< 創世記 41 >
1 過了兩年,法郎作了一夢,夢見自己站在尼羅河畔。
And it fortuned at. ij. yeres end that Pharao dreamed and thought that he stode by a ryuers syde and that there came out of the ryver
2 看見從尼羅河中上來了七隻母牛,色美體肥,在蘆葦中吃草。
.vij. goodly kyne and fatt fleshed and fedd in a medowe.
3 隨後,從尼羅河中,又上來了七隻色醜體瘦的母牛,站在尼羅河岸上靠近那些母牛身旁。
And him though that. vij. other kyne came vp after them out of the ryver euelfauored and leane fleshed and stode by the other vpon the brynke of the ryuer.
4 這些色醜體瘦的母牛,竟將那七隻色美體肥的母牛吞了下去;法郎便驚醒了。
And the evill favored and Ienefleshed kyne ate vp the. vij. welfauored and fatt kyne: and be awoke their with.
5 他又睡下,作了一個夢,夢見一根麥莖上,生出了七枝又肥又美的麥穗;
And he slepte agayne and dreamed the second tyme that. vij. eares of corne grewe apon one stalke rancke and goodly.
6 隨後,又發出了七枝又細弱,而又為東風吹焦了的麥穗。
And that. vij. thynne eares blasted with the wynde spronge vp after them:
7 這些細弱的麥穗竟將那七枝又肥又實的麥穗吞了下去。法郎驚醒了,原是一場夢。
and that the. vij. thynne eares deuowrerd the. vij. rancke and full eares. And than Pharao awaked: and se here is his dreame.
8 到了早晨,他心煩意亂,遂遣人將埃及所有的術士和賢士召來,給他們講述了自己的夢,卻沒有人能給法郎解釋。
When the mornynge came his sprete was troubled And he sent and casted for all the soythsayers of Egypte and all the wyse men there of and told them his dreame: but there was none of them that coude interpretate it vnto Pharao.
Than spake the chefe buttelar vnto Pharao saynge. I do remembre my fawte this daye.
10 有一次陛下對自己的臣僕發怒,將我和司廚長關在衛隊長府內的拘留所內。
Pharao was angrie with his servauntes and put in warde in the chefe marshals house both me and the chefe baker.
11 我和他在同一夜裏,各作了一夢,我們每人的夢都有它的意義。
And we dreamed both of vs in one nyght and ech mannes dreame of a sondrye interpretation.
12 在那裏有個希伯來少年人與我們在一起,他是衛隊長的僕人;當我們把夢告訴了他,他就給我們加以解釋,給每個人的夢都說明了它的意義。
And there was with vs a yonge man an Hebrue borne servaunte vnto the chefe marshall. And we told him and he declared oure dreames to vs acordynge to ether of oure dreames.
13 果然都照他給我們所解釋的應驗了:我恢復了原職,他卻被吊死了。」
And as he declared them vnto vs euen so it came to passe. I was restored to myne office agayne and he was hanged.
14 法郎於是遣人去召若瑟,人就快把他從地牢裏提出來;他剃了頭,刮了臉,換了衣服,來到法郎跟前。
Than Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preson. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment and went in to Pharao.
15 法郎對若瑟說:「我作了一夢,沒有人能夠解釋。我聽見人說,你聽了夢就能解釋。」
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.
16 若瑟回答法郎說:「這不是我所能的,只有天主能給陛下一個吉祥的解答。」
And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me.
Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: in my dreame me thought I stode by a ryvers syde and there came out of the ryver
18 看見從河中上來了七隻母牛,體肥色美,在蘆葦叢中吃草。
vij fatt fleshed ad well fauored kyne and fedd in the medowe.
19 隨後,又上來了七隻母牛,軟弱無力,色醜體瘦,那種醜陋,我在埃及全國從未見過。
And then. vij. other kyne came vp after them poore and very euell fauored ad leane fleshed: so that I neuer sawe their lyke in all the lande of Egipte in euell fauordnesse.
20 這些又瘦又醜的母牛,竟將先上來的那七隻肥母牛吞了下去。
And the. vij. leane and euell fauored kyne ate vpp the first. vij. fatt kyne
21 牠們吞下去之後,竟看不出來牠們吞了下去,因為牠們醜陋的樣子和先前一樣,我就驚醒了。
And when they had eaten them vp a man cowde not perceaue that they had eate them: for they were still as evyll fauored as they were at the begynnynge. And I awoke.
22 以後我又夢見在一根麥莖上,生出了七枝粗大美麗的麥穗。
And I sawe agayne in my dreame. vij. eares sprynge out of one stalk full and good
23 隨後,又發出了七枝枯萎細弱而又被東風吹焦了的麥穗。
and. vij. other eares wytherd thinne and blasted with wynde sprynge vp after them.
24 這些細弱的麥穗竟將那七枝美麗的麥穗吞了。我講給了術士們聽,但沒有人能給我解說。」
And the thynne eares deuowred the. vij. good cares. And I haue tolde it vnto the sothsayers but no man can tell me what it meaneth.
25 若瑟遂對法郎說:「陛下的夢只是一個。天主已將所要作的告訴陛下:
Then Ioseph sayde vnto Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And god doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to do.
26 七隻美好的母牛表示七年,七枝美好的麥穗也表示七年。這原是一個夢。
The vij. good kyne are. vij yeare: and the. vij. good eares are. vij. yere also and is but one dreame.
27 隨後上來的那七隻又瘦又弱的母牛,和那七枝空虛而又被東風吹焦了的麥穗,都表示將有七個荒年。
Lykewyse the. vij. thynne and euell fauored kyne that came out after them are. vij. yeares: and the. vij. emptie and blasted eares shalbe vij. yeares of hunger.
28 這即是我對陛下所說:天主已將他要作的顯示給陛下了。
This is that which I sayde vnto Pharao that God doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to doo.
Beholde there shall come. vij. yere of great plenteousnes through out all the lande of Egypte.
30 繼之而來的是七個荒年,那時人都忘記了埃及國曾有過豐收。當飢荒蹂躪此地時,
And there shall aryse after them vij. yeres of hunger. So that all the plenteousnes shalbe forgeten in the lande of Egipte. And the hunger shall consume the lande:
31 誰也覺不到此地曾有過豐收,因為相繼而來的飢荒實在太嚴重了。
so that the plenteousnes shall not be once asene in the land by reason of that hunger that shall come after for it shalbe exceading great
32 至於陛下的夢重複了兩次,是表示這事已由天主命定,天主就快要實行。
And as concernynge that the dreame was dubled vnto Pharao the second tyme it belokeneth that the thynge is certanly prepared of God ad that God will shortly brynge it to passe.
33 所以陛下現在應當尋找一個聰明,有智慧的人,派他管理埃及國。
Now therfore let Pharao provyde for a man of vnderstondynge and wysdome and sett him over the lande of Egipte.
34 陛下應設法在地方上派定督辦,在七個豐年內,徵收埃及國所出產的五分之一;
And let Pharao make officers ouer the lande and take vp the fyfte parte of the land of Egipte in the vij. plenteous yeres
35 使他們將未來豐年內的一切食糧,聚斂起來,將五穀都儲藏在陛下手下,貯在城內備作食糧,妥為保管。
and let them gather all the foode of these good yeres that come ad lay vp corne vnder the power of Pharo: that there may be foode in the cities
36 這些食糧應作為本地的存糧,以應付那在埃及國要出現的七個荒年,免得全國因飢荒而滅亡。
and there let them kepte it: that there may be foode in stoore in the lande agaynst the. vij. yeres of hunger which shall come in the lande of Egipte and that the lande perishe not thorow hunger.
And the saynge pleased Pharao ad all his seruauntes.
38 於是法郎對他的臣僕說:「像他這樣的人,有天主的神住在他內,我們豈能找著另一個﹖」
Than sayde Pharao vnto his seruavauntes: where shall we fynde soch a ma as this is that hath the sprete of God in him?
39 法郎遂對若瑟說:「天主既使你知道這一切,就再沒有像你這樣聰敏富有智慧的人了。
wherfore Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: for as moch as God hath shewed the all this there is no man of vnderstondyng nor of wysdome lyke vnto the
40 你要掌管我的朝廷,我的人民都要聽從你的號令;只在寶座上我比你大。」
Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house and acordinge to thy worde shall all my people obey: only in the kynges seate will I be aboue the.
41 法郎又對若瑟說:「看,我立你統治全埃及國。」
And he sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I haue sett the ouer all the lande of Egipte.
42 遂由自己手上取下打印的戒指,戴在若瑟手上,給他穿上細麻長袍,將金鏈戴在他的頸項上;
And he toke off his rynge from his fyngre and put it vpon Iosephs fingre and arayed him in raymet of bisse and put a golden cheyne aboute his necke
43 又使他坐在自己的第二部御車上,人們在他前面喊說:「跪下! 」法郎就這樣立他管理全埃及國。
and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.
44 法郎又對若瑟說:「我是法郎,沒有你的同意,全埃及國,任何人不得做任何事。」
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao without thi will shall no man lifte vp ether his hande or fote in all the lande of Egipte.
45 法郎給若瑟起名叫匝斐納特帕乃亞,又將翁城的司祭頗提斐辣的女兒阿斯納特給他為妻。若瑟便出去巡行埃及全國。
And be called Iosephs name Zaphnath Paenea. And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On. Than went Ioseph abrode in the lade of Egipte.
46 若瑟立於埃及王法郎前時,年三十歲。他由法郎面前出去巡行了埃及全國。
And he was. xxx. yere olde whe he stode before Pharao kynge of Egipte. And than Ioseph departed from Pharao and went thorow out all the lande of Egipte.
And in the. vij. pleteous yeres they made sheves and gathered
48 若瑟聚斂了埃及國七個豐年內所有的糧食,積蓄在城內;每城城郊田間所出的糧食,也都儲藏在本城內。
vp all the fode of the. vij. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egipte and put it in to the cities. And he put the food of the feldes that grewe rounde aboute euery cyte: euen in the same.
49 這樣若瑟聚斂了大量的五穀,多得有如海沙,無法計算,無法勝數。
And Ioseph layde vp corne in stoore lyke vnto the sande of the see in multitude out of mesure vntyll he left nombrynge: For it was with out nombre.
50 在荒年未來以前,若瑟已有了兩個兒子,是翁城的司祭頗提斐辣的女兒阿斯納特給他生的。
And vnto Ioseph were borne. ij. sonnes before the yeres of hunger came which Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On bare vnto him.
51 若瑟給長子起名叫默納協,說:「天主使我忘盡了我的一切困苦和我父的全家。
And he called the name of the first sonne Manasse for God (sayde he) hath made me forgett all my laboure and all my fathers husholde.
52 給次子起名叫厄弗辣因,說:「天主使我在我受苦的地方有了子息。」
The seconde called he Ephraim for God (sayde he) hath caused me to growe in the lande of my trouble.
And when the. vij. yeres plenteousnes that was in the lands of Egypte were ended
54 七個荒年隨著就來了,恰如若瑟所預言的;各地都發生了飢荒,唯獨全埃及國還有食糧。
than came the. vij. yeres of derth acordynge as Ioseph had sayde. And the derth was in all landes: but in the lade of Egipte was there yet foode.
55 及至埃及全國鬧飢荒時,人民便向法郎呼求糧食;法郎對埃及民眾說:「你們到若瑟那裏去,照他對你們所說的做。」
When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger than cried the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao sayde vnto all Egipte: goo vnto Ioseph and what he sayth to you that doo
56 當時飢荒彌漫天下,若瑟便開了國內所有的糧倉,將糧食賣給埃及人,因為埃及的飢荒很嚴重。
And when the derth was thorow out all the lande Ioseph opened all that was in the cities and solde vnto the Egiptias And hunger waxed fore in the land of Egipte.
57 天下的人都來到埃及,向若瑟購買食糧,因為天下各地都大鬧飢荒。
And all countrees came to Egipte to Ioseph for to bye corne: because that the hunger was so sore in all landes.