< 耶利米書 17 >

1 猶大的罪是用鐵筆記下來的,用鑽石尖刻在他們的心坎上和他們的祭壇上,好叫他們的子孫記得他們在高崗上,青綠樹下和平原的山上,
The sinne of Iudah is written with a pen of yron, and with the poynt of a diamonde, and grauen vpon the table of their heart, and vpon the hornes of your altars.
2 設立了祭壇和神木。
They remember their altars as their children, with their groues by the greene trees vpon the hilles.
3 你的財產和所有的寶藏,我必使人掠奪,以抵償你在全境內犯過的一切罪惡。
O my mountaine in the fielde, I will giue thy substance, and all thy treasures to be spoyled, for the sinne of thy high places throughout all thy borders.
4 我必由你手中撤回我賜與你的產業,叫你在不相識的地方給你敵人為奴,因為我的怒火已燃起,將永遠不熄。
And thou shalt rest, and in thee shall be a rest from thine heritage that I gaue thee, and I will cause thee to serue thine enemies in the land, which thou knowest not: for yee haue kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burne for euer.
5 上主這樣說:「凡信賴世人,以血肉的人為自己的臂膊,決心遠離上主的人,是可咒罵的!
Thus saith the Lord, Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arme, and withdraweth his heart from the Lord.
6 他必像在曠野中的檉柳,即使來到,一點也不覺察,只住在乾燥處,滿含鹽質無人居住之地。
For he shall be like the heath in the wildernesse, and shall not see when any good commeth, but shall inhabite the parched places in the wildernesse, in a salt land, and not inhabited.
7 凡信賴上主,以上主作倚靠的人,是可祝福的;
Blessed be the man, that trusteth in ye Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
8 他必像一株栽在水邊的樹木,生根河畔,不怕災熱的侵擊,枝葉茂盛,不愁旱年,不斷結實。
For he shall be as a tree that is planted by the water, which spreadeth out her rootes by the riuer, and shall not feele when the heate commeth, but her leafe shall be greene, and shall not care for the yeere of drought, neyther shall cease from yeelding fruit.
9 人心最狡滑欺詐,已不可救藥;誰能透識﹖
The heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things, who can knowe it?
10 我上主透察人心,考驗肺腑,依照各人的行徑和作為的結果,給人酬報。
I the Lord search the heart, and try ye reines, euen to giue euery man according to his wayes, and according to the fruite of his workes.
11 誰不以正義積聚財物,就像一隻鷓鴣孵化不是自己產的卵,中途必要拋棄;結果,還是自己糊塗。
As the partryche gathereth the yong, which she hath not brought forth: so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leaue them in the middes of his dayes, and at his ende shall bee a foole.
12 我們聖所的地方,從起初就是設在崇高之處的光榮實座。
As a glorious throne exalted from the beginning, so is the place of our Sanctuarie.
13 上主,以色列的希望! 凡離棄你的,必要蒙羞;上主,凡離棄你的,必被記錄在地上,因為他們離棄了活水的泉源。
O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee, shall be confounded: they that depart from thee, shalbe written in the earth, because they haue forsaken the Lord, the fountaine of liuing waters.
14 上主,求你醫治我,我必能痊愈;你拯救我,我必能獲救,因為你是我的榮耀。
Heale me, O Lord, and I shall bee whole: saue me, and I shall bee saued: for thou art my prayse.
15 看,世人對我說:上主的話在哪裏﹖讓它來吧!
Behold, they say vnto me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come nowe.
16 我沒有強迫你加害,也沒有期望災禍的日子;你知道:凡出自我口的,都先向你面陳過。
But I haue not thrust in my selfe for a pastour after thee, neither haue I desired the day of miserie, thou knowest: that which came out of my lips, was right before thee.
17 請你不要成為我的恐怖,你原是我患難之日的避難所。
Be not terrible vnto mee: thou art mine hope in the day of aduersitie.
18 願迫害我的人蒙羞;而不是我驚慌;請你給他們招來災禍的日子,以雙倍的毀滅,消滅他們。
Let them bee confounded, that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be afraide, but let not me be afraide: bring vpon them the day of aduersitie, and destroy them with double destruction.
19 上主這樣對我說:「你去立在猶大出入的本雅明門前,立在耶路撒冷各門前,
Thus hath the Lord said vnto me, Goe and stande in the gate of the children of the people, whereby the Kings of Iudah come in, and by the which they goe out, and in all ye gates of Ierusalem,
20 向他們說:猶大的君王、全體猶大人和耶路撒冷居民,即由這門進來的,他們聆聽上主的話!
And say vnto them, Heare the word of the Lord, ye Kings of Iudah, and al Iudah, and all the inhabitants of Ierusale, that enter in by these gates.
21 上主這樣說:你們應該小心,不要在安息日擔運重載,進入耶路撒冷的城門。
Thus sayth the Lord, Take heede to your soules, and beare no burden in the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Ierusalem.
22 不要在安息日從你們的家裏擔運重載;不要做任何工作,卻要按照我給你們祖先所吩咐的,聖化安息日。
Neither cary foorth burdens out of your houses in the Sabbath day: neither doe yee any worke, but sanctifie the Sabbath, as I commanded your fathers.
23 他們不但不側耳傾聽,反而硬著頭頸,不願依從,不願受教。
But they obeied not, neither inclined their eares, but made their neckes stiffe and would not heare, nor receiue correction.
24 設若你們認真聽從我──上主的斷語──在安息日,不將重擔搬進這城門,卻聖化安息日,不做任何工作;
Neuerthelesse if ye will heare me, sayth the Lord, and beare no burden through the gates of the citie in the Sabbath day, but sanctifie ye Sabbath day, so that ye do no worke therein,
25 那麼,坐在達味實座上的君王和王侯,便會乘車騎馬,與自己的公卿、猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民,從這槷的門進來;這城必永遠有人居住;
Then shall the Kings and the princes enter in at the gates of this citie, and shall sit vpon the throne of Dauid, and shall ride vpon charets, and vpon horses, both they and their princes, the men of Iudah, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem: and this citie shall remaine for euer.
26 人們從猶大各城、耶路撒冷四週、本雅明地、平原、山地和南方前來,帶著全燔祭。犧牲、素祭和乳香,在上主的殿裏奉獻感恩祭。
And they shall come from the cities of Iudah, and from about Ierusalem, and from the land of Beniamin, and from the plaine, and from the mountaines, and from the South, which shall bring burnt offrings, and sacrifices, and meate offrings, and incense, and shall bring sacrifice of prayse into the house of the Lord.
27 但是,我不聖化安息日,反在安息日擔運重載,進入耶路撒冷的城門,我必在城門口放火,吞滅耶路撒冷的宮殿,決不熄滅。
But if ye will not heare me to sanctifie the Sabbath day, and not to beare a burden nor to go through the gates of Ierusalem in the Sabbath day, then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ierusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

< 耶利米書 17 >