< 創世記 39 >

1 若瑟被人帶到埃及,有個埃及人普提法爾,是法郎的內臣兼衛隊長,從帶若瑟來的依市瑪耳人手裏買了他。
Now Ioseph was brought downe into Egypt: and Potiphar an Eunuche of Pharaohs (and his chiefe stewarde an Egyptian) bought him at the hande of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him thither.
2 上主與若瑟同在,他便事事順利,住在他埃及主人家裏。
And the Lord was with Ioseph, and he was a man that prospered and was in the house of his master the Egyptian.
3 他主人見上主與若瑟同在,又見上主使他手中所做的事,無不順利;
And his master sawe that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that hee did to prosper in his hande.
4 為此若瑟在他主人眼中得了寵,令他服事自己,託他管理自己的家務,將所有的一切,都交在他手中。
So Ioseph founde fauour in his sight, and serued him: and he made him ruler of his house, and put all that he had in his hand.
5 自從主人託他管理家務和所有一切以來,上主為若瑟的原故,祝福了這埃及人的家庭,他家內和田間所有的一切,都蒙受了上主的祝福。
And from that time that he had made him ruler ouer his house and ouer all that he had, the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Iosephs sake: and the blessing of the Lord was vpon all that he had in the house, and in the fielde.
6 普提法爾將自己所有的一切,都交在若瑟的手裏;只要有他在,除自己所吃的食物外,其餘一概不管。若瑟生來體態秀雅,容貌俊美。
Therefore he left all that he had in Iosephs hand, and tooke accompt of nothing, that was with him, saue onely of the bread, which he did eate. And Ioseph was a faire person, and well fauoured.
7 這些事以後,有一回,主人的妻子向若瑟以目傳情,並且說:「你與我同睡罷! 」
Nowe therefore after these thinges, his masters wife cast her eyes vpon Ioseph, and saide, Lye with me.
8 他立即拒絕,對主人的妻子說:「你看,有我在,家中的事,我主人什麼都不管;凡他所有的一切,都交在我手中。
But he refused and said to his masters wife, Beholde, my master knoweth not what he hath in the house with me, but hath committed all that he hath to mine hande.
9 在這一家內,他並不比我更有權勢,因為他沒有留下一樣不交給我;只有你除外,因為你是他的妻子。我怎能做這極惡的事,得罪天主呢﹖」
There is no man greater in this house then I: neither hath he kept any thing from me, but only thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickednes and so sinne against God?
10 她雖然天天這樣對若瑟說,若瑟總不聽從與她同睡,與她結合。
And albeit she spake to Ioseph day by day, yet he hearkened not vnto her, to lye with her, or to be in her company.
11 有這麼一天,若瑟走進屋內辦事,家人都沒有在屋裏,
Then on a certaine day Ioseph entred into the house, to doe his businesse: and there was no man of the houshold in the house:
12 她便抓住若瑟的衣服說:「與我同睡罷! 」若瑟把自己的外衣,捨在她手中,就跑到外面去了。
Therefore she caught him by his garmet, saying, Sleepe with me: but he left his garment in her hand and fled, and got him out.
13 她一見若瑟把自己的外衣捨在她手中,跑到外面去了。
Nowe when she sawe that he had left his garment in her hand, and was fled out,
14 就召喚她的家人來,對他們說:「你們看! 他給我們帶來的希伯來人竟敢調戲我啊! 他來到我這裏,要與我同睡,我就大聲呼喊。
She called vnto the men of her house, and tolde them, saying, Beholde, he hath brought in an Ebrewe vnto vs to mocke vs: who came in to me for to haue slept with me: but I cryed with a loude voyce.
15 他一聽見我高聲呼喊,把他的衣服捨在我身邊,就跑到外面去了。」
And when he heard that I lift vp my voice and cryed, he left his garment with me, and fled away, and got him out.
16 她便將若瑟的衣服留在身邊,等他的主人回家,
So she layde vp his garment by her, vntill her lord came home.
17 她又用同樣的話給他講述說:「你給我們帶來的那個希伯來僕人,竟到這裏來調戲我。
Then she tolde him according to these words, saying, The Ebrew seruat, which thou hast brought vnto vs, came in to me, to mocke me.
18 我一高聲呼喊,他就把他的衣服捨在我身邊,跑到外面去了。」
But assoone as I lift vp my voyce and cried, he left his garment with me, and fled out.
19 主人一聽見他妻子對他所說:「你的僕人如此如此對待我的話,」便大發憤怒。
Then when his master heard the wordes of his wife, which she tolde him, saying, After this maner did thy seruant to me, his anger was kindled.
20 若瑟的主人遂捉住若瑟放在監裏,即囚禁君王囚犯人的地方。他雖在那裏坐監,
And Iosephs master tooke him and put him in prison, in the place, where the kings prisoners lay bounde: and there he was in prison.
21 上主仍與他同在,對他施恩,使他在獄長眼中得寵;
But the Lord was with Ioseph, and shewed him mercie, and got him fauour in the sight of the master of the prison.
22 因此獄長將監中所有的囚犯都交在若瑟手中;凡獄中應辦的事,都由他辦理。
And the keeper of the prison committed to Iosephs hande all the prisoners that were in the prison, and whatsoeuer they did there, that did he.
23 凡交在若瑟手中的事,獄長一概不聞不問,因為上主與他同在,凡他所做的,上主無不使之順遂。
And the keeper of the prison looked vnto nothing that was vnder his hande, seeing that the Lord was with him: for whatsoeuer he did, the Lord made it to prosper.

< 創世記 39 >