< 耶利米書 36 >
1 猶大王史約雅內的兒子約雅金第四年,上主有話傳給耶肋米亞說
In the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
2 :「你拿卷冊來,寫上自我由約史雅時日,對你說話那一天以來,直到今日,關於耶路撒冷和猶大及列邦對你所說的一切話,
“Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah, and all the nations, from the day I first spoke to you during the reign of Josiah until today.
3 也許猶大家聽了我有意對他們施行的一切災禍,會各自離棄自己的邳道,叫我好寬恕他們的過犯和罪惡」。
Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about all the calamity I plan to bring upon them, each of them will turn from his wicked way. Then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin.”
4 於是耶肋米亞叫了乃雅黎的兒子巴路克來;路克來依照耶肋米亞的口授,在卷冊上寫上了上主對先知說的一切話。
So Jeremiah called Baruch son of Neriah, and at the dictation of Jeremiah, Baruch wrote on a scroll all the words that the LORD had spoken to Jeremiah.
5 耶肋米亞吩咐巴路克說:「我被阻止,不能到上主的殿宇去,
Then Jeremiah commanded Baruch, “I am restricted; I cannot enter the house of the LORD;
6 所以你去,在一個禁食的日子上,誦讀卷冊上依我口授寫的上主的話,給在上主殿裏的全體人民聽,也讀給來自各城的全體猶大人聽,
so you are to go to the house of the LORD on a day of fasting, and in the hearing of the people you are to read the words of the LORD from the scroll you have written at my dictation. Read them in the hearing of all the people of Judah who are coming from their cities.
7 也許他們會向上主哀求,各自會離棄自己的邳道,因為上主對這人民用以恐嚇的憤恨和憤怒,真正厲害! 」
Perhaps they will bring their petition before the LORD, and each one will turn from his wicked way; for great are the anger and fury that the LORD has pronounced against this people.”
8 乃黎雅的兒子巴路克全按耶肋米亞先知吩咐的做了:在上主殿宇裏,宣讀了卷冊上主的話。
So Baruch son of Neriah did everything that Jeremiah the prophet had commanded him. In the house of the LORD he read the words of the LORD from the scroll.
9 猶大王約史雅的兒子約雅金第五年九月,耶路撒冷全體人民以及從猶大城市來到耶路撒冷的全體人民,集合在上主面前宣佈禁食。
Now in the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, a fast before the LORD was proclaimed to all the people of Jerusalem and all who had come there from the cities of Judah.
10 巴路克就乘機在上主殿宇內,沙番的兒子革馬黎雅書記的房子那裏,即上院靠近上主殿宇新門的進口處,宣讀卷冊上耶肋米亞的話,給全體人民聽。
From the chamber of Gemariah son of Shaphan the scribe, which was in the upper courtyard at the opening of the New Gate of the house of the LORD, Baruch read from the scroll the words of Jeremiah in the hearing of all the people.
11 沙番的兒子革馬黎雅的兒子米加雅,聽了卷冊上所有的上主的話,
When Micaiah son of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, heard all the words of the LORD from the scroll,
12 就下到王宮書記的事務所內,看,眾首長都正坐在那裏,有書記厄里沙瑪,舍瑪雅的兒子德拉雅,阿革波爾的兒子厄耳納堂,沙番的兒子革馬黎雅,哈紇尼雅的兒子漆德克雅和其餘的首長。
he went down to the scribe’s chamber in the king’s palace, where all the officials were sitting: Elishama the scribe, Delaiah son of Shemaiah, Elnathan son of Achbor, Gemariah son of Shaphan, Zedekiah son of Hananiah, and all the other officials.
13 米加雅就把自己在巴路克給人民宣讀卷冊時所聽到的所有話,告訴了他們。
And Micaiah reported to them all the words he had heard Baruch read from the scroll in the hearing of the people.
14 眾首長便派乃塔尼雅的兒子猶狄和雇史的兒子舍肋米亞到巴路克那裏說:「請你來,並請你隨手帶上你讀給人民的那軸卷冊」。乃肋米亞的兒子巴路克立即手內拿上那軸卷冊,到他們那裏去了。
Then all the officials sent word to Baruch through Jehudi son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, saying, “Bring the scroll that you read in the hearing of the people, and come here.” So Baruch son of Neriah took the scroll and went to them.
15 你們對他說:「請坐,讀給我們聽! 」巴路克讀給他們聽了。
“Please sit down,” they said, “and read it in our hearing.” So Baruch read it in their hearing.
16 他們聽了這一切話,彼此不勝驚慌說:「我們必須將這一切話稟告君王! 」
When they had heard all these words, they turned to one another in fear and said to Baruch, “Surely we must report all these words to the king.”
17 然後問巴路克說:「請你告訴我們:你怎樣由耶肋米亞的口授寫了這一切話﹖」
“Tell us now,” they asked Baruch, “how did you write all these words? Was it at Jeremiah’s dictation?”
18 巴路克答覆他們說:「這一切話都是他口授給我的,我只不過用筆記錄在這卷冊上」。
“It was at his dictation,” Baruch replied. “He recited all these words to me and I wrote them in ink on the scroll.”
19 於是首長對巴路克說:「你快去和耶肋米亞藏起來,不要讓人知道你們藏在哪裏」。
Then the officials said to Baruch, “You and Jeremiah must hide yourselves and tell no one where you are.”
20 然後他們一同到內殿去拜見君王,那卷冊卻留在書記厄里沙瑪室內,只將這一切話稟告了君王。
So the officials went to the king in the courtyard. And having stored the scroll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe, they reported everything to the king.
21 君王於是打發猶狄去取那軸卷冊;猶狄由書記厄里沙瑪室內取了來,讀給君王和環立在君王旁的眾朝臣聽。
Then the king sent Jehudi to get the scroll, and he took it from the chamber of Elishama the scribe. And Jehudi read it in the hearing of the king and all the officials who were standing beside him.
22 那時正是九月,君王住在冬宮裏,面前正燒著一盆火,
Since it was the ninth month, the king was sitting in his winter quarters with a fire burning before him.
23 猶狄只讀了三四行,君王就用書記的刀把它割下,拋在火盆裏,直到那卷冊在火盆內被燒盡。
And as soon as Jehudi had read three or four columns, Jehoiakim would cut them off with a scribe’s knife and throw them into the firepot, until the entire scroll had been consumed by the fire.
24 君王與眾臣僕言這一切話,毫不害怕,也不撕裂自己的衣服,
Yet in hearing all these words, the king and his servants did not become frightened or tear their garments.
25 雖然厄耳納堂和德拉雅及革瑪黎雅曾苦苦哀求君王不要燒毀那軸卷冊,
Even though Elnathan, Delaiah, and Gemariah urged the king not to burn the scroll, he would not listen to them.
26 反命王子耶辣默耳,阿次黎耳的兒子色辣雅和哈德耳的兒子舍肋米雅,去逮捕書記巴路克和先知耶肋米亞;但是上主卻將他們藏起來了。
Instead, the king commanded Jerahmeel, a son of the king, as well as Seraiah son of Azriel and Shelemiah son of Abdeel, to seize Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet. But the LORD had hidden them.
27 君王焚燒了那軸載有巴路克由耶肋米亞口授記錄的話的卷冊以後,有上主的話傳給耶肋米亞說:
After the king had burned the scroll containing the words that Baruch had written at Jeremiah’s dictation, the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:
28 「你拿另一卷冊來,寫上猶大王約雅金所燒毀的前一軸卷冊上的一切話。
“Take another scroll and rewrite on it the very words that were on the original scroll, which Jehoiakim king of Judah has burned.
29 關於猶大王約雅金你應說:上主這樣說:你燒毀了這軸卷冊說:為什麼你在上面寫道:巴比倫王必來破壞這地方,消滅這地方 的人民和獸﹖
You are to proclaim concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah that this is what the LORD says: You have burned the scroll and said, ‘Why have you written on it that the king of Babylon would surely come and destroy this land and deprive it of man and beast?’
30 為此上主關於猶大王約雅金這樣說:他必沒有人繼坐達味的寶座,死後必棄屍原野,遭受日晒夜露。
Therefore this is what the LORD says about Jehoiakim king of Judah: He will have no one to sit on David’s throne, and his body will be thrown out and exposed to heat by day and frost by night.
31 對他和他的後裔及臣僕,我要懲罰他們的罪惡,給他們和耶路撒冷居民及猶大人,召來我向他們預告,他們卻不理會的一切災禍」。
I will punish him and his descendants and servants for their iniquity. I will bring on them, on the residents of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the calamity about which I warned them but they did not listen.”
32 耶肋米亞就拿來另一軸卷冊,交給書記乃黎雅的兒子巴路克。巴路克依照耶肋米亞的口授,在上面筆錄了猶大王約雅金,在火中燒毀了的那卷冊上所有的話;並且還加添了許多相類似的話。
Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to the scribe Baruch son of Neriah, and at Jeremiah’s dictation he wrote on it all the words of the scroll that Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire. And many similar words were added to them.