< 耶利米書 30 >

1 這是上主傳給耶肋米亞的話:
The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying,
2 上主以色列的天主這樣說:「凡我對你說的話,你都要寫在一本書上,
'Thus spake Jehovah, God of Israel, saying, Write for thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee on a book.
3 因為,看,時日將到──上主的斷語──我必轉變我人民以色列和猶大的命運──上主說──使他們回去佔領我賜給他們祖先的土地。」
For, lo, days are coming — an affirmation of Jehovah — and I have turned back [to] the captivity of My people Israel and Judah, said Jehovah, and I have caused them to turn back unto the land that I gave to their fathers, and they do possess it.'
4 以下是上主論及以色列和猶大說的話:
And these [are] the words that Jehovah hath spoken concerning Israel and concerning Judah:
5 上主這樣說:「人聽到了恐怖的喊叫:只有恐慌,沒有平安。
Surely thus said Jehovah: A voice of trembling we have heard, Fear — and there is no peace.
6 你們且自問自究:是否男人要生產﹖為什麼我竟見人人兩手叉腰,像正在生產的婦女,個個面色顯得蒼白﹖
Ask, I pray you, and see, is a male bringing forth? Wherefore have I seen every man, His hands on his loins, as a travailing woman, And all faces have been turned to paleness?
7 噫! 這一天,真偉大,無可比擬,雖為雅各伯是痛苦的時期,但他們將由此而得救。
Woe! for great [is] that day, without any like it, Yea, a time of adversity it [is] to Jacob, Yet out of it he is saved.
8 到了那一天──萬軍上主的斷語──我要折斷他們頸上所負的軛,粉碎他們的鎖鏈,他們不再作外方人的奴隸,
And it hath come to pass, in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, I break his yoke from off thy neck, And thy bands I draw away, And lay no more service on him do strangers.
9 只服事上主,他們的天主,和我給他們興起的君王達味。
And they have served Jehovah their God, And David their king whom I raise up to them.
10 為此,我的僕人雅各伯,你不用害怕──上主的斷語──以色列,你不要驚慌;因為,看,我必從遠方救出你來,從充軍之地救回你的後裔;使雅各伯歸來,居享安寧,無所恐懼,
And thou, be not afraid, My servant Jacob, An affirmation of Jehovah, Nor be affrighted, O Israel, For, lo, I am saving thee from afar, And thy seed from the land of their captivity, And Jacob hath turned back and rested, And is quiet, and there is none troubling.
11 因為有我與你同在──上主的斷語──作你的救援。誠然,對我使你流徙所到的各民族,我要執行毀滅;但對你,我卻不執行毀滅,只依正義懲罰你,不讓你全然免罰。」
For with thee [am] I, An affirmation of Jehovah — to save thee, For I make an end of all the nations Whither I have scattered thee, Only, of thee I do not make an end, And I have chastised thee in judgment, And do not entirely acquit thee.
12 不錯,上主這樣說:「你的創傷不可治療,你的傷口無法醫治;
For thus said Jehovah: Incurable is thy breach, grievous thy stroke,
13 沒有人願意擔任調理你的創傷,無藥可使你的傷處收結。
There is none judging thy cause to bind up, Healing medicines there are none for thee.
14 你所有的愛人都忘掉了你,不再追求你,因為我像打擊敵人一樣,以殘酷的刑罰打擊了你,因為你太不義,你的罪惡,增添不已。
all loving thee have forgotten thee, Thee they do not seek, For with the stroke of an enemy I smote thee, The chastisement of a fierce one, Because of the abundance of thy iniquity, Mighty have been thy sins!
15 為什麼你還要為你的創傷悲號﹖你的創傷已不可治療:因為你太不義,你的罪惡增添不已,我纔這樣對待了你。
What! — thou criest concerning thy breach! Incurable [is] thy pain, Because of the abundance of thy iniquity, Mighty have been thy sins! I have done these to thee.
16 但是,凡吞滅你的,必被吞滅;凡與你為敵的,必被擄去充軍;凡劫掠你的,必遭劫掠;凡搶奪你的,我必使他們受人搶奪。
Therefore all consuming thee are consumed, And all thine adversaries — all of them — Into captivity do go, And thy spoilers have been for a spoil, And all thy plunderers I give up to plunder.
17 實在,我要使你的傷處收結,療愈你的創傷──上主的斷語──因為他們稱你為棄婦,無人過問的熙雍。」
For I increase health to thee, And from thy strokes I do heal thee, An affirmation of Jehovah, For 'Outcast' they have called to thee, 'Zion it [is], there is none seeking for her.'
18 上主這樣說:「看,我要轉變雅各伯帳幕的命運,憐憫他的家室,好使城市仍建在自己的山上,宮殿依然聳立在自己的原處,
Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I turn back [to] the captivity of the tents of Jacob, And his dwelling places I pity, And the city hath been built on its heap, And the palace according to its ordinance remaineth.
19 從那裏發出頌謝的歌聲,歡樂的呼聲。我必使他們繁昌,人數不再滅少;我要顯耀他們,使他們不再受人輕視。
And gone forth from them hath thanksgiving, And the voice of playful ones, And I have multiplied them and they are not few, And made them honourable, and they are not small.
20 他們的子孫必要像昔日一樣,在 面前重新建立自己的集會;凡壓迫他們的,我必予以懲罰。
And his sons have been as aforetime, And his company before Me is established, And I have seen after all his oppressors.
21 他們的元首,將是他們中的一個;他們的統帥,將出自他們之中;我要使他們前來接近我,他必與我接近,因為誰敢冒的危險,來與我接近──上主的斷語──
And his honourable one hath been of himself, And his ruler from his midst goeth forth, And I have caused him to draw near, And he hath drawn nigh unto Me, For who [is] he who hath pledged his heart To draw nigh unto Me? An affirmation of Jehovah.
22 這樣,你們必作我的人民,我必作你們的天主」。
And ye have been to Me for a people, And I am to you for God.
23 看,上主的憤怒如暴風怒號,如撗掃的暴風,在惡人的頭上施轉。
Lo, a whirlwind of Jehovah — Fury hath gone forth — a cutting whirlwind, On the head of the wicked it stayeth.
24 上主的烈怒必不止息,直到衪執行完成了衪心裏的計劃;在末日你們必會明瞭。
The fierceness of the anger of Jehovah Doth not turn back till His doing, Yea, till His establishing the devices of His heart, In the latter end of the days we consider it!

< 耶利米書 30 >