< 何西阿書 7 >

1 當我著手醫治以色列時,厄弗辣因的罪孽就顯露出來,撒馬利亞的惡也顯露出來,因為他們行了詭詐的事:竊賊潛入內室,而外遇強盜;
when I would heal Israel, then Ephrain’s guilt is revealed, and Samaria’s crimes are seen, how they practise fraud and the thief enters in, while outside bandits plunder.
2 但他們並不存心細想:我記住他們的一切惡行。現今他們的行為圍繞著他們,一一擺在我眼前。
But it never crosses their minds that I remember their wickedness. Now their misdeeds surround them, they are always before my face.
3 他們使君王喜歡,是出於惡意,使首領快樂,是出於詭詐。
Their wickedness amuses the king, and their lying gladdens the princes,
4 個個燃起了怒火,像一座火爐,伙夫暫停煽火,直到和好的麵團發酵。
since they are all of them adulterers. Their desire to do evil burns like an oven heated by the baker, so hot that he need not stir the fire, from the kneading of the dough, until it rises.
5 在他們君王的慶日上,當官長們酒勁發作,不能支持的時候,君王便和惡徒勾結起來。
On our king’s festival day, the princes are flushed with fever from wine. He stretched forth his hand with the contemptuous,
6 他們的心雖因陰謀而焦慮得像火爐一樣,但他們的怒火卻整夜停息;一到早晨,卻又如烈火復燃。
for like an oven their heart burns with treachery, all night their anger smoulders, in the morning it blazes into a flame of fire.
7 個個像火爐一樣,熾燃起來,吞噬了他們的官長;他們的君王都倒斃了,但沒有一個向我呼求。
All of them glow like an oven, they devour their rulers. All their kings have fallen. There is none among them who calls to me.
8 厄弗辣因想混雜在列邦之中,厄弗辣因成了一塊尚未翻過的烤餅。
Ephraim – he lets himself be mixed among the peoples, Ephraim – he has become a cake unturned.
9 外邦人耗盡了她的力量,她尚不自覺,頭上已佈滿了白髮,她還不知曉。
Strangers have devoured his strength, but he does not know it. His hair is sprinkled with grey, but he does not notice.
10 [雖然如此,以色列的驕傲仍呈現在自己面上,他們仍不歸依,仍不尋求上主,他們的天主]。
Israel’s arrogance testifies against them yet they do not return to the Lord their God, and in all this they do not seek him.
11 厄弗辣因像愚蠢無知的鴿子,一時求救埃及,一時又投奔亞述;
Ephraim is like a simple, silly dove: to Egypt they call, after Assyria they go,
12 可是不論他們往何處去,我要向他們撒開我的羅網,使他們像天上的飛鳥跌下:一聽到他們聚齊待飛,我便將他們捕捉。
wherever they turn I will spread my net over them, like birds of the sky I will bring them down, I will catch them when I hear them gathering.
13 他們有禍了! 因為他們遠離離了我;他們必遭受毀滅,因為他們背叛了我。我原想拯救他們,但他們卻對我撒謊,
Woe to them, for they have strayed from me! Destruction to them, for they have been untrue to me. Although it was I who redeemed them, they speak lies about me.
14 並沒有真心呼求我,只是在祭壇旁悲歎;為了五榖和新酒,仍自割己身,仍背叛我。
They have never cried to me with their hearts, but they are always wailing on their beds. They gather to beg for corn and new wine, but they turn away from me.
15 我雖然加強了他們的手臂,然而他們仍圖謀邪惡反抗我。
Although it was I who trained and strengthened their arms, concerning me they plan only evil.
16 他們歸向了虛無,變成了歪曲的弓;他們的首領因自己的狂言,必喪身刀下,且在埃及地為人恥笑。
They turn away from the Most High. They have become like a bow that swerves. Their princes will fall by the sword, because of the insolence of their tongues. The land of Egypt will mock them.

< 何西阿書 7 >