< 創世記 40 >
1 這些事以後,埃及王的司酒和司廚得罪了他們的主人埃及王。
And it came to pass after these things, that the chief cupbearer of the king of Egypt and the chief baker trespassed against their lord the king of Egypt.
And Pharao was angry with his two eunuchs, with his chief cupbearer, and with his chief baker.
3 將他們囚在衛隊長府內的拘留所內,若瑟被囚禁的地方。
And he put them in ward, into the prison, into the place whereinto Joseph had been led.
4 衛隊長將他們交給若瑟,若瑟就照管他們。他們在拘留所內過了一些時日,
And the chief keeper of the prison committed them to Joseph, and he stood by them; and they were [some] days in the prison.
5 那兩個被囚在獄裏的埃及王的司酒和司廚,在同一夜裏,各作了一夢;每人的夢都有它的意義。
And they both had a dream in one night; and the vision of the dream of the chief cupbearer and chief baker, who belonged to the king of Egypt, who were in the prison, was this.
Joseph went in to them in the morning, and saw them, and they had been troubled.
7 便問那與他同在自己主人府中監獄裏的法郎內臣說:「為什麼你們今天面帶憂色﹖」
And he asked the eunuchs of Pharao who were with him in the prison with his master, saying, Why is it that your countenances are sad today?
8 他們回答說:「我們各作了一夢,沒有人能夠解釋。」若瑟對他們說:「解夢不是天主的事嗎﹖請你們講給我聽! 」
And they said to him, We have seen a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said to them, Is not the interpretation of them through god? tell [them] than to me.
9 司酒長就將自己的夢講給若瑟聽,對他說:「我夢見在我前面有株葡萄樹。
And the chief cupbearer related his dream to Joseph, and said, In my dream a vine was before me.
10 樹上有三根枝子,剛發芽,就生出了花朵,花朵結了熟葡萄。
And in the vine [were] three stems; and it budding shot forth blossoms; the clusters of grapes were ripe.
11 我手拿著法郎的杯,將葡萄擠在法郎的杯中,將杯遞在法郎的手內。」
And the cup of Pharao was in my hand; and I took the bunch of grapes, and squeezed it into the cup, and gave the cup into Pharao's hand.
12 若瑟對他說:「這夢的意義就是:三根枝子是指的三天。
And Joseph said to him, This is the interpretation of it. The three stems are three days.
13 三天以內,法郎要高舉你,恢復你的職位:你仍將杯放在法郎的手中,像先前作他司酒時一樣;
Yet three days and Pharao shall remember your office, and he shall restore you to your place of chief cupbearer, and you shall give the cup of Pharao into his hand, according to your former high place, as you were wont to be cupbearer.
14 但是,當你得志時,請你記得我,望你對我施恩,為我告訴法郎,救我出離這監牢;
But remember me of yourself, when it shall be well with you, and you shall deal mercifully with me, and you shall make mention of me to Pharao, and you shall bring me forth out of this dungeon.
15 因為我不但是由希伯來人地被拐來的,而且在這裏我也沒有做過什麼使他們將我放在這地牢裏的事。」
For surely I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews, and here I have done nothing, but they have cast me into this pit.
16 司廚長見他解得吉祥,便對若瑟說:「我也作了一夢,夢見在我的頭上有三筐白餅。
And the chief baker saw that he interpreted aright; and he said to Joseph, I also saw a dream, and I thought I took up on my head three baskets of mealy food.
17 最上面的筐內,有為法郎預備的各種食物,有飛鳥來啄食我頭上筐裏的食物。」
And in the upper basket there was the work of the baker of every kind which Pharao eats; and the fowls of the air ate them out of the basket that was on my head.
18 若瑟回答說:「這夢的意義就是:三筐是指的三天。
And Joseph answered and said to him, This is the interpretation of it; The three baskets are three days.
19 三天以內,法郎要高舉你,將你懸在木架上,飛鳥要來啄食你的肉。」
Yet three days, and Pharao shall take away your head from off you, and shall hang you on a tree, and the birds of the sky shall eat your flesh from off you.
20 第三天,適逢法郎的生日,法郎為群臣擺設了盛宴,在群臣中將司酒長和司廚長提出來,
And it came to pass on the third day that it was Pharao's birth-day, and he made a banquet for all his servants, and he remembered the office of the cupbearer and the office of the baker in the midst of his servants.
And he restored the chief cupbearer to his office, and he gave the cup into Pharao's hand.
22 至於司廚長,卻被懸掛起來,正如若瑟對他們所解釋的。
And he hanged the chief baker, as Joseph, interpreted to them.
Yet did not the chief cupbearer remember Joseph, but forgot him.