< 以賽亞書 63 >
1 「那由厄東而來,身穿染紅了的衣服,那由波責辣而來,衣著華麗,力量強大,闊步前進的是誰啊﹖」「是宣佈正義,具有拯救大能的我。」「
Who is this that cometh from Edom? In scarlet garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, Proud in the greatness of his strength? I that proclaim deliverance, And am mighty to save.
2 你的服裝怎麼成了紅色,你的衣服好似一個踏酒醡的呢﹖」「
Wherefore is thine apparel red, And thy garments like those of one that treadeth the wine-vat?
3 因為唯獨我一人踐踏了酒醡,我的人民中沒有一個與我在一起。我在怒氣中踐踏了他們,我在怒火中蹂躪了他們,因此他們的血液濺到我的衣服上,我的服裝就完全染污了。
I have trodden the wine-vat alone, And of the nations there was none with me. And I trod them in mine anger, And I trampled them in my fury, So that their life-blood was sprinkled upon my garments. And I have stained all my apparel.
4 因為復仇的日子已在我心中,我施救的歲月已經來到。
For the day of vengeance was in my heart, And the year of my deliverance was come.
5 我四下觀看,但沒有人輔助;我驚愕四顧,但沒有人支持;因此惟有用我的手臂自行拯救,以我的怒氣來支持自己。
And I looked, and there was none to help, And I wondered, that there was none to uphold; Therefore my own arm wrought salvation for me, And my fury, it sustained me.
6 我在怒氣中踐踏了民眾,我在怒火中粉碎了他們,使他們的鮮血流倒地下。」
I trod down the nations in my anger; I crushed them in my fury, And spilled their blood upon the ground.
7 我要依照上主以他的大慈大悲賜與我們的一切,和對以色列家所賜的宏福,稱頌上主的慈惠和上主可讚頌的作為。
I will celebrate the mercy of Jehovah, the glory of Jehovah, According to all that he hath done for us; His great goodness to the house of Israel, Which he hath bestowed on it in his tender mercy, and his great kindness.
8 他曾說過:「他們的確是我的百姓,不行虛偽的子民;」因此他成了他們一切困難中的拯救者。
He said, Truly they are my people; Children that will not be false; So he was their deliverer.
9 並不是使者,也不是天使拯救他們,而是他自己。他以自己的愛情和憐憫贖回了他們;在往日,他時常扶持他們,懷抱他們。
In all their straits they had no distress; An angel of his presence saved them; In his love and compassion he redeemed them, He took them up and bore them all the days of old.
10 但是他們成了叛徒,刺傷了他的聖神;因此他變成了他們的敵人,親自攻擊他們。
But they rebelled, and grieved his holy spirit; Then did he change himself into their enemy; He himself fought against them.
11 那時,他們想起古來的日子,想起他的僕人梅瑟。那引領羊群的牧者出離海洋的在那裏呢﹖那曾在他心中賦與自己聖神的在那裏呢﹖
Then remembered his people the ancient days, the days of Moses, [[saying, ]] Where is he that brought them up from the sea with the shepherd of his flock? Where is he that put his holy spirit within him?
12 那在梅瑟右邊以其榮耀的手臂,在百姓前分開海水,使自己獲得永遠聲譽的在那裏呢﹖
That caused his glorious arm to accompany the right hand of Moses, That divided the water before them, To make to himself an everlasting name?
13 那領導他們走過深淵,有如馬行於曠野而不顛躓的在那裏呢﹖
That led them through the deep, As a horse through a desert, without stumbling?
14 上主的神怎樣領導走獸下到山谷,你也怎樣領導了你的百姓,好使你獲得一個光榮的名號。
As the herd descendeth into the valley, The spirit of Jehovah led them to rest. So didst thou lead thy people, To make for thyself a glorious name.
15 如今求你從天垂顧,從你光榮的聖所俯視!你的熱愛,你的大能和你的同情心在那裏呢﹖求你不要停止你的慈悲,
Look down from heaven, and behold from thy holy and glorious habitation! Where is thy zeal and thy might? Thy pity and compassion for me, are they restrained?
16 因為你是我們的父親;亞巴郎雖不認識我們,以色列雖不記得我們,你上主卻是我們的父親,「我們自古以來的救主」就是你的名。
Thou, surely, art our father; Abraham is ignorant of us, And Israel knoweth us not. Thou, O Jehovah, art our father; Our deliverer wast thou of old.
17 上主! 你為什麼讓我們離開你的道路﹖使我們的心變硬而不敬畏你﹖求你為了你的僕人,為了你產業的各支派,回心轉意罷!
Why, O Jehovah, dost thou suffer us to wander from thy ways, And harden our hearts against thy fear? Return, for thy servants' sake, The tribes of thine inheritance!
18 你為什麼讓惡人踐踏你的聖殿﹖為什麼讓我們的敵人蹂躪你的聖所﹖
But a little while did thy holy people possess the land; Then our enemies trampled upon thy sanctuary.
19 我們儼然成了一個從未受你治理,從未屬你名下的民族。啊!
It has been with us as if thou hadst never ruled over us, As if we had not been called by thy name.