< 以賽亞書 32 >

1 看哪!有個君王將秉義為王,王侯也將秉公執政。
Watch! A king is coming who does what's right when he rules, and those who rule under him will act fairly.
2 個個將如避風的處所,避雨的遮蓋,如荒漠中的水流,如旱乾地上巨石的蔭影。
Each one will be like a shelter from the wind, like a protection from the storm, like rivers of water in the dry desert, like the shade of a large rock in a sun-baked land.
3 看得見的眼睛不再矇矓,聽得見的耳朵必將傾聽。
Then everyone with eyes will be able to truly see, and everyone who has ears will be able to truly hear.
4 急躁人的心將會體味智識,口吃者的舌將會暢於言談。
Those whose minds are impulsive will be sensible and think things through; those who stammer will speak clearly.
5 愚昧的人不再叫作貴人,奸險的人必再稱為紳士,
No longer will fools be called respectable or crooks highly-regarded.
6 因為愚昧的人出言愚昧,心懷邪僻,肆意作惡,發表褻瀆上主的謬論,使飢者枵腹,使渴者絕飲。
For fools only talk foolishness, thinking evil things. They act in opposition to the Lord, misrepresenting him in what they say. They refuse to give food to the hungry and deny water to the thirsty.
7 奸險者的手段毒辣,只籌劃惡計,用誑言毀滅卑微的人,在窮人的案件上顛倒曲直;
Cheats use evil methods; they devise schemes to ruin the poor with lies, even when right is on the side of the poor.
8 但是貴人策劃高貴的事,他常以高貴行事。
But noble people act unselfishly; they keep to their principles of generosity.
9 圖安逸的婦女們,起來,請聽我的聲音!無憂的女子們,請傾聽我的言語!
Get up, you women who are lying around relaxing, and pay attention to what I'm saying! You ladies without a care in the world, listen to me!
10 稍過年餘,你們無憂的女子必受驚擾,因為葡萄沒有收穫,穀粒一無收成。
In just over a year, you who think yourselves so safe will tremble with fear. The grape harvest is going to fail and there'll be no harvest.
11 安逸的婦女們!你們必將顫抖;無憂的女子們!你們必受驚擾;你們脫光衣服,腰間纏上麻布罷!
Shudder, you women relaxing! Tremble, you ladies who feel so safe! Strip off your clothes, bare yourselves and put on sackcloth around your waists.
12 你們必要為了肥沃的田地,為了結實的葡萄園而搥胸,
Beat your breasts in sadness over the loss of your lovely fields, your productive vines,
13 為了我百姓生滿荊棘和蒺藜的土地,為了所有的娛樂家園,為了歡欣的城市而悲傷,
over the loss of the land of my people. Mourn because it's now overgrown with thorns and brambles, mourn because of the loss of all the happy homes and joyful towns.
14 因為宮闕已荒廢,喧擾的城市已荒涼,敖斐耳和巴罕永遠成了廢墟,成了野驢喜樂的地帶,成了羊群的牧場。
The palace is abandoned, the crowded town is deserted. Castles and watch towers will forever become homes loved by wild donkeys, and places where sheep graze,
15 及至神自上傾注在我們身上,荒野將變為田園,田園將變為叢林;
until the Spirit is poured out on us from above, and the desert becomes like a good field full of crops, and a good field will grow like a forest.
16 公平將居於荒野,正義將住在田園。
Then people living in the desert will practice justice, and those living among the fields will do what is right.
17 正義的功效是和平,公平的碩果是永恆的寧靜和安全。
Living right will bring peace and security that endures.
18 我的百姓將住安謐的寓所,安全的宅第,清靜憩息之所,
My people will live in peace, safe and secure in their homes.
19 縱然叢林全被摧毀,京城全被蕩平。
Even though hail can destroy a forest, and a town can be demolished,
20 你們播種於多水之濱;使牛驢任意走動的人,是有福的。
you will be happy as you sow your crops beside the waters and let your cattle and donkeys roam freely.

< 以賽亞書 32 >