< 以賽亞書 2 >
1 阿摩茲的兒子依撒意亞關於猶大和耶路撒冷所見的事情:
This is the message that [Yahweh showed me in a vision], concerning Jerusalem and [the rest of] Judea:
2 到末日,上主的聖殿山必要矗立在群山之上,超乎一切山岳,萬民都要向它湧來。
[I saw that] in the future, the hill on which Yahweh’s temple is built will be the most important place on the earth; it will be [as though it is] the highest mountain, [as though] it has been raised up above all other hills; and people from all over the world will come there.
3 將有許多民族前去,說:「來!我們攀登上主的聖山,往雅各伯天主的殿裏去!他必指示我們他的道路,教給我們循行他的途徑。因為法律將出自熙雍,上主的話將出自耶路撒冷。」
People from many people-groups will say [to each other], “Come, let’s go up to the hill, to the temple of Yahweh, to worship the God whom Jacob [worshiped]. [There] Yahweh will teach us what he [desires us to know], in order that our behavior will [please] him. His teaching will be given [to us] in Jerusalem, and [we will take] his message from Jerusalem [to other places/nations].
4 他將統治萬邦,治理眾民;致使眾人都把自己的刀劍鑄成鋤頭,將自己的槍矛製成鐮刀;民族與民族不再持刀相向,人也不再學習戰鬥。
Yahweh will listen to the disputes between nations and he will settle their arguments. [Then, instead of fighting against each other], they will hammer their swords into plow blades, and they will hammer their spears into pruning knives. [The armies of] nations will no longer fight against each other, and they will not [even] train men to fight in battles/wars.”
You Israeli people, let’s walk in the light [MET] that comes from Yahweh!
6 是的!上主拋棄了自己的百姓──雅各伯家族──因為他們充滿了術士和占卜者,有如培肋舍特人一樣,且與異民握手言歡。
[Yahweh, ] you have abandoned [us] your people who are descendants of Jacob, because everywhere your people practice the customs of people who live east [of Israel]. Your people also perform rituals to find out what will happen in the future, like the people in Philistia do. They make agreements/treaties with (pagans/people who do not know you).
7 他們的地域充滿了金銀,財寶不可估計;他們的地域充滿了馬匹,戰車不可勝數。
Israel is full of silver and gold; there are very many (treasures/valuable things) here. The land is full of war horses and war chariots.
8 遍地都是偶像,人人崇拜自己手做的東西,崇拜自己手指的造像。
[But] the land is [also] full of idols; the people worship things that they have made with their own hands.
So now they will be humbled and they will be caused to become disgraced— Yahweh, do not forgive them!
10 當上主起來震撼大地時,你要潛入巖穴,躲在土中,為逃避上主的威嚇和他顯赫的光輝。
All you people should crawl into [the caves in] the rock cliffs! You should hide [in pits/holes] in the ground because of being afraid of Yahweh and of his glorious and awesome power.
11 目空一切的人必被抑制,性情高傲的人必被屈服:那一日,唯有上主受尊崇。
Yahweh will cause you people to no longer be arrogant, and he will stop you from being proud. Only Yahweh will be praised/honored on that day.
12 因為萬軍的上主必有一日,要攻擊所有驕矜自誇和自高自大的人,並加以抑制。
The Commander of the armies of angels has chosen a day when [he will judge] those who are proud, every one of them [DOU], and he will humble them.
13 必要攻擊黎巴嫩的一切高大香柏樹和巴商的一切樟樹;
[He will get rid of all those who think they should be admired like] [MET] the tall cedar trees in Lebanon, and [like] all the great oak trees in the Bashan [region].
He will [get rid of all those who think they are as great as] [MET] all the high hills and even the high mountains.
He will [get rid of all those who think that they are] high towers and high strong walls [inside of or behind which they will be safe].
He will destroy all [those who are rich because they own] big ships that carry goods [to other countries] and [they own other] beautiful ships.
17 人的傲慢必被屈服,人的驕矜必被抑制:那一日唯有上主受尊崇。
He will cause people to no longer be arrogant and he will cause them to stop being proud. Only Yahweh will be praised/honored on that day.
All idols will (disappear/be destroyed).
19 當上主起來震撼大地時,你們應潛入巖洞,躲在土穴中,為逃避上主的威嚇和顯嚇的光輝。
When Yahweh comes to shake/terrify the people on the earth, they will run to hide in caves in rock cliffs and in holes/pits in the ground, because of being afraid of Yahweh and of his glorious and awesome power.
20 那一日,人必將為自己製造來崇拜的銀像和金像,拋給鼴鼠和蝙蝠,
On that day, people will get rid of all their gold and silver idols that they made to worship, and they will throw them to the bats and rats.
21 以便在上主起來震撼大地的時候,逃避上主的威嚇和他顯赫的光輝,而隱藏在磐石的孔洞裏和巖石的隙縫中。
Then they will crawl into caves and hide in the crags in the cliffs. [They will do that to escape from] the dreadful [punishments] that Yahweh will cause them to endure, from [what he will do because] he is glorious and awesome, when he comes to shake/terrify the people on the earth.
22 你們不要依恃人,因為他只有一口氣在鼻孔裏,他可算得什麼﹖
[So, ] do not trust that people [will save you], because people are [as powerless as] [MET] their own breath. People certainly cannot help you [RHQ]!