< 耶利米書 29 >
1 以上是先知耶肋米亞從耶路撒冷給被擄去的長老、司祭和先知,以及拿步高從耶路撒冷擄往巴比倫的其餘民眾寄送的書信全文──
After King Jehoiachin, his mother, his palace officials, other officials in Judah, and all the various kinds of craftsmen [DOU] had been exiled to Babylon, I wrote a letter to the elders, the priests, the prophets and all the other people who had been taken from Jerusalem to Babylon by [soldiers of] Nebuchadnezzar.
2 耶苛尼雅王與太后和太監,猶大和耶路撒冷的政要、技工及鐵匠,離開耶路撒冷之後,
3 猶大王漆德克雅派沙番的兒子厄拉撒和希則克雅的兒子革瑪黎雅以巴比倫見巴比倫王拿步高,耶肋米亞便託他們帶去──信上說:「
[I gave] the letter to Elasah the son of Shaphan, and to Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, when they were about to go to Babylon to be ambassadors from King Zedekiah to King Nebuchadnezzar. This is what I wrote in the letter:
4 萬軍的上主,以色列的天主,向由耶路撒冷被擄往巴比倫的全體俘虜這樣說:
This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says to all you people who were captured [here] in Jerusalem and taken [there] to Babylon:
“Build houses [there], and plan to stay there [because you will be there for many years]. Plant gardens, and eat the food that is produced in the gardens.
6 自己娶妻,生養兒女,也給自己的子女娶妻擇夫,生養兒女;在那裏繁殖,不要減少。
Get married and have children. Then [when they grow up], choose wives for your sons, and husbands for your daughters, in order that they [also] may have children. [In that way], the number of you people will increase, not decrease.
7 在我令你們流徙所到的城裏,你們應尋求當地的平安,
Also, do things that will cause things to go well [for the other people there] in the city where I sent you. Pray that things will go well for [the people in] that city, because if things go well for them, things will go well for you, [also].”
8 為當地祈禱上主,以色列的天主這樣說:不要讓你們中間的先知和卜卦師欺騙你們,不要聽信他們所作的幻夢,
This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israeli people [worship], says: “There are [false] prophets and fortune-tellers among you. Do not allow them to deceive you. Do not pay attention to [them when they tell you] their dreams,
9 因為這些人奉我名給你們預言謊話,我並沒有派遣他們──上主的斷語──
because they are telling you lies, saying that [MTY] [I have given them the messages that they are telling you]. But, I have not appointed them.”
10 上主只這樣說:巴比倫的七十年期限一滿,我必首顧你們,給你們履行我的諾言,領你們回到這地方。
This is [also] what Yahweh says: “After you [and your children] have been in Babylon for seventy years, I will help you, and do for you the things that I promised, and I will enable you to return here [to Jerusalem].
11 誠然,我知道我對你們所懷的計劃──上主的斷語──是和平而不是災禍的計劃,令你們有前途,有希望。
I, Yahweh, know what I have planned for you. I am planning to cause things to go well for you, not to cause you to experience disasters. I am planning to give you many things that you confidently expect to receive in the future.
At that time, when you pray, I will heed you.
If you earnestly desire for me [to bless you], you will experience me [blessing you].
14 我必將我自己顯示給你們──上主的斷語──轉變你們的命運:從我驅逐你們所至的各國各地召集你們──上主的斷語──領你們回到我以前使你們從那裏被擄去的地方。
I will make my help available to you [IDM]. I will cause you to no longer be slaves [in Babylon]. I will gather you from all the nations to which I have exiled you, and I will bring you back [here to your own land], to the place from which you were taken.”
15 因為上主論及坐在達味寶座上的君王,和住在這城裏的全體人民,即沒有與你們同去充軍的兄弟,這樣說:
[Some of] you say that Yahweh has appointed prophets for you [there] in Babylon.
16 萬軍的上主這樣說:看,我必給他們招來戰爭、饑饉和瘟疫,使他們有如壞得不可吃的爛無花果,
But this is what Yahweh says about the king who rules [here] in Jerusalem, and about all the other people who are [still] living here—your relatives who were not taken to Babylon with you.
17 以戰爭、饑饉和瘟疫窮迫他們,使他們在地上各國遭受虐待,在我驅逐他們所到的各民族中,成為咒罵、驚恐、嘲笑、詛咒的對象,
The Commander of the armies of angels says this: “I will cause them to experience wars and famines and diseases. I will cause them to become like [SIM] bad figs that are very rotten, with the result that no one can eat them.
18 因為他們沒有聽從我的話──上主的斷語──我不斷給他們派遣我的僕人先知,他們卻沒有聽從──上主的斷語──
I will not stop causing them to experience wars and famines and diseases. And I will scatter them all around the world. In every country where I (force them to be taken/exile them), I will cause them to be people whom [others] curse and be horrified about and make fun of [DOU].
19 至於你們,這些我由耶路撒冷遷往巴比倫的全體俘虜,你應該聽從上主的話。
[That will happen] because they have refused to pay attention to my messages, messages that I gave to the prophets whom I sent to them. And you [who have been exiled to Babylon] have not paid attention to them, [either].” [That is what] Yahweh says.
20 也許你們要說:上主在巴比倫給我們興起一些先知。
[Therefore], you people who have been (exiled/forced to go) from Jerusalem to Babylon, listen to this message from Yahweh.
21 但萬軍的上主,以色列的天主,論及奉我名給你們預言謊話的科拉雅的兒子阿哈布,和瑪阿色雅的兒子漆德克雅這樣說:看,我必將他們交在巴比倫王拿步高的手中,在你們面前將他們處決;
This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says about Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and about Zedekiah, the son of Maaseiah, who are telling lies to you, saying that they are giving messages [MTY] from him: “They will be seized and taken to [MTY] King Nebuchadnezzar, who will cause them to be executed while you are watching.
22 在巴比倫的一切猶大俘虜,必拿他們當詛咒說:願上主使你像巴比倫王用火烙死的漆德克雅和阿哈布!
Because of [what will happen to] them, all you people who have been taken from Judah to Babylon will say this when they curse someone: ‘I hope/wish that Yahweh will do to you the same thing that he did to Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the King of Babylon caused to be [killed by being] burned in a fire.’
23 因為他們在以色列中間行了敗德的事:姦污人的妻子,妄用我的名字,說我沒有吩咐的話;這是我知道的,我就是見證──上主的斷語。」
They have done terrible things to [my] Israeli people. They have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives, and they have spoken lies, saying that they were messages [MTY] from me. They have said things that I did not tell them to say, and I, Yahweh, have heard them [say those things].”
[Yahweh told me to] send this message to Shemaiah, a man from Nehelam [town who was living in Babylon]:
25 萬軍的上主,以色列的天主這樣說:因為你以自己的名義,給在耶路撒冷的全體人民,和司祭瑪阿色雅的兒子責法尼雅,及所有的司祭致書說:「
This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: “You wrote a letter that no one told you to write. You sent it to Zephaniah the priest, the son of Maaseiah, and [you sent copies] to the other priests and all the [other] people here in Jerusalem. [This is what] you wrote to him:
26 上主立你代替司祭約雅達為司祭,作上主殿宇的監督,為拘捕一切自充知的狂妄之徒,給他帶上腳鐐鐵枷。
[Zephaniah], Yahweh has appointed you to be the priest instead of Jehoiada, to supervise those who work in the temple. Anyone who acts like a crazy man and who claims that he is a prophet, you should put his arms and legs and head into (stocks/a wooden frame [so that he cannot move)].
27 為什麼你至今還不責斥向你自稱為先知的阿納托特人耶肋米亞﹖
So why have you not done anything to stop Jeremiah, the man from Anathoth [town], who [pretends that he] is a prophet among you?
28 他竟派人到巴比倫對我們說:為期尚遠;不如建屋居住,種植田園,吃田園的出產! 」
He sent a letter to us [who are here] in Babylon, saying that [we will be here for] a long time. He said that [therefore] we should build houses and plan to stay here, and plant gardens, and eat the food that is produced in the gardens.”
29 司祭責法尼雅當面將這書信念給先知耶肋米亞聽了。
[But when] Zephaniah the priest [received] the letter from you, he [brought it to me and] read it to me.
Then Yahweh gave me this message:
31 「你派人對全體俘虜說:論及乃赫藍人舍瑪雅,上主這樣說:因為舍瑪雅沒有我的委派,竟向你們說預言,叫你們相信謊言,
“Send this message to all the people [from Judah] who are there [in Babylon]. Say that this is what Yahweh says about Shemaiah, the man from Nehelam: ‘I did not appoint him, but he has deceived you and caused you to believe the lies that he prophesied.
32 為此上主這樣說:看,我必懲罰乃赫藍人舍瑪雅和他的後裔:他的後代必沒有一個人住在這民族中,能見到我賜給我人民的幸福──上主的斷語──因為他說了背叛上主的話。」
So, I will punish him and his family. He has incited you to rebel against me. Because of that, all of his descendants will soon die. I will do [many] good things for [you], my people, but he and his descendants will not see those things, [because they will be dead]. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!’”