< 創世記 49 >

1 雅各伯叫了他的兒子們來說:「你們聚在一起,我要將你們日後所遇到的事告訴你們。
Forsothe Jacob clepide hise sones, and seide to hem, Be ye gaderid that Y telle what thingis schulen come to you in the laste daies;
2 雅各伯的兒子! 你們集合靜聽,靜聽你們父親以色列的話:
be ye gaderid, `and here, ye sones of Jacob, here ye Israel youre fadir.
3 勒烏本,你是我的長子,我的力量,我壯年的首生;你過於暴燥,過於激烈,
Ruben, my firste gendrid sone, thou art my strengthe and the bigynnyng of my sorewe; thou ouytist to be the former in yiftis, the more in lordschip;
4 沸騰有如滾水。你不能佔據首位,因為你侵犯了你父親的床第,上去玷污了我的臥榻。
thou art sched out as watir; wexe thou not, for thou stiedist on the bed of thi fader, and defoulidist his bed.
5 西默盎和肋未實是一對兄弟;他們的刀劍是殘暴的武器。
Symeon and Leuy, britheren, fiytynge vessils of wickidnesse;
6 我的心靈決不加入他們的陰謀,我的心神決不參與他們的聚會;因為他們在盛怒下屠殺了人,任意割斷了牛的腿筋。
my soule come not in to the councel of hem, and my glorie be not in the congregacioun of hem; for in her woodnesse thei killiden a man, and in her wille thei myneden the wal;
7 他們的忿怒這樣激烈,他們的狂暴這樣凶狠,實可詛咒! 我要使他們分散在雅各伯內,使他們散居在以色列中。
curside be the woodnesse of hem, for it is obstynat, and the indignacioun of hem for it is hard; Y schal departe hem in Jacob, and I schal scatere hem in Israel.
8 猶大! 你將受你兄弟的讚揚;你的手必壓在你仇敵的頸上;你父親的兒子要向你俯首致敬。
Judas, thi britheren schulen preise thee, thin hondis schulen be in the nollis of thin enemyes; the sones of thi fadir schulen worschipe thee.
9 猶大是隻幼獅;我兒,你獵取食物後上來,屈身伏臥,有如雄獅,又如母獅,誰敢驚動﹖
`A whelp of lioun `is Judas; my sone thou stiedist to prey; thou restidist, and hast leyn as a lioun, and as a lionesse who schal reise hym?
10 權杖不離猶大,柄杖不離他腳間,直到那應得權杖者來到,萬民都要歸順他。
The septre schal not be takun awey fro Juda, and a duyk of his hipe, til he come that schal be sent, and he schal be abiding of hethene men;
11 他將自己的驢繫在葡萄樹上,將自己的驢駒拴在優美的葡萄樹上;在酒中洗自己的衣服,在葡萄汁中洗自己的外氅。
and he schal tye his colt at the vyner, and his femal asse at the vyne; A! my sone, he schal waische his stoole in wyn, and his mentil in the blood of grape;
12 他的雙眼因酒而發紅,他的牙齒因乳而變白。
hise iyen ben fairere than wyn, and hise teeth ben whittere than mylk.
13 則步隆將居於海濱,成為船隻停泊的口岸,與漆冬毗連。
Zabulon schal dwelle in the brenk of the see, and in the stondyng of schipis; and schal stretche til to Sydon.
14 依撒加爾是匹壯驢,臥在圈中;
Isachar, a strong asse,
15 他覺得安居美好,地方優雅;便屈肩負重,成為服役的奴隸。
liggynge bitwixe termes, seiy reste, that it was good and seiy the lond that it was best, and he vndirsettide his schuldre to bere, and he was maad seruynge to tributis.
16 丹將如以色列的一個支派,衛護自己的人民。
Dan schal deme his puple, as also another lynage in Israel.
17 丹必似路邊的長蟲,道旁的毒蛇,咬傷馬蹄,使騎士向後跌下。
Dan be maad a serpent in the weie, and cerastes in the path, and bite the feet of an hors, that the `stiere therof falle bacward; Lord,
18 上主! 我期待你的救援!
Y schal abide thin helthe.
19 加得要受襲擊者襲擊,但他要襲擊他們的後隊。
Gad schal be gird, and schal fiyte bifor hym, and he schal be gird bihynde.
20 阿協爾的食物肥美,將供給君王的佳餚。
Aser his breed schal be plenteuouse, and he schal yyue delicis to kyngis.
21 納斐塔里是隻被釋放的母鹿,發出悅耳的歌詠。
Neptalym schal be an hert sent out, and yyuynge spechis of fairenesse.
22 若瑟是一株茂盛的果樹,一株泉旁茂盛的果樹;枝條蔓延牆頭。
Joseph, a sone encreessynge, `a sone encresinge, and fair in biholdyng; douytris runnen aboute on the wal,
23 弓手令他苦惱,向他射擊,與他對敵;
but hise brithren wraththeden hym, and chidden, and thei hadden dartis, and hadden enuye to hym.
24 但他的弓仍舊有力,他的手臂依然靈活;這是因了雅各伯的大能者之手,因了以色列的牧者和磐石之名;
His bowe sat in the stronge, and the boondis of his armes, and hondis weren vnboundun bi the hond of the myyti of Jacob; of hym a scheepherd yede out, the stoon of Israel.
25 這是因為你父親的天主扶助了你,全能者天主,以天上高處的祝福,以地下深淵蘊藏的祝福,以哺乳和生育的祝福,祝福了你。
God of thi fadir schal be thin helpere, and Almyyti God schal blesse thee with blessyngis of heuene fro aboue, and with blessyngis of the see liggynge binethe, with blessyngis of tetis, and of wombe;
26 你父親的祝福,遠超過古山岳的祝福,永遠丘陵的願望;願這些祝福都降在若瑟頭上,降在他兄弟中被選者的額上。
the blessyngis of thi fadir ben coumfortid, the blessyngis of his fadris, til the desire of euerlastynge hillis cam; blessyngis ben maad in the heed of Joseph, and in the nol of Nazarei among his britheren.
27 本雅明是隻掠奪的豺狼:早上吞食獵物,晚上分贓。」
Beniamyn, a rauyschynge wolf, schal ete prey eerly, and in the euentid he schal departe spuylis.
28 以上是以色列十二支派,以及他們的父親對他們所說的話。他祝福了他們,以適合每人的祝福,祝福了他們。
Alle these weren in twelue kynredis of Israel; her fadir spak these thingys to hem, and blesside hem alle by propre blessyngis,
29 以後雅各伯又囑咐他們,對他們說:「我快要歸到我親族那裏去,你們應將我葬在赫特人厄斐龍田裏的山洞裏,與我的祖先在一起。
and comaundide hem, and seide, Y am gaderid to my puple, birie ye me with my fadris in the double denne, which is in the lond of Efron Ethei, ayens Manbre,
30 這山洞是在客納罕地,面對瑪默勒的瑪革培拉的田內;這塊田原是亞巴郎由赫特人厄斐龍買了來作為私有墳地,
in the lond of Canaan, which denne Abraham bouyte with the feeld of Efron Ethei, in to possessioun of sepulcre.
31 在那裏葬了亞巴郎和他的妻子撒辣,在那裏葬了依撒格和他的妻子黎貝加;我也在那裏葬了肋阿。
There thei birieden hym, and Sare his wijf, also Ysaac was biried there with Rebecca his wijf; there also Lia liggith biried.
32 這塊田地和其中的山洞是由赫特人買來的。」
33 雅各伯給他的兒子們立完遺囑以後,便將腳縮到床上,斷氣而死,歸到他親族那裏去了。
And whanne the comaundementis weren endid, bi whiche he tauyte the sones, he gaderide hise feet on the bed, and diede, and he was put to his puple.

< 創世記 49 >