< 以賽亞書 42 >
1 請看我扶持的僕人,我心靈喜愛的所選者!我在他身上傾注了我的神,叫他給萬民傳佈真道。
Lo, My servant, I take hold on him, My chosen one — My soul hath accepted, I have put My Spirit upon him, Judgment to nations he bringeth forth.
He doth not cry, nor lift up, Nor cause his voice to be heard, in the street.
3 破傷的蘆葦,他不折斷;將熄的燈心,他不吹滅;他將忠實地傳佈真道。
A bruised reed he breaketh not, And dim flax he quencheth not, To truth he bringeth forth judgment.
4 他不沮喪,也不失望,直到他在世上奠定了真道,因為海島都期待著他的教誨。
He doth not become weak nor bruised, Till he setteth judgment in the earth, And for his law isles wait with hope.
5 那創造且展布天空,舖張大地和佈置大地的產物,給世人賜予氣息,並給在地上行動的,賜與呼吸的天主上主這樣說:「
Thus said God, Jehovah, preparing The heavens, and stretching them out, Spreading out the earth and its productions, Giving breath to the people on it, And spirit to those walking in it.
6 我,上主,因仁義召叫了你,我必提攜你,保護你,立你作人民的盟約,萬民的光明,
I, Jehovah, did call thee in righteousness, And I lay hold on thy hand, and keep thee, And I give thee for a covenant of a people, And a light of nations.
7 為開啟盲人的眼目,從獄中領出被囚的人,從牢裏領出住在黑暗的人。
To open the eyes of the blind, To bring forth from prison the bound one, From the house of restraint those sitting in darkness.
8 我是上主,這是我的名字;我決不將我的光榮讓與另一位,決不將我應受的讚美歸於偶像。
I [am] Jehovah, this [is] My name, And Mine honour to another I give not, Nor My praise to graven images.
9 先前的事,看,已經成就;我再宣告新近的事,在事未發生之前,我先告訴你們。」
The former things, lo, have come, And new things I am declaring, Before they spring up I cause you to hear.
10 你們應向上主高唱新歌,稱述他的榮耀直到地極! 願海洋和其中一切,願島嶼和其上的居民讚美他!
Sing to Jehovah a new song, His praise from the end of the earth, Ye who are going down to the sea, and its fulness, Isles, and their inhabitants.
11 願曠野和那裏的城邑,刻達爾人所居住的村落歡呼!願色拉的居民高聲歌唱,從山頂上吶喊!
The wilderness and its cities do lift up [the voice], The villages Kedar doth inhabit, Sing do the inhabitants of Sela, From the top of mountains they cry.
12 願眾人都歸光榮於上主,在島嶼上稱述他的榮耀!
They ascribe to Jehovah honour, And His praise in the isles they declare.
13 上主出征有如勇士,激起怒火有如戰士;他要高喊呼叫,對自己的敵人顯出他的英勇。
Jehovah as a mighty one goeth forth. As a man of war He stirreth up zeal, He crieth, yea, He shrieketh, Against His enemies He showeth Himself mighty.
14 「我已緘默好久,安靜自抑;然而現今我要像待產的婦女,呼喊、呻吟和哀嘆。
I have kept silent from of old, I keep silent, I refrain myself, As a travailing woman I cry out, I desolate and swallow up together.
15 我要使大山丘陵乾透,使上邊的草木枯槁;我要使河流化為旱地,使池沼涸竭。
I make waste mountains and hills, And all their herbs I dry up, And I have made rivers become isles, And ponds I dry up.
16 我要領瞎子走他們不知道的路,帶他們行不認識的道;使黑暗在他們前化為光明,使崎嶇之途變為平坦;這些事我都要作,我決不放棄。
And I have caused the blind to go, In a way they have not known, In paths they have not known I cause them to tread, I make a dark place before them become light, And unlevelled places become a plain, These [are] the things I have done to them, And I have not forsaken them.
17 凡依賴偶像且向神像說:「你們是我的神」的人,必要敗退,蒙受奇辱。」
Removed backward — utterly ashamed, Are those trusting in a graven image, Those saying to a molten image, 'Ye [are] our gods.'
Ye deaf, hear; and ye blind, look to see.
19 除了我的僕人外,誰還那麼瞎呢﹖誰如同我派遣的人那麼聾呢﹖誰像與我立和約的人那樣瞎呢﹖誰似上主的僕人那樣聾呢﹖
Who [is] blind but My servant? And deaf as My messenger I send? Who [is] blind as he who is at peace, Yea, blind, as the servant of Jehovah?
20 他雖然看見了許多事,卻一無所覺;耳朵開著,卻沒有聽見。
Seeing many things, and thou observest not, Opening ears, and he heareth not.
21 上主為了自己的仁義,本來願意把法律發揚廣大,
Jehovah hath delight for the sake of His righteousness, He magnifieth law, and maketh honourable.
22 但這民族遭受了洗劫和搶掠,被束縛於桎梏之中,隱伏於監獄之內;他們成了搶掠之物,而無人搭救;受人劫奪,而無人敢說:「交出來!」
And this [is] a people seized and spoiled, Snared in holes — all of them, And in houses of restraint they were hidden, They have been for a prey, And there is no deliverer, A spoil, and none is saying, 'Restore.'
Who among you giveth ear [to] this? Attendeth, and heareth afterwards.
24 是誰把雅各伯交付給搶掠者﹖是誰將以色列交給了劫奪者﹖不是他們所得罪的,不肯行他的道路,不肯聽從他的法律的那位上主嗎﹖
Who hath given Jacob for a spoil, And Israel to the spoilers? Is it not Jehovah — He against whom we sinned? Yea, they have not been willing in His ways to walk, Nor have they hearkened to His law.
25 因此他在這民族身上發洩了自己的烈怒和戰火;火已在她四周燒起,她仍不理會,已燃燒著她,她仍未放在心上。
And He poureth on him fury, His anger, and the strength of battle, And it setteth him on fire round about, And he hath not known, And it burneth against him, and he layeth it not to heart!