﹖
[You people of] Jerusalem [APO], purify your hearts/inner beings, in order that Yahweh will rescue you. How long will you continue to think about [doing] evil things?
15 因為由丹傳來信息,由厄弗辣因山聽到了凶信:
From Dan [city in the far north] to the hills of Ephraim [a few miles/kilometers north of Jerusalem] messengers are proclaiming that disasters are coming.
16 你們應通知人民,轉告耶路撒冷:圍攻的人由遠方前來,向猶大各城高聲吶喊,
Tell this to the [people in other] nations [but also] announce it in Jerusalem: [Yahweh says], “An army is coming to Jerusalem from far away; they will shout [a battle-cry] against the cities in Judah.
17 像護守田地的人將她密密包圍,因為她觸怒了我──上主的斷語。
They will set up tents around Jerusalem like people set up temporary shelters [SIM] around a field [at harvest time]. That will happen because the people of Judah have rebelled against me.
18 是你的行徑和作為給你造成了這一切;是你的邪惡使你受苦,受到傷心的痛苦。
You will be punished very severely; it will [be as though a sword] has stabbed your inner beings. But you are causing those things to happen to you because of the evil things that you have done.”
19 我的肺腑,我的肺腑! 我心已破碎,我心焦燥不寧,我不能緘默! 因為我親自聽到了角聲,開戰的喧嚷。
I am extremely anguished/sad; the pain in my inner being is very severe. My heart beats wildly. But I cannot remain silent because I have heard [our enemies] blowing their trumpets to announce that the battle [against Judah will start immediately].
20 真是毀滅上加毀滅,全地盡已破壞;我的帳幕突然倒塌,我的帷帳突然毀壞。
Disasters will occur one after another until the whole land is ruined. Suddenly [all] our tents will be destroyed; [even] the curtains [inside the tents] will be ripped apart.
21 我瞻望敵旗,聞聽角聲,要到幾時﹖
How long will this battle continue? How long will I continue to see the enemy battle flags and hear the sound of their trumpets being blown?
22 這是因為我的人民愚昧,竟不認識我,是些無知的子民,沒有明悟,只知作惡,不知行善。
[Yahweh says], “My people are [very] foolish! They do not have a relationship with me. They are [like] [MET] stupid children who do not understand [anything]. They very cleverly do what is wrong, but they do not know how to do what is good.”
23 我觀望大地,看,空虛混沌,我觀望諸天,卻毫無光亮;
[God gave me a vision in which] I saw that the earth was barren and without form. I looked at the sky, and there was no light there.
24 我觀望山岳,它在戰慄,
I looked at the mountains and hills, and they shook and moved from side to side.
25 我觀望看,一個人也沒有,連天空的飛鳥都已逃循;所有的丘陵都在搖撼。
I looked and saw that there were no [more] people, and all the birds had flown away.
26 我觀望,看,農田盡變為荒野,所有的城邑盡毀於上主,毀於上主的烈怒。
I looked and saw that the fields that previously were fertile had become a desert. The cities were all ruined; they had all been destroyed by Yahweh because he was extremely angry.
27 原來上主這樣說:全地固然要荒蕪,但我卻不徹底加以毀滅。
This is what Yahweh is saying: “The entire land [of Judah] will be ruined, but I will not destroy it completely.
28 為此,大地要悲傷,在上諸天要昏暗;因為我說了,再不後悔;決定了,再不撤回。
I will do to my people what I said that I would do, and I will not change my mind. So [when that happens, it will be as though] the earth will mourn and the sky will become very dark.”
29 全城的人聽到了騎兵和弓手的喧嚷,都四散逃命,有深入森林的,有爬上山岩的;所有的城市都被放棄,沒有人居住。
[When the people hear] the sound of the [enemy] army marching, [they will be terrified as] they flee from their cities. Some of them will find places to hide in the bushes, and others will run toward the mountains/hills [to escape being killed by their enemies]. All the cities [in Judah] will be abandoned; not one person will remain in them.
30 你已被蹂躪還有什麼企圖﹖既使你身被紫綿,佩帶金飾,以鉛華描劃眼眉,使你漂亮,也是徒然! 你的愛人蔑視你,想謀害你的生命。
So you who will surely be destroyed, [why are you doing the things that you are doing now]? Why are you wearing beautiful clothes and jewelry? Why are you putting paint around your eyes? Doing those things will not help you, because the people [in other countries that you think] love you [actually] despise you, and they will try to kill you.
31 的確,我聽到了仿佛產婦的叫聲,仿佛首次分娩的呻吟,是熙雍女兒在伸開雙手喘息哀嘆:我真可憐.因為我的生命已陷在殘害者手中!
[It is as though] I already hear [the people in Jerusalem] crying very loudly, like [SIM] a woman cries when she is giving birth to her first child; she gasps for breath and pleads for someone to help her. [It is as though Jerusalem] is crying, “Something terrible is happening to me! They are about to murder me!”

< 耶利米書 4 >