< 創世記 4 >
1 亞當認識了自己的妻子厄娃,厄娃懷了孕,生了加音說:「我賴上主獲得了一個人。」
And Adam lay wyth Heua ys wyfe which conceaved and bare Cain and sayd: I haue goten a ma of the LORde.
2 以後她生了加音的弟弟亞伯爾;亞伯爾牧羊,加音耕田。
And she proceded forth and bare hys brother Abell: And Abell became a sheperde And Cain became a ploweman.
And it fortuned in processe of tyme that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde.
4 同時亞伯爾獻上自己羊群中最肥美而又是首生的羊;上主惠顧了亞伯爾和他的祭品,
And Abell he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his offeynge:
5 卻沒有惠顧加音和他的祭品;因此加音大怒,垂頭喪氣。
but vnto Cain and vnto his offrynge looked he not. And Cain was wroth exceadingly and loured.
6 上主對加音說:「你為什麼發怒﹖為什麼垂頭喪氣﹖
And the LORde sayd vnto Cain: why art thou angry and why loureste thou? Wotest thou not yf thou dost well thou shalt receave it?
7 你若做得好,豈不也可仰起頭來﹖你若做得不好,罪惡就伏在你門前,企圖對付你,但你應制服它。」
But and yf thou dost evell by and by thy synne lyeth open in the dore. Not withstondyng let it be subdued vnto the ad see thou rule it.
8 事後加音對他弟弟亞伯爾說:「我們到田間去! 」當他們在田間的時候,加音就襲擊了弟弟亞伯爾,將他殺死。
And Cain talked wyth Abell his brother. And as soone as they were in the feldes Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym
9 上主對加音說:「你弟弟亞伯爾在那裏﹖」他答說:「我不知道,難道我是看守我弟弟的人﹖」
And ye LORde sayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother? And he sayd: I can not tell am I my brothers keper?
10 上主說:「你作什麼事﹖聽! 你弟弟的血由地上向我喊冤。
And he sayd: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers bloud cryeth vnto me out of the erth.
11 你現在是地上所咒罵的人,地張開口由你手中接收了你弟弟的血,
And now cursed be thou as pertaynyng to the erth which opened hyr mouth to receaue thy brothers bloud of thyne hande.
12 從此你即使耕種,地也不會給你出產;你在地上要成個流離失所的人。」
For when thou tyllest the grounde she shall heceforth not geve hyr power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon the erth.
And Cain sayd vnto the LORde: my synne is greater then that it may be forgeven.
14 看你今天將我由這地面上驅逐,我該躲避你的面,在地上成了個流離失所的人;那麼凡遇見我的,必要殺我。」
Beholde thou castest me out thys day from of the face of the erth and fro thy syghte must I hyde my selfe ad I must be wandrynge and a vagabunde vpon the erth: Morover whosoever fyndeth me wyll kyll me,
15 上主對他說:「決不這樣,凡殺加音的人,一定要受七倍的罰。」上主遂給加音一個記號,以免遇見他的人擊殺他。
And the LORde sayd vnto hi Not so but whosoever sleyth Cain shalbe punyshed. vij. folde. And ye LORde put a marke vpo Cain that no ma yt founde hym shulde kyll hym.
16 加音就離開上主的面,住在伊甸東方的諾得地方。
And Cain went out fro the face of the LORde and dwelt in the lande Nod on the east syde of Eden.
17 加音認識了自己的妻子,她懷了孕,生了哈諾客。加音建築了一座城,即以他兒子的名字,給這城起名叫「哈諾客。」
And Cain laye wyth hys wyfe which conceaved and bare Henoch. And he was buyldinge a cyte and called the name of it after the name of hys sonne Henoch.
18 哈諾客生了依辣得;依辣得生了默胡雅耳;默胡雅耳生了默突沙耳;默突沙耳生了拉默客。
And Henoch begat Irad. And Irad begat Mahuiael. And Mahuiael begat Mathusael. And Mathusael begat Lamech.
19 拉默客娶了兩個妻子:一個名叫阿達,一個名叫漆拉。
And Lamech toke hym two wyves: the one was called Ada and the other Zilla.
20 阿達生了雅巴耳,他是住在帳幕內畜牧者的始組。
And Ada bare Iabal of whome came they that dwell in tentes ad possesse catell.
21 他的弟弟名叫猶巴耳,他是所有彈琴吹簫者的始祖。
And hys brothers name was Iubal: of hym came all that excercyse them selves on the harpe and on the organs
22 同時漆拉也生了突巴耳加音,他是製造各種銅鐵器具的匠人。突巴耳加音有個姊妹名叫納阿瑪拉。
And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain a worker in metall and a father of all that grave in brasse and yeron. And Tubalcains syster was called Naema.
23 默客對自己的妻子說:「阿達和漆拉傾聽我的聲音,拉默客的妻子,靜聆我的言語:因我受傷,殺了一成年;因我受損,殺了一青年;
Then sayd Lamech vnto hys wyves Ada ad Zilla: heare my voyce ye wyves of Lamech and herken vnto my wordes for I haue slayne a man and wounded my selfe and haue slayn a yongman and gotte my selfe strypes:
24 殺加音的受罰是七倍,殺拉默客的是七十七倍。」
For Cain shall be avenged sevenfolde: but Lamech seventie tymes sevenfolde.
25 亞當又認識了自己的妻子,她生了個兒子,給他起名叫舍特說:「天主又賜給了我一個兒子,代替加音殺了的亞伯爾。」
Adam also laye with hys wyfe yet agayne and she bare a sonne ad called hys name Seth For god (sayd she) hath geven me a nother sonne For Abell whom Cain slewe.
26 舍特也生了一個兒子,給他起名叫厄諾士。那時人才開始呼求上主的名。
And Seth begat a sonne and called hys name Enos. And in that tyme began men to call on the name of the LORde.