< 哈巴谷書 2 >

1 我要立在我的守望台上,置身於堡壘上窺探,看他對我說什麼,看他怎樣答覆我的怨訴。
I will stand on my watch-tower, And set myself on the bulwark, And watch to see what he will say to me, And what I shall answer to my expostulation.
2 上主回答我說:「你寫出這神視,清楚地刻在版上,使人能順利誦讀。
And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, That he may run that readeth it.
3 因為這神視有一定的時期,最後必要實現,決無欺詐;若遲廷了,你應等待;它必再來,決不誤期。
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, But it hasteneth to the end; it shall not deceive; If it tarry, wait for it; For it shall surely come; it shall not long delay.
4 看,心術不正的,必然消逝;人必因他們的信賴而生活。
Behold, the soul of him that is puffed up shall not be at ease; But the just shall live by his faithfulness.
5 的確,財物使人失信,使人驕傲,不能仗人安息;它張開自己像陰府的咽喉,又如不知饜足的死亡,聚集萬民,匯合列國,歸屬自己。 (Sheol h7585)
Behold, the man of wine is outrageous; The proud man remaineth not at rest; He enlargeth his desire as the grave; He is as death, and cannot be satisfied; He gathereth to himself all the nations, And collecteth to himself all the kingdoms. (Sheol h7585)
6 那時,這些人民豈不都吟諷刺詩,以隱語嘲弄他說:禍哉,那只顧聚歛他人財物的人,堆積抵押於自己家中,要到何時﹖
Shall not all of them utter a song against him, Yea, songs of reproach and derision concerning him? And say, Woe to him that heapeth up that which belongeth not to him! For how long a time? That ladeth himself with goods taken in pledge!
7 你的債豈不要忽然起來,追債者豈不要醒起,你必成為他們的掠物!
Shall not they suddenly rise up that will oppress thee, And awake, that will harass thee? Yea, thou shalt be their booty.
8 因為你搶掠過許多民族,各民族的遺也必要搶掠你;因為你流了人的血,使地域、城市和其中所有的居民遭受了摧殘。
Because thou hast plundered many kingdoms, All the residue of the nations shall plunder thee: For the blood of men, and for violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
9 禍哉! 那取重利,而給自家遭禍,並在高處設置高巢,想避免災禍的人!
Woe to him that procureth unjust gain for his house, That he may set his nest on high, That he may be delivered from the evil hand!
10 你消滅許多民族,正是為自家遭來羞恥,危害自己的性命,
Thou hast devised shame for thine house; By destroying many nations, thou hast brought ruin upon thyself.
11 因為石頭必由牆中呼喊,棟零樑必由屋脊應和。
For the stone from the wall crieth out, And the beam from the timber answereth it.
12 禍哉,那以血債建造城市,以邪惡建立城鎮的人!
Woe to him that buildeth a town by blood, And establisheth a city by iniquity!
13 這豈不要出於萬軍上主的意願:列國只為火而勤勞,萬民辛苦只是一場空﹖
Behold, it is determined by Jehovah of hosts, That nations shall labor for the fire, And kingdoms weary themselves for naught.
14 因為大地要充滿對上主光榮的知識,就如水充滿海洋。
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah, As the waters cover the sea.
15 禍哉,那以攙有毒物的給自己近人喝,使他酣醉,圖見他裸體的人!
Woe to him who giveth his neighbor drink; Who poureth out the strong wine, and maketh him drunken, That he may look upon his nakedness!
16 你必飽嘗恥辱,而毫無光榮。如今應該你喝,顯露你未割損之物。上主右手中的杯已輪到了你,恥辱要遮蓋你的光榮。
Thou shalt be filled with shame instead of glory; Drink thou also, and show thy foreskin! To thee shall come the cup in the right hand of Jehovah, And foul shame shall be upon thy glory.
17 你加於黎巴嫩的摧殘,必臨於你;你施於走獸的虐待,必使你恐懼,因為 你流了人的血,使地域、城市和其中所有居民遭受了摧殘。
For the violence done to Lebanon shall cover thee, And the destruction of the beasts which made them afraid, On account of the blood of men, and violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
18 彫像有何用處﹖竟使工匠彫刻它﹖鑄像,即撒謊之師,又有何用,竟值得製造它的人依賴它﹖他不要為自己製造了啞像﹖
What profiteth the graven image, When the maker hath graven it? Or the molten image, and the teacher of lies, That the artificer trusteth in his work, When he maketh dumb idols?
19 禍哉,那對木頭說:「醒來,」對石頭說:「起來」的人! 這樣的東西豈能施救﹖看,它只是塗了一層金銀,內卻毫無氣息。
Woe to him who saith to the wood, Awake! To the dumb stone, Arise! Will it teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, And there is no breath within it.
20 但上主卻住在自己的聖殿內,整個大地在衪面前都應肅靜。
But Jehovah is in his Holy temple; Be silent before him, all the earth!

< 哈巴谷書 2 >