< 以賽亞書 65 >

1 從未求問我的,我要讓他尋求我;從未尋找我的,我要讓他找到我;我對那從未稱呼我名的民族說:「看,我在這裏!我在這裏!」
I let myself be consulted by people who weren't even asking me questions; I let myself be found by people who weren't even looking for me. To a nation that wasn't even calling for me, I said, “I'm here, I'm here!”
2 我整天向悖逆的民族,即隨自己的思念走邪辟路的人,伸出我的手。
I spread out my hands all day long, pleading with a stubborn people who follow bad ways, doing whatever they choose.
3 這民族時常在我面前惹我發怒,在園中獻祭,在磚台上焚香;
These people are always making me angry, because they present sacrifices to idols in their sacred gardens, and offer incense on pagan altars made of brick.
4 他們住在墳墓內,宿在隱密處,吃豬肉,在他們的器皿中都是些不潔之物,
They spend the night among the graves and in caves, eating pork and cooking other unclean meats.
5 他們還對人說:「站遠點,別靠近我,怕我聖潔了你。」這些事真叫我鼻子冒煙,整日冒火。
They tell others, “Keep your distance! Don't come close to me as I'm too holy to be touched by you!” These people are like smoke in my nostrils, a stink burning all day long!
6 看哪!這一切已在我面前寫定;我決不緘默,我非報復不可。
Look—it's all written down right in front of me! I'm not going to keep quiet. I'm going to pay them back by throwing their punishment into their laps.
7 我要一起報復他們的罪惡和他們祖先的罪惡:上主說。因為他們在山上燒過香,在丘陵上褻謾過我,所以我要量好他們應得的報酬,報應到他們的懷中。
I'm going to pay you back for both your own sins and the sins of your forefathers, says the Lord, because they burned incense on the mountains and ridiculed me on the hills. I'm going to measure into their laps full payment for what they've done.
8 上主這樣說:「就如當人發現葡萄內尚有酒汁時,就說:不要破壞它,因為裏面還有祝福;我為了我的僕人也要這樣作,不將他們完全消滅。
This is what the Lord says: It's like when there's a bit of juice left in a bunch of grapes and people say, “Don't get rid of it all; there's still some good in it,” I'll do the same for my servants—I won't destroy them all.
9 我要使雅各伯生出苗裔,使猶大生出繼承我山的人;我的選民要以她為業,我的僕人要住在那裏。
I will make sure Jacob has descendants, and people from Judah who can take ownership of my mountain. My chosen ones, my servants, will own the land and live there.
10 為那尋求我的百姓,沙龍將成為羊群的牧場,阿苛爾山谷為那尋求我的百姓,要成為牛群的棲所。」「
Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a place for herds to rest, for my people who follow me.
11 至於你們這些離棄上主,忘記我的聖山,為加得神設宴,給默尼神注滿調和的酒的人,
But those of you who desert the Lord and forget about my holy mountain, who prepare feasts for the god of good luck, who fill jugs of mixed wine for the god of destiny,
12 我注定了你們歸於刀下,你們要屈身受戮;因為我喊叫你們,你們沒有回答;我說話,你們不肯聽,反而去行我視為惡的事,揀選我所不喜歡的事。」
I will make sure your destiny is to be killed by the sword. All of you will bow down to be slaughtered, because I called out to you but you didn't answer; I spoke to you, but you didn't listen. Instead you did what's evil in my sight, choosing to do what I hate.
13 因此吾主上主這樣說:「你們要看見我的僕人有得吃,你們卻要飢餓;你們看見我的僕人有得喝,你們卻要口渴;你們看見我的僕人喜樂,你們卻要哭泣;
So this is what the Lord says, My servants will eat, but you will go hungry. My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty. My servants will celebrate, but you will feel ashamed.
14 你們看見我的僕人因心中快樂而歡慶,你們卻要因心中憂苦而悲號,因喪氣而哀傷。
Listen! My servants will shout because they're so happy inside, but you will cry out in deepest pain, howling because your spirit is broken.
15 你們將留下你們的名給我的選民作咒詞:『吾主上主將如此叫你死!』但是我的僕人要有另一個名字作稱呼。」
Your name will only be used as a curse by my chosen ones, for the Lord God will kill you and give his servants another name.
16 所以那在地上為自己求福的,要向真實的天主求福;那在地上起誓的,要指著真實的天主起誓,因為先前的苦難都已忘記,從我的眼前隱匿了。
Whoever asks a blessing or takes an oath in the land will do so by the one true God, for I have forgotten the troubles of the past—I don't look on them anymore.
17 因為,看,我要創造新天新地,先前的不再被記憶,不再被關心。
Look! I'm going to create new heavens and a new earth. The former things won't be remembered—they won't cross anyone's mind!
18 人們都要因我所造的而永遠喜悅快樂;因為,看,我要造一座令人喜悅的耶路撒冷,一個令人歡樂的百姓。
Be glad, and be happy forever and ever in what I'm going to create, for I will make Jerusalem a delightful place, and its people a real joy.
19 我要因耶路撒冷而喜悅,因我的百姓而歡欣,其中再聽不到哭泣和哀號的聲音。
I will be so happy over Jerusalem; I will celebrate among my people. The sound of weeping and cries for help won't ever be heard there again.
20 那裏再沒有夭折的嬰兒和不滿壽數的老人;百歲死去的人算是青年,凡活不到百歲的人算是被詛咒的。
No babies will die after just a few days, and no adults will die without having lived a long life. Those who reach a hundred will be thought of as just a child, and anyone who doesn't reach a hundred will be seen as being under a curse.
21 他們要建築房舍,自居其中;種植葡萄,自食其果;
They will build houses and live in them; they will eat the fruit of the vineyards they themselves planted.
22 並不是他們建築而別人來住,他們種植而別人來吃,因為我百姓的壽數有如樹木的年數,我的選民要享用她自己的勞作。
No longer will they build houses for others to live in; no longer will they plant for others to eat. For my people will live as long as trees do; my chosen ones will live long enough to enjoy all they've worked for.
23 他們不再徒然勤勞,生子不再受驚,因為他們是上主祝福的苗裔,他們的子孫亦將如此。
They won't work for nothing, and they won't have children destined for disaster. For they are people living under the blessing of the Lord, and their children will be too.
24 那時,他們還未呼求,我已答應了;他們還在祈禱,我已俯允了。
I will reply even before they ask me. While they are still speaking, I will answer them!
25 豺狼和羔羊將要一齊牧放,獅子要如牛犢一般吃草,塵土將是大蛇的食物;在我的整個聖山上,再沒有誰作惡,也沒有誰害人:上主說。
The wolf and the lamb will eat together. The lion will eat straw like the ox. The snakes will eat dust. Nothing will cause any harm or damage anywhere on my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord in the same way that water fills the sea.

< 以賽亞書 65 >