< 以賽亞書 23 >
1 有關提洛的神諭:你們哀號罷!塔爾史士的船隻!因為你們的保壘已遭破壞。由基廷地歸來的,他們得到了這消息。
A declaration about Tyre: Howl, you ships of Tarshish; for there is neither home nor harbor; from the land of Cyprus it has been revealed to them.
Be silent, you inhabitants of the coast; the merchant of Sidon, who travels over the sea, has filled you.
3 在大水之上運來的,是史曷爾的穀物;尼羅河的收穫,是她的財富;她成了萬民的商場。
Upon the great waters was the grain of Shihor, the harvest of the Nile was her produce; and it became the commerce of the nations.
4 漆冬!羞慚罷!因為海說過:【即海中的保壘說過:】「我沒有分娩過,也沒有生產過;沒有撫養過青年,也沒有養育過處女。」
Be ashamed, Sidon; for the sea has spoken, the mighty one of the sea. He says, “I have not labored nor given birth, nor have I raised young men nor brought up young women.”
5 這風聲一傳到了埃及,大家都為了提洛的消息而戰慄。
When the report comes to Egypt, they will be grieved concerning Tyre.
6 你門過海到塔爾史士去罷!海濱的居民你們哀號罷!
Cross over to Tarshish; wail, you inhabitants of the coast.
7 這就是你們所誇耀的城嗎﹖她本起源於上古,她的雙腳曾將她帶至遠方寄居。
Has this happened to you, the joyful city, whose origin is from ancient times, whose feet carried her far away to foreign places to settle?
8 是誰策劃了這事,來反對加過冕的提洛﹖她得商賈本來都是王侯,商販本來都是地上的顯要。
Who has planned this against Tyre, the giver of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are the honored ones of the earth?
9 是萬軍的上主策劃了這事,為打擊她一切自矜的狂傲,侮辱地上所有的顯要。
Yahweh of hosts has planned it to dishonor her pride and all her glory, to shame all her honored ones of the earth.
Plow your land, as one plows the Nile, daughter of Tarshish. There is no longer a marketplace in Tyre.
11 上主的手已伸在海上,使萬國戰慄震驚;上主對客納罕已決定,要摧毀她的要塞。
Yahweh has reached out with his hand over the sea, and he has shaken the kingdoms; he has given a command concerning Phoenicia, to destroy the strongholds.
12 他說過:「漆冬女兒!遭虐待的處女,你不要再歡樂!起來,往基廷去!在那裏你也得不到安寧!」
He said, “You will not rejoice again, oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon; arise, pass over to Cyprus; but neither there you will have rest.”
13 看基廷的地域!【她已不成為民族,亞述已將她委棄予野獸;】人設立了高塔,毀壞了她的宮殿,使她成了一片廢 墟。
See the land of the Chaldeans. This people has ceased to be; the Assyrians have made it a wilderness for wild animals. They set up their siege towers; they demolished its palaces; they made it a heap of ruins.
14 塔爾史士的船隻! 你們哀號罷! 因為你們的保壘已遭破壞!
Howl, you ships of Tarshish; for your refuge has been destroyed.
15 到那天,提洛將被遺忘七十年之久,有如一位君王的歲月。過了七十年,提洛要像妓女歌曲中所唱的:「
In that day, Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, like the days of a king. After the end of seventy years there will happen in Tyre something like in the song of the prostitute.
16 被遺忘的妓女!拿琴遊城罷﹖巧彈多唱罷!好使人再記起你來!」
Take a harp, go about the city, you forgotten prostitute; play it well, sing many songs, so that you may be remembered.
17 過了七十年,上主要眷顧提洛,她要再接受纏頭,與地面世上各國交易。
It will come about that after seventy years, Yahweh will help Tyre, and she will start making money again by doing the work of a prostitute, and she will offer her services to all the kingdoms of the earth.
18 她的贏利和她的進項將祝聖與上主,必不再貯藏積蓄起來,因為她的贏利將歸於那些在上主面前度日的人,使他們吃得飽,穿得體面。
Her profits and earnings will be set apart to Yahweh. They will not be stored up or kept in the treasury, for her profits will be given to those who live in Yahweh's presence and will be used to supply them with abundant food and so they can have the best quality clothing.